Western American Diocese
Western American Diocese
Great Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Clergy of the Western American Diocese - 03/05/2025

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the annual Great-Lenten retreat for the diocese's clergy will be held at Holy Virgin Cathedral and the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco from March 17 to 19, 2025.

During the pastoral retreat, the clergy of the Diocese will have the opportunity for common prayer and confession. Contemporary pastoral issues will be discussed, and all will receive the Sacred Mysteries of Christ.

Great Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Clergy of the Western American Diocese - 03/05/2025

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the annual Great-Lenten retreat for the diocese's clergy will be held at Holy Virgin Cathedral and the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco from March 17 to 19, 2025.

During the pastoral retreat, the clergy of the Diocese will have the opportunity for common prayer and confession. Contemporary pastoral issues will be discussed, and all will receive the Sacred Mysteries of Christ.

2025 Registration Open for All Students - 02/11/2025

The 35th session of the Synodal School of Liturgical Music is scheduled for July 13 to 26 at Holy Dormition Convent “Novo-Diveevo” in Nanuet, New York. The coming session promises an immersion in courses in Typicon, choir conducting, voice, Church Slavonic, church music history, liturgical performance practice, music theory, and sight-singing.

Liturgical Practicum in February, 2025 - 01/29/2025

Thursday, February 13 – Monda,y February 17, 2024

Location: All Saints of North America Orthodox Church   Sun City, AZ

IN PERSON: $300     
(In-person limited to 30 spots)
(Online participants are limited to 100 spots)                                 

With the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill, a “Liturgical Practicum” will be convened from 13-17 February 2025 (President’s Day Weekend) in Phoenix, AZ. This is the inaugural practicum, with the intention, that it will become an annual event. 

The event is open to:

all potential candidates to ordination.
all readers and subdeacons who wish to increase their liturgical knowledge in both praxis and theory.
all deacons who wish to gain liturgical knowledge in praxis and academics.
all priests who have not had, or completed, an academic theological education.
all priests who wish to increase their liturgical knowledge.

Schedule of Parish Visits of the “Kursk-Root” Icon in the Western American Diocese January 28 through February 20, 2025 - 01/22/2025

News About the Fires in Los Angeles from the Local Russian Orthodox Community - 01/14/2025

We, in the Los Angeles area, are suffering the greatest devastation in our history, with thousands of homes destroyed and countless people "unhomed." We ask for your prayers to the Lord and to the Most Holy Mother of God in this time of sorrow...

Statement from Metropolitan Nicholas First Hierarch of the Russia Church Outside of Russia - 01/14/2025

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America calls upon the clergy and faithful of the Diocese to take note of a Statement issued by our First Hierarch Metropolitan Nicholas concerning the Church's relation to personal opinion or political affiliation. 

Archbishop Kyrill Issues an Appeal to Pray for and Aid Victims of the Fires in Southern California - 01/11/2025

Many of us are aware of the devastating fires that have struck the Los Angeles area and Southern California this week. Tens of thousands of acres burned; cities and neighborhoods leveled; lives lost and miles of decimation.  It is in these moments that Orthodox Christians need to demonstrate the spiritual fortitude given to them, by the Grace of God, to help all those in need.

First, I call upon the flock of the Western American Diocese to pray for an end to the suffering caused by the horrible infernos.  “It is vital to continue in prayer for as long as we can, so that His invincible strength may penetrate and enable us to resist every destructive influence” - St. Sophrony of Essex. 

Christmas Message by His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia - 01/10/2025

Your Graces the archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters,

Offering praise to God glorified in the Trinity and sharing with all of you the joy of this feast, I convey to you, the Orthodox children of our Church living in Russia and other countries of the Moscow Patriarchate’s pastoral responsibility, my heartfelt greetings on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, which is the celebration of the Maker’s incarnate love for His creation, the fulfillment of the promise of the Son of God’s coming into the world and the hope for salvation and life eternal.

A great and most glorious wonder is wrought today: A Virgin giveth birth, yet her womb suffereth no corruption! The Word is incarnate, yet is not separated from the Father! Angels give glory in company with shepherds; and with them we cry out: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men! (Sticheron of the Feast). With these words the Church bears witness to the mysterious event which occurred more than two thousand years ago in the cave in Bethlehem and altered the entire further course of world history. It is with a sense of amazement and awe that we incline the knees of our hearts before this mystery of the Divine plan for salvation, incomprehensible to human mind. It is with gratitude that we accept this sacrificial gift of the Maker and Provider, for it pleased Him to do so for our sake, and confess His grace, proclaim His mercy, conceal not His gracious deeds (cf.: the Great Blessing of Water).

Archbishop Kyrill Issues an Appeal to Pray for and Aid Victims of the Fires in Southern California - 01/10/2025

Many of us are aware of the devastating fires that have struck the Los Angeles area and Southern California this week. Tens of thousands of acres burned; cities and neighborhoods leveled; lives lost and miles of decimation.  It is in these moments that Orthodox Christians need to demonstrate the spiritual fortitude given to them, by the Grace of God, to help all those in need.

First, I call upon the flock of the Western American Diocese to pray for an end to the suffering caused by the horrible infernos.  “It is vital to continue in prayer for as long as we can, so that His invincible strength may penetrate and enable us to resist every destructive influence” - St. Sophrony of Essex. 

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 01/06/2025

Eminent brother-archpastors, reverend fathers,
Beloved brothers, sisters, and children in the Lord!

With a feeling of rejoicing in the Newborn Christ, I greet my brother-archpastors, reverend fathers, monastics, and all the faithful children of the Russian Church Abroad with the feast of Christ’s Nativity, salvific for the world, the Theophany, and the New Year 2025, fervently wishing everyone all-strengthening joy in the Son of God’s coming into the world.

Nativity Greeting of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/06/2025

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill toward men. (Luke 2:14)


Your Graces, Reverend-Fathers and beloved in Christ!

Nativity Greeting of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/05/2025

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill toward men. (Luke 2:14)


Your Graces, Reverend-Fathers and beloved in Christ!

His Grace Bishop Theodosy Pays a Pastoral Visit to St. Andrew's Orthodox Church in Carson City, NV - 12/30/2024

St. Andrew’s parish celebrated its Feast Day on 12/29, after inclement weather prevented His Grace Bishop Theodosy from traveling to Carson City, NV, two weeks ago.

During the celebration, two men were tonsured as Orthodox Readers, strengthening the growing parish.

New York: Alexander N. Olhovsky reposed in the Lord - 12/29/2024

On Tuesday, December 17, the feast of Holy Great Martyr Barbara and the 50th birthday of His Eminence Nicholas, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, the First Hierarch’s father, Alexander N. Olhovsky, reposed in the Lord.

His Eminence learned of the repose of his father while at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, as he was preparing to celebrate Divine Liturgy. By God’s grace, the First Hierarch was the first to commemorate his late father during the Proskomedia.

Memory Eternal and the Kingdom of Heaven to the servant of God Alexander, and Many Years to Metropolitan Nicholas!

Between the Two Megapolises - 12/28/2024

On December 4/17, the Russian Orthodox parish of Holy Greatmartyr Barbara in Orange County celebrated its patronal feast day. Founded in 2006 on the slopes of Southern California’s former “Orange Empire”, the mission is the only Russian Orthodox parish between Los Angeles and San Diego. It was organized by a parishioner from L.A. Natalia Hayes and her American husband had set up a chapel in their own home and named it in honor of their daughter Varvara’s patron saint.

The Feast Day of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA - 12/27/2024

The Feast Day of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle was marked on December 18-19. The celebration was led by His Grace Theodosy, Bishop of Seattle, together with Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, Dean of the Holy Virgin “Joy of All Who Sorrow” Cathedral in San Francisco, St. Nicholas Cathedral clergy – Priest Pavel Volkov and Deacons Rostislav Kroshko and Alexei McDougall; the rector of St. Innocent Church in Silverdale (WA), Priest Stephen Clark; the rector of St. Gabriel the Archangel Church in Stanwood (WA), Priest Theodore Obrastoff; the rector of St. Thomas the Apostle Antiochian Church in Snohomish County (WA), Priest David Sommer and a host of subdeacons and acolytes. The cathedral choir capably and beautifully sang responses under the direction of Gregory Kotar. Archpriest Alexei Kotar, St. Nicholas Cathedral Dean, is seriously ill and took part in the services as much as his health permitted.

The Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God Visits the Western American Diocese - 12/20/2024

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, just before the All-night Vigil at Holy Virgin Cathedral His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America, the clergy and faithful greeted the Directress of the Russian Diaspora, the Wonderworking “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, who came to the San Francisco Deanery on Her way to Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA, for the latter’s Patronal Feast Day.

On the morning of December 14 – the day of commemoration of the Holy Prophet of God Nahum and Saint Philaret the Merciful, – His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle presided at the Divine Liturgy along with clergy of the diocese and the staff and pupils of the Saint Cyril and Methodius Gymnasia at Holy Virgin Cathedral.

On Sunday, December 15, the 25th Sunday after Pentecost, the holy icon was present at both the early and later Divine Liturgies. His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill presided at the second Liturgy with clergy of the cathedral. The bishop’s choir sang under the direction of the choir conductor Vladimir Krassovsky

On Monday, December 16, the Directress of the Russian Diaspora was present during a regularly scheduled Meeting of the Diocesan Council of the Western American Diocese,...

Celebration of the Patronal Feast Day at Saint Catherine of Sinai Monastery - 12/20/2024

On Saturday, December 7, 2024, the Saint Catherine of Sinai Monastery in Sonora, California, joyfully celebrated its annual Patronal Feast Day.

This wonderful day started with the clergy and faithful gathering in the monastery church for the "Lesser Blessing of the Waters," and to the gladness of all present, holy water was sprinkled throughout the Church and on all smiling faces. The Hours and Divine Liturgy proceeded, as the church with its prayerful icons and beautifully decorated interior including red poinsettias, welcomed the faithful who came to be a part of the solemn and prayerful services. 

The concelebrating clergy at the liturgy were Archpriest Paul Volmensky, Rector of Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church of Sacramento, Archpriest James Steele, Rector of Saint Elias Orthodox Church in Diamond Springs, and Priest Marko Bojovic, Rector of Saint Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Church in Jackson. Deacon Seraphim Torruella assisted throughout.

The monastery asked a gifted choir to chant for this splendid feast day consisting of Nicholas and Nathaniel Baba, and Micheal Habtezian, who chanted in the Byzantine style. There were about 60 or more pilgrims present who traveled from various regions, including the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys, and as far as Los Angeles and Oregon. 

The 40th Day from the Repose of Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America - 12/17/2024

December 17, 2024, was the 40th Day of His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago's repose. Commemorations were served in the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America and in our Diocese of San Francisco and Western America, where Archbishop Peter was raised. And where he was also spiritually directed by Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker. 

Advent epistle from Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York - 12/17/2024

Beloved in the Lord fathers, brothers, and sisters!

I greet you with the first days of the Nativity Fast, which prepares us to celebrate the Incarnation of the living God, Who became a living Man!

The fast is a time of intensified prayer and repentance, reading of spiritually profitable literature and doing of good works, when we especially focus our attention on our spiritual lives, on our relationships with God and our neighbors, preparing to celebrate the events of Sacred history.

The goal of this current fast gives it its name: it is not merely a preparation to hold a festal commemoration of an historical event 2,000 years past, but is our real entry into the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God. It is a preparation for the most intimate convergence with Christ, worshipping His manger, and glorifying His manifestation in this world. And in order to accomplish this, man must prepare his heart, or else the mystery of Christ’s Nativity may pass him by without touching his soul. On this path, we encounter the feasts of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, when for the first time this year we will hear the triumphal Nativity hymns, and of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign," the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora. We will also prayerfully mark the feast days of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called; the Holy Hierarchs Nicholas the Wonderworker and Spyridon of Tremithus; Venerable John Damascene, Sabbas the Sanctified, and Herman of Alaska; Great-Martyrs Catherine and Barbara; the Holy Forefathers and other saints, who accompany us, as it were, to Bethlehem.

Support St. John's Academy: Preserve Faith & Education - 12/17/2024

For three decades, St. John’s Academy in San Francisco - the first K-12 Orthodox Christian school in the United States - has cultivated generations of successful students in not only academic excellence but also a deep sense of faith and purpose.

Founded and housed in the same cathedral where the relics of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco have been uncovered, St. John’s Academy has been a beacon of faith, hope, and love in the Bay Area. As this premier Orthodox Christian school celebrates its 30th anniversary, it faces an unprecedented challenge: the rising costs of living and operating in San Francisco, coupled with post-COVID demographic shifts in the Bay Area...

The "Kursk-Root" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will visit Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco - 12/10/2024

The great, holy and ancient (XIII century) Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, the Protectress and Guide of the Russian diaspora, will be coming through San Francisco on its way to Seattle. The greeting of the Icon is scheduled for Saturday, December 14, at 5:00 pm. The miraculous Icon will be at Holy Virgin Cathedral the whole Saturday evening Vigil, as well as at both Sunday Liturgies on December 15.

The Last Session of the Synod of Bishops This Year Opens - 12/10/2024

On Friday, December 6, 2024, the feast day of the Holy Righteous Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky and St Mitrophan of Voronezh, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, presided over the beginning of the last session of the Synod of Bishops of the year. Taking part in this meeting are His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany; His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America; His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada; His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe; His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle and His Grace Bishop Job of Stuttgart.

The archpastors prayed at Divine Liturgy celebrated by Archpriest Andrei Sommer, Dean of the Synodal Cathedral, in St Sergius of Radonezh Chapel in the presence of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign."

The Synod meeting opened with the singing of "O Heavenly King," after which the President of the Synod of Bishops addressed the archpastors with introductory remarks. His Eminence spoke about the repose, funeral, and burial of the newly-departed Archbishop Peter (Loukianoff) of Chicago and Mid-America, who reposed in the Lord on Friday, November 8, the feast day of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. The bishops sang "Eternal Memory" to their late brother archpastor.

Then, approving the agenda proposed by the secretariat, the members of the Synod of Bishops began their work.

Fundraiser: Stained Glass and Iconography for St. John's Chapel in Seattle - 12/05/2024

His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle, Archpriest Alex Kotar and all the clergy, the members of the Church Parish Council, and parishioners of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox in Seattle, WA, are adorning the chapel that has been constructed in the room where our beloved Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco reposed in the Lord on July 2nd, 1966. See the flyer below. The parish is collecting $45,000 for a large stained glass window in the High Place behind the Holy Table and iconography on the walls and ceiling. Please support this worthy project!

Liturgy and Christmas Bazaar at the Russian River, Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 12/03/2024


With the blessing of His Beatitude Sawa, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland (Polish Orthodox Church), Metropolitan John of Dubna (Archbishop of Western European parishes of the Russian tradition), Archbishop Kirill of San Francisco and Western America (Russian Orthodox Church Abroad), Archbishop Jakub of Byelostok (Polish Orthodox Church), and Bishop Andrew of Austria and Switzerland (Serbian Orthodox Church) the travel reliquary and liturgical belt of our father among the saints, John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, and the new movie about him, were brought from California to Western Europe.

From November 9-17 this year St. John not only spiritually, but also bodily, in his relics, visited Poland, Switzerland and France.

An Educational Seminar: "Rivers of Living Water: A Christian Perspective on Environmental Challenges" - 11/27/2024

On November 17th, Holy Virgin Cathedral hosted an educational seminar, organized by Priest George Kaplanov, entitled: Rivers of Living Water: A Christian Perspective on Environmental Challenges. 

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America and a group of participants interested in this vital theme were in attendance. The key-note speakers were Priest Elijah Wu (Drake) and Frederick W. Krueger.

Frederick W. Krueger, the executive director for the Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration (OFT), gave a talk entitled, The Earth is the Lord’s: The Christian Teaching on Taking Good Care of God’s Creation.

Parish Feast Day at St. John of Kronstadt Church in San Diego - 11/15/2024

This year, the Russian Orthodox Parish of St. John of Kronstadt (+1908) in San Diego (ROCOR) celebrates its 55th anniversary, as well as the 60th anniversary of the canonization and the 195th anniversary of the birth of its spiritual patron and the second most revered Russian Saint. The parish was founded in 1967 in the home of priest Michael Lightfoot, and the church was consecrated in 1969, just 5 years after the Canonization of this Saint by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.

Surprisingly, this is one of the first churches in honor of the great shepherd of Kronstadt worldwide since his glorification was allowed in Russia only in 1990, after the fall of the Soviet Union. In 2009, the church was expanded and took on its current appearance.

A Divine Liturgy was Performed in Yosemite Valley - 11/13/2024

On Saturday, November 9, an event of historic significance took place in Yosemite National Park as the first recorded Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the iconic chapel within the valley.

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, Priest Yuri Fokin, a cleric of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, presided over the Divine Service assisted by Deacon Seraphim Torruella of Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento. They were joined by approximately 30 faithful from various Orthodox jurisdictions across the region. The Divine Liturgy chanted in English, created a rare and profound moment, introducing perhaps many visiting tourists from around the world who happened to enter the chapel to the beauty and sanctity of Orthodox worship in such an awe-inspiring natural setting.

Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, Celebrates Its Feast Day, Novmeber 6th, 2024 - 11/09/2024

On November 5, 2024, the eve of the patronal feast of the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, an all-night vigil was served. The service was presided over by His Eminence Kirill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America. Concelebrating with him His Grace Theodosy, Bishop of Seattle, and His Grace James, Bishop of Sonora, as well as a host of clergy of the Diocese.

The hymns of vigil were performed by the cathedral choir under the direction of Vladimir Krasovsky and by clergy of the Diocese who sang on kliros.

On November 6, 2024, on the day of the memory of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" and the patronal feast of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, a solemn liturgy was served. The service was led by His Eminence Kirill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, and concelebrated by His Grace Theodosy, Bishop of Seattle, and a host of clergy of the Diocese.

Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America Reposes in the Lord - 11/08/2024

With the saints, give rest, O Christ, to the soul of Thy servant!

Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America, member of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad, has reposed in the Lord.

We express our condolences to all his relatives and to all who knew the bishop during his life.

A memorial service will be held at the Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in San Francisco today, November 8, at 7:30.

Archbishop Peter was born in this city and was tonsured a reader by Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.

We call upon all clergy and laity to pray for the repose of the newly departed Archbishop Peter!

May the Lord number his soul with the righteous, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but Life everlasting!

+ Archbishop Kirill
+ Bishop Theodosy
+ Bishop James

The Fall Pastoral Retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese, 2024 - 11/02/2024

The Fall Pastoral Retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was held on October 21-23 at St. George the Great Martyr Church in Salt Lake City (Utah).

The working sessions of the meeting were presided over by the second Vicar of the Western American Diocese, His Grace Bishop James of Sonora. The retreat keynote speaker this year was Archpriest Seraphim Holland, clergyman of the Chicago Diocese, Rector of St. Nicholas Church in McKinney, Texas. His topics were: “Orthodox Identity,” and ”Prison Ministry.”

Eastern Orthodox Liturgy in Yosemite Valley Saturday, November 9 - 11/01/2024

31st Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 11/01/2024

From October 2 to 6, 2024, at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral (ROCOR) in Los Angeles, the 31st annual Church Musicians’ Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church was held very successfully and with great excitement. Musicians’ Conferences in America, held since 1987, were established to provide church choir members with the opportunity to meet and communicate with each other, sharing experiences and strengthening their knowledge of both the practical and theoretical aspects of liturgical singing and choir work.

Guests numbering over 65 singers and choir directors from different regions of the United States and Canada were accommodated at the Sheraton Hotel near the LAX airport, where the first three days of meetings were held. The convention was opened with a prayer service and a greeting from Archpriest Andre Papkov, chairman of the Church Music Commission at the Synod of Bishops and founder/director of the Synodal School of Liturgical Music of the Russian Church Abroad. This year's honorary guests and speakers were:

XVIII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Jackson, CA, from December 26-30, 2024 - 10/02/2024

The XVIII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference will be held this year at St. Sava’s Camp in Jackson, CA. Arrival is December 26 (arrival airport/train station is Sacramento) with departure on December 30. The conference will include an edifying lecture, discussions with clergy, liturgical workshops, a hierarchal liturgy, and social interaction in the beautiful outdoors.

A highlight of the conference will be a tour of St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church where the honorable relics of Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson repose.

Registration is $250 before December 1. After December 1, if there are spaces left, there is a $25 late registration fee.

More Information & Registration HERE.

St Herman’s West 2024 Schedule will come later.

Restore the Glory of the Home Where St. John's Relics Rest - 08/27/2024

Archbishop Kyrill Presides over Patronal Feast and Performs Two Ordinations at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral - 08/27/2024

On Monday, August 6/19, 2024, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the patronal feast day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, as well as two ordinations.

After the Great Entrance, Deacon Joseph MacPherson was ordained priest.  After the consecration of the Holy Gifts, Subdeacon Patrick Gill was ordained deacon. Both men are assigned to All Saints of North America Orthodox Church in Phoenix, AZ, the parish that they have served for many years.

After the communion of the faithful, His Eminence led a throng of the faithful in procession around the cathedral at which time he performed the Rite of Blessing the First Fruits.

A festal meal followed in the church hall, bursting with parishioners.

Many years to the Father Rector, Protopresbyster Alexander Lebedeff, Archpriest Janis Terauds, and all of the clergy and faithful of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, and the newly ordained Priest Joseph MacPherson, and Deacon Patrick Gill!

Announcing the 31st Annual Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, Los Angeles, October 4-8, 2024 - 08/27/2024

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the 31st Annual Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference will be hosted in Los Angeles at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral from October 2-6, 2024. The theme of the conference: "The Future of Church Singing: Paths to Performance." Lectures, master classes, and rehearsals will be held in the Cathedral.

Among the guests are Archpriest John Drobot and Protodeacon Alexander Kedrov (Paris). The conference will close with a Divine Liturgy presided by a hierarch.

You can get detailed information and register here.

The Trampling of the World's Constitutional Laws Led to the Prohibition of the Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church - 08/27/2024

"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” (Romans 12:19)

Today we heard that legislation was adopted in Ukraine to prohibit the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Alas, this is not the first form of persecution, and as we know from history, not the last as predicted in the Apocalypse.

This lawlessness can only be characterized by the words of the Holy Scripture: “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way” (2 Thessalonians 2:7).

What could we expect from those who adopt such laws, who think that the Church of Christ is a political society, adhering to nationalistic viewpoints or other social tendencies?

The 31st Annual Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, October 2-6, 2024 - 08/27/2024

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the 31st Annual Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference will be hosted in Los Angeles at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral from October 2-6, 2024. The theme of the conference: "The Future of Church Singing: Paths to Performance." Lectures, master classes, and rehearsals will be held in the Cathedral.

Among the guests are Archpriest John Drobot and Protodeacon Alexander Kedrov (Paris). The conference will close with a Divine Liturgy presided by a hierarch.

You can get detailed information and register here.

Great Consecration of Sts. Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Santa Rosa, CA, Monday November 11, 2024 - 08/27/2024


            By the Mercy of God and with the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the long-awaited Great Consecration of Sts. Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Santa Rosa, CA is scheduled to take place on Monday, November 11, 2024.

            His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, First-Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad will be presiding, with His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America concelebrating, together with other bishops and clergy.

Appeal by Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York to Archpastors, Clergy and Flock of the Russian Church Abroad - 08/27/2024

Most Reverend Brother-Archpastors, Reverend Fathers,

Dear in the Lord Brothers and Sisters!

I cordially greet you all with the ongoing Dormition Fast, when we are once again called to temperance and the active doing of good deeds, that we might worthily prepare ourselves for the upcoming Pascha of the Theotokos!

Attached to this appeal by my unworthiness to the Fullness of the Russian Church Abroad is a video about the history and significance of the Synodal Residence in New York City, which is the House of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign,” the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora. Please familiarize yourselves with this short film, prepared by the Diocese of Germany, about the building that houses our spiritual and administrative center, and provide us with all possible assistance in the major renovation of the Synodal Residence.

Since the arrival in the United States of Metropolitan Anastassy (Gribanovsky) - second First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - in 1950, and then of the wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, Russian Orthodox émigrés took care to acquire a more spacious church and worthy premises for the Metropolitan’s residence and the chancery of the Synod of Bishops. This search was resolved many years ago in 1957, when the Synod of Bishops received a very generous gift in the form of a large house on the corner of 93rd Street and Park Avenue in New York City. The house was purchased with a donation from Serge Yakovlevich Semenenko, first vice-chairman and director of First National Bank in Boston, as well as a director at many other corporations. Serge Semenenko hailed from a pious Russian family that lived in Odessa before the revolution. His parents, Iakov and Maria, were well known to Metropolitan Anastassy, who visited them many times both in Odessa and Constantinople. They were generous donors toward the needs of the Church. It was in their memory that Serge Semenenko, whom Metropolitan Anastassy had known since he was 11 years old, made his donation.

DECREE No 4E/2024 to all Rectors, Choir Conductors and Singers of the parishes in our Diocese - 08/14/2024

Saint John of Shanghai the Wonderworker Annual Celebration -- 30th Anniversary of His Canonization - 05/21/2024

Schedule of Cathedral Services
All services surrounding the Feast Day of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco are to be held at Holy Virgin Cathedral - Joy of All Who Sorrow in San Francisco.  Please visit sfsobor.com for visitor information and updates.

5:00 pm Daily Vespers & Matins
6:45 pm Translation of Reliquary to the center of the cathedral
7:00 pm AKATHIST to St. John before his relics
5:00 pm Confessions
6:00 pm Vigil - ST. JOHN

6:30 am Early Liturgy
9:00 am Hierarchal Liturgy -  His Eminence Metropolitan NICHOLAS First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia presiding.

"Pursuing Wholeness: A Christian Perspective on Modern Psychology." - 05/20/2024

Educational Seminar

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1:00 PM,

The Large Hall of the HOLY VIRGIN CATHEDRAL (6210 Geary Boulevard, SF) will host an Educational seminar on aspects of Psychology from a Christian worldview.

The following reports will be given to the audience:

✜ Modern Psychology and the Orthodox Approach to the Healing of the Soul: Some Reflections, by His Grace, James (CORAZZA), Bishop of Sonora, second vicar of the Western American Diocese.

✜ Bridging Christianity and Psychological Science, by Priest George KAPLANOV Psy.S., Psychology; B.Th., Theological Studies.

✜ Orthodox Perspective on Addiction and Recovery (via ZOOM), by Deacon Stefan STOYANOV M.Sc., Mental Health Counseling; B.Th., Theological Studies.

✜ Question-and-answer sessions will follow the presentations.


Come if your interest is piqued!

Lunch will be provided!

Email the following address to register: email@worldview.education

Voluntary donation $15

Your contribution can be made using Zelle on the name Georgiy Kaplanov (415) 205-4424 or PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Wor1dview.

Luncheon and Afternoon of Giving: 30th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John the Wonderworker - 05/20/2024

Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fort Ross: Memorial Day May 27, 2024 - 05/20/2024

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, all are welcome to join members of the Western American Diocese for the traditional pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024.

The Holy Trinity/Saint Nicholas Chapel at Fort Ross is the first Russian Orthodox Church in the contiguous United States. Fort Ross is "holy land" – where two saints have labored: St Innocent of Alaska/Moscow and the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut. Two other saints, St Tikhon and St John of Shanghai, have prayed here and sanctified the lands, the chapel, and the cemetery.

After the liturgy a procession to the cemetery with a "Litya for the Departed." 

Paschal Epistle of the Ruling Hierarch of the Western American Diocese - 05/05/2024

“The angel cried unto her that is full of grace:
O Pure Virgin, rejoice, and again, I say rejoice;
for Thy Son hath risen from the grave on the third day…”
Paschal Matins – 9th Irmos


Christ’s Resurrection is an indescribable joy!  On Pascha we feel the weight of this temporal life, for a brief moment, and then purged from our souls and replaced with the love of Christ for us.  Let us reminisce of how on the Day of Resurrection we do not feel any negativity towards each other, but only brotherly love, compassion and care towards each other - former adversaries become comrades; competitors turn into friends; strangers become acquaintances.  Our Lord and Saviour’s Glorious Victory over death means not only that death no longer has dominion over us, but also we begin to personally experience the love that radiates from God towards all Creation.  It is only through this bond of love of God towards us that we can explain how Christ’s suffering and crucifixion can be turned into something beautiful and uplifting.

            The Mother of God exemplifies this manifested beauty Christ’s Resurrection has to offer to man...

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 05/05/2024

Most Reverend Brother Archpastors, Beloved in the Lord Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters:

With joy and thankfulness in my heart, I greet you on this salvific night of Pascha, when our Lord Jesus Christ rose on the third day, pouring out His unfailing love and mercy on the whole world.


This radiant and joyous Paschal greeting has the wonderworking power to call forth in the human heart joy, forgiveness of all, and love. "This… day which the Lord hath made" (Psalm 118:24) – Christ’s Pascha – gives wings of faith to those of little faith and strengthens those who despair of life. Truly, in a world frequently faced with crises and uncertainty, Pascha shines like a beacon of hope. Thus, in these difficult times, when mankind is seized by various misfortunes, let us hold fast to the Risen Christ and find in Him consolation amidst sorrows, strength in our ongoing struggle with sin, and surety of eternal life!


Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco is sponsoring the XII Annual Lenten Retreat on Sunday, April 21, 2024.

The Aroma of Holiness: VLADIKA JOHN

Register HERE.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill expresses his Condolences - 03/23/2024

His Eminence Kirill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, expresses condolences in connection with the loss of life as a result of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow. The clergy of the diocese offers their prayers for the repose of those innocently killed, as well as for the recovery of people who were wounded.

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/06/2024

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill toward men. (Luke 2:14)

Your Graces, Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters!

It is with the Incarnation of the Word that man can realize God’s infinite and boundless love for His creation.  Out of love for us did the Son of God humble Himself to become man, in order to heal the relationship between God and man.  Before the humble birth of Christ, in the Bethlehem cave, St. Gregory the Dialogist writes in his Dialogues, “With sin we were so distant from God that the angels, God’s citizens, eliminated us from their company.”  The rift created by the Fall between God and man was so great that it reverberated to every aspect of Creation and tore asunder the bond of love that tied the Heavens to the earth.  “It was not until the King of the Heavens took upon our flesh’, St. Gregory further writes, ‘that the Angels restored peace with us (humanity)… and once again considered us their companions.”  It is for that reason that the angelic choir appeared to the shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men” (Luke 2:14)...

NATIVITY EPISTLE of His Eminence NICHOLAS Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 01/06/2024

Eminent Brother-Archpastors, Reverend Fathers, Beloved in the Lord, Brothers and Sisters:

It is with feelings of humble gratitude, love and joy in the Lord that I greet everyone on this great and most joyous celebration of the Nativity of Christ—the arrival on earth of the incarnate Son of God born to the Most-Blessed Virgin Mary. May the saving grace of God, appearing now in a humble Bethlehem cave and shining upon the waters of the Jordan River, be poured forth upon us all, visiting our homes, parishes and monasteries with unearthly light and peace!

We pray also that the Holy Land, which quenched the Savior’s thirst with its waters and fed with its bread Him Who is for us even Himself our food and drink, be sated with the peace heralded by the angelic choir over the city of Bethlehem! May the Lord strengthen the clergymen and monastics of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, who are enduring difficult times as they preserve and protect our holy sites. Their courageous podvig, in the words of St John the Wonderworker, who was glorified 30 years ago, “evokes a feeling of tenderness and is worthy of reverence,” and it is our holy duty to send them our support in these sacred days.

Christmas Message from Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Rus’ - 01/06/2024

Christmas Message
from Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Rus’
to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics
and All Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church
Beloved in the Lord archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons,
God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters,

The unutterable love of God has gathered us today so that in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph 4:3) we may celebrate one of the most solemn and at the same time mysterious feasts of the Church – the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glorifying our Saviour’s coming into the world, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you, my beloved, on the joyful event, which opened a new era in the relationship between God and humanity.

Archbishop Kyrill to Serve Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, on October 21, 2023 - 10/12/2023

On Saturday October 21, 2023, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church on the Russian River.

Hours at 8:40 AM
Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM

Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God in Palo Alto, CA - 10/12/2023

On October 15th, 2023 His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will perform the Divine Liturgy at Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Palo Alto, CA. Greeting the His Eminence will be at 9:30 AM

Address: 3475 Ross Road; Palo Alto, CA 94303

XVII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Las Vegas, NV, from December 26-29, 2023 - 10/12/2023

Announcing the XVII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference which will be held at All Saints Russian Orthodox Church in Las Vegas, Nevada from December 26-29, 2023. Registration HERE.

St. Herman’s West 2023 will be held this year at All Saints Orthodox Church in Las Vegas, NV. Arrival is December 26 with a departure on December 29. The conference will include an edifying lecture, discussions with clergy, liturgical workshops, a hierarchal liturgy, and social interaction in the beautiful outdoors of Las Vegas. Forget the reputation and casinos — we’ll be far away from all of that! Come out for a break from winter weather and an injection of new life into your Orthodox life! Registration for parishioners of the ROCOR Western American Diocese is open now. Register Here. Registration fees are $250 for the first member of each family, and $225 for each additional member. After your registration is processed, you will receive an invoice to pay online.

Recruiting counselors! Adults ages 23-28 are welcome to apply to be counselors for the St. Herman’s conference. Applications are made by email to wadyouth3@gmail.com. Counselors attend at a discounted rate and serve to keep various parts of the conference flowing smoothly. Counselors should have a deep interest in the youth of our church, and be ready to help encourage participant interaction. Counselors will cook the final meal and do daily room checks. To apply, send an email with a paragraph describing your interest, and contact information for one or two references, one of which should be your parish priest/confessor.

Schedule (tentative version of 9/20)

Tuesday, Dec. 26:

5:00 pm Dinner

6:00 pm Film

7:15 pm: Evening prayers

7:30 pm: Vans back to hotel

8:00 pm: Free time with organized games

10:00 pm: Lights out

Wednesday, Dec. 27

8:00 Morning prayers

8:30 Vans leave for Red Rock Canyon

9:00-11:00 Red Rock Canyon

11:30 Lunch at hotel

1:00 Vans leave for church

1:30 Talk #1

3:00 Workshops

4:30 Table discussions #1

5:00 Dinner

6:00 Vigil

8:30 Vans back to hotel

10:00 pm: Lights out

Thursday, Dec. 28

8:00 Vans to church

8:30 Liturgy

11:00 Lunch

12:00 Stretching/ethnic dancing

1:30 Talk #2

3:00 Table Discussions #2

5:00 Dinner

6:00 Vans back to hotel (organized opportunities for games, etc.)

11:00 pm: Lights out

Friday, Dec 29

Departure Day. Hotel latest checkout is 11:00 am.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord at Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City, Mexico - 09/29/2023

Archimandrite Nektary, Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City, Mexico, and his brotherhood, and parishioners celebrated the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 6/19 and also continued the celebration during the Afterfeast.

There were many communicants of the Sacred Mysteries of Christ. At the end of Liturgy the “Rite of the Blessing of the First Fruits was performed.

Archbishop Kyrill Presides over the Patronal Feast at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral - 09/29/2023

On Saturday August 6/19, 2023, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the patronal feast day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA.

During the Small Entrance, a member of the cathedral’s clergy was, Priest Janis Terauds, was elevated to the dignity of Archpriest.

Patronal Feast of Christ the All-Merciful Saviour Monastery, Vashon Island, WA - 09/29/2023

Today our brotherhood celebrates the Patronal Feast of our monastery.

Thirty-seven years ago the beloved and ever-memorable Archimandrite Dimitri (Egoroff) of Santa Rosa, CA tonsured Father Paul and me as Orthodox monks (we'd both converted as monks from Eastern Rite Catholicism). Guided and inspired by Father Dimitri's kind and prayerful spirit, and the wisdom and holiness gained through his many years of monastic struggle, our brotherhood was planted on the firm ground of the Russian monastic tradition.

Saints Cyril & Methodius Church School Open for Enrollment - 08/30/2023

Discover the excellence of education at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church School. Rooted in timeless values and a commitment to academic brilliance, we provide a holistic learning experience for your child.

Our experienced educators foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a deep appreciation for cultural heritage.

The classes will start on September 9th, 2023 right after the Moleben.

Please join us at 8 am in the main Parish Hall.

Contact us at (415) 752-5122, russianschool.sf@gmail.com or visit the website to schedule a tour and learn more about our admissions process.

Saint John Benevolent Fund will Sponsor an Annual Fundraiser - 08/30/2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023
11:00 AM  12:30 PM
St. John Benevolent Fund

More information HERE

The Synodal Liturgical Music Commission announces the 30th North-American conference of the Russian Church Abroad - 08/30/2023

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, and St. Xenia’s Russian Orthodox Church in Ottawa, Ontario will present the 30th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, Ottawa, Canada, October 4-8, 2023:

The Orthodox Liturgical Aesthetic: Creating Beautiful Services

Featured Faculty: Nicholas Cowall, from Melbourne, Australia, is an experienced church musician, music educator, conductor, vocal coach, and vocalist (see link in website).

The purpose of these conferences is to bring together choir members and conductors to explore the wealth and beauty of Russian Orthodox church music. Participants will gain practical and theoretical knowledge and experience through lectures, workshops and rehearsals which culminate in festive hierarchal services. Metropolitan Nicholas will officiate with Archbishop Gabriel concelebrating. Further, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, get to know like-minded people and expand their liturgical repertoire.

The All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy will be held at St. Xenia’s Russian Orthodox Church, located at 2 Colchester Square, Ottawa.

For more information see the conference website https://rocmconference.net or write to info@rocmconference.net

Call to Participate in the 30th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Music Conference - 08/30/2023


First Primatial Visit of the Newly-­Elected

to the Western­ American Diocese

Western Rite Parishes and Missions within the Territory of the Western American Diocese - 08/14/2023

Within the boundaries of the Western American Diocese, there are several parishes and missions that worship according to the "Western Rite." See the full list with contact details HERE.

Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff) is Ordained a Hieromonk at the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral - 08/10/2023

On Saturday, August 5th, 2023, on the Feast Day of Old Holy Virgin Cathedral in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” at 864 Fulton Street in San Francisco, CA, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America ordained his longtime assistant Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff) to the priesthood.

Peter Karakozoff was born in West Sacramento, CA, in 1976. From his youth Peter spent all his spare time in church and around clergy. He was tonsured a Reader at the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women Church in West Sacramento (OCA) as a teenager. And served as the choir conductor at Holy Ascension Church (Western American Diocese, ROCOR) in Sacramento from 1998-2003. It was during these years that Peter earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of California, Davis. In 2003 Reader Peter relocated to San Francisco, CA, and became the cell-attendant for His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill. Among his many responsibilities, Reader Peter was placed in charge of the operations of the Diocesan Chancellery, and assigned as a chanter on kliros during the daily Divine Services at Holy Virgin Cathedral on Geary Boulevard.

Patronal Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA - 08/10/2023

On Wednesday, July 12, 2023, the clergy and parishioners of Saint Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA, celebrated their Patronal Feast Day.

His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle presided. Concelebrating with him were Father Rector, Archpriest Alexander Krassovsky, Archpriest Lawrence Margitich (Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church, Santa Rosa, CA, OCA), Protodeacon Anton Koval (Holy Virgin Cathedral, San Francisco) and Deacon Athanasius Ferguson.

A Cleric of the Western American Diocese Lectured at the 75th Commencement of Holy Trinity Theological Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 08/10/2023

On May 28, 2023,  the 7th Sunday after Pascha -  the Sunday of the 318 Holy Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary held commencement exercises at the conclusion of its 75th academic year. The day began with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence, Metropolitan NICHOLAS of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. His Grace Bishop Luke, seminary rector, was traveling abroad.

After the noon meal, a Moleben of Thanksgiving was served at 2pm, preceded by a procession led by Metropolitan Nicholas, Dean Nicolas Schidlovsky, Archpriest Peter Perekrestov (commencement speaker), members of the administration, the board of trustees,  faculty in residence, and the entire student body. The academic procession moved from the monastery building to the Cathedral. Metropolitan Nicholas and participating clergy offered a Moleben of Thanksgiving for the Seminary's successes, and in supplication for divine blessings on all those who help to perpetuate the institution. The responses during the Molebien were sung by the Holy Trinity Seminary choir, and at the conclusion, We Praise Thee, O Lord (Tebe Boga Xvhalim) composed by D. Bortniansky was sung by a mixed quintet.

A Cleric of the Southern Deanery of the Western American Diocese, Priest Christopher Horsley, was Elevated to the Dignity of Archpriest - 08/10/2023

On Sunday, February 19, 2023, His Eminence KIRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America elevated Priest Christopher Horsley to the dignity of Archpriest at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, California.

Father Christopher was ordained to the diaconate in 1996 and to the priesthood in 2004. He served as a deacon and assistant priest at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, from 1996 to 2015. From 2015 until 2020 Father served at Holy Protection Church in Holywood, CA. On September 18, 2020, Father Christopher opened a mission in Youngtown, AZ, named Christ the Savior Orthodox Church. The mission is very active with two Divine Liturgies served every Sunday.

Archbishop Kyrill Presides over the Feast Day of Saint Elias Church in Diamond Springs, CA - 08/09/2023

On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America paid a pastoral visit to the Saint Elias Church in Diamond Springs, CA, on the parish Feast Day.

Concelebrating with His Eminence were the Father Rector, Archpriest James Steele, Archpriest Paul Volmensky (Holy Ascension Church, Sacramento, CA), Priest Philip Plowman (St. Elias Church), Priest Elijah Drake-Wu (All Saints of America Church of Lodi, California), and Deacon Steven Kennedy.

In his sermon, Archbishop Kyrill spoke of the Patron Saint of the community, the Holy Prophet of God Elias quoting from the General Epistle of Saint James: “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months” (5:17) “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins” (19-20).

The Patronal Feast Day of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in Seaside, CA - 08/09/2023

On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the clergy and faithful of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA, celebrated their Patronal Feast Day. Joining them were His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora, who presided over the festivities, and several pilgrims from local parishes.

See the photo album of the Divine Liturgy and cross procession.

Patronal Feast Day on the Russian River - 08/09/2023

On July 22, 2023, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the patronal feast of the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA.

Concelebrating with His Eminence were His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle, Archpriest Paul Volmensky (Holy Ascension Church, Sacramento, CA), Archpriest Mikhail Vladimirov (Kazan Church, San Francisco, CA), and Priest Andrew Gliga (St. Herman of Alaska Church, Sunnyvale, CA), Deacons Nicholas Sharkov and Paul Kozachenko.

The church was filled to overflowing. After the cross procession, an al fresco meal was prepared and shared by several parish communities of the Diocese.

Archbishop Kirill Resumes His Pastoral Ministry after a Successful Operation and Recovery Period - 08/08/2023

On Sunday, July 16, 2023, His Eminence KIRILL, the Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, resumed the active ministry of His Diocese after a successful operation on June 22 and a three-week rest period for subsequent recovery.

The Parish of the Church of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia in Sparks, Nevada, Celebrates its Patronal Feast - 08/07/2023

On Sunday, July 16, His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle presided over the celebration of the Patronal Feast of the Church of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia in Sparks, Nevada.

Concelebrating with His Grace were the rector of the church, Archpriest Andrei Kudryavtsev, Preist Aurelius Zmeu (Holy Resurrection Church, North Highlands, California, Romanian OCA), and Priest John Logero (Church of St. Andrew the First-Called, Western American Diocese, Carson City).

The Annual Celebration of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker - 08/06/2023

On Saturday July 1st, 2023, faithful of all jurisdictions of the Orthodox Church in North America, and even from abroad, gathered to celebrate the memory of a great Saint of our time, Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker. The annual commemoration took place at Holy Virgin Cathedral where the honorable and wonderworking relics of Saint John repose.

His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle, the first auxiliary bishop of the Western American Diocese, presided over the celebration. His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora, the second auxiliary bishop, and a multitude of priests and deacons concelebrated with him.

Nikita Buick, Church Warden of Holy Virgin Cathedral, reported several informative details...

Patronal Feast Day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA - 07/06/2023

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, will mark its Patronal Feast Day on Saturday, August 19th, 2023. His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is presiding.

Friday August 18th at 6:30 pm –– All-night Vigl
Saturday August 19th at 9:30 am –– Greeting of the Bishop, Hierarchical Liturgy, cross procession, "Blessing of the First Fruits" and festal dinner in the church hall

5432 Fernwood Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Upcoming: Patronal Feast Day of Holy Prophet Elias Church, Diamond Springs, CA - 07/06/2023

The Schedule of Divine Services for Saint Elias Church in Diamond Springs, CA, is as follows:

Tuesday, August 1 at 6:00 pm –– All-night Vigil
Wednesday, August 2 at 9:30 am –– Greeting of the Bishop, Diving Liturgy, cross procession, festal dinner

Parish Feast Day of the Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin, San Francisco - 07/06/2023

The annual feast at the Old Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" will be celebrated on Saturday, August 5th, 2023. His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presiding.

Friday August 4th at 5:00 pm –– All-night Vigil
Saturday August 5th at 9:30 am –– Greeting of the Bishop & Divine Liturgy

864 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117

Celebration of the Parish Feast Day of the Kazan Church on the Russian River - 07/06/2023

On Saturday, July 22, 2023, the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, will celebrate its Parish Feast Day. His Grace THEODOSY presiding.

8:40 am Hours
9:00 am Liturgy
Procession and festal meal to follow.

17370 Neeley Road
Guerneville, CA 95446


Archbishop Kyrill visits All Saints of Russia Orthodox Church in Denver, CO - 07/06/2023

On Sunday, June 18, 2023, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America paid a pastoral visit to All Saints of Russia Orthodox Church in Denver, CO.

During the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence ordained Oleg Varavko to the diaconate. See the photo gallery below.

Inaugural Arizona Icon Writing Workshop Complete! - 07/05/2023

The first Arizona Icon Writing Workshop, sponsored by All Saints Of North America and Christ the Savior Churches is complete. Running from June 12-17, 2023, the week-long Iconology Workshop was led by Tatiania and Dimitry Berestova of the Prosopon School of Iconology, and featured 12 students, lay and clergy, including two advanced students who have studied under the Prosopon School previously.

A Monk of the Monastery of the All-Merciful Saviour, Vashon Island, Washington, is Ordained to the Priesthood - 07/05/2023

On Saturday, May 27, 2023, His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle ordained to the diaconate monk Nicodemus, a member of the Monastery of the All-Merciful Saviour, on Vashon Island, Washington.

Then on Sunday, May 28, His Eminence KIRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, ordained Hierodeacon Nicodemus to the priesthood. Both ordinations took place at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA.

Hieromonk Nicodemus is assigned to serve at All-Merciful Saviour Monastery. Axios!

Upcoming Patronal Feast Day in Seaside, CA - 07/05/2023

His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora is slated to preside over the Patronal Feast Day of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA

Schedule of Divine Services:
Monday, July 31 at 6:00 pm –– All-night Vigil
Tuesday, August 1 at 9:00 am –– Greeting of the Bishop, Divine Liturgy, Cross Precession, and festal meal

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, Near Jenner, California - 06/23/2023

On May 29, 2023, members of the Western American Diocese, both clergy and laity, undertook the annual pilgrimage to Fort Ross. Today it is a wonderful park under the auspices of the State of California, yet two hundred years ago, life there was in full swing with several hundred people from soldiers, to artisans, to farmers, to indigenous people both from Alaska and locals (Kashaya-Pomo Indians). The park also preserves an Orthodox cemetery. In the 1990s, archaeologists carried out excavations and identified the graves of the departed who labored at the fort in bygone years.

Now for about a hundred years (circa 1922 or 1923), Russian Orthodox Christians have been coming to Fort Ross annually, remembering their roots and praying at this holy place consecrated by the presence of Saints such as Holy Hierarch Innocent of Moscow, Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut, Hieromartyr Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow and Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyirll is in Recovery after a Successful Operation - 06/23/2023

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America was informed by his doctor today that the former’s operation was a huge success.

It is requested that the clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese, please, continue their prayers for His Eminence’s full and speedy recovery.

A Request from His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 06/20/2023

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America advises the clergy and faithful of the following:

"Your Eminences, Your Graces, Reverend Fathers, and Friends,

This coming Thursday 22 June I will be undergoing an operation (at 11 am).
I have stones on my left kidney that are 2.5 cm in size.
I will be out of commission for about 2 -3 weeks but reachable via e-mail.

I ask for your prayers.

+Archbishop Kyrill"

Monthly Divine Service at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, June 24th, 2023 - 05/27/2023

On Saturday, June 24, 2023, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will serve Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA

8:40 am Hours
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Potluck in the churchyard (lenten)

A Cleric of the Western American Diocese takes a Pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY - 05/26/2023

Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, Dean of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco and Secretary of the Diocesan Council of the Western American Diocese made a spring pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. He participated in the celebrations of the great feast of Mid-Pentecost, May 10th of this year. Below is a photo report of the Feast.

The Youth of St Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, Washington, Make a Film on Its 90th Anniversary - 05/26/2023

On the occasion of its 90th Anniversary the youth of Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, Washington, created the following film.

The First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad heads divine services on the first anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion of blessed memory - 05/26/2023

On Tuesday, 16 May 2023, the feast day of St Theodosius of the Kievan Caves, and the anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, having prayed at the monastic midnight office at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, officiated at early Divine Liturgy in the monastery’s Cathedral. A special commemoration was made for Metropolitan Hilarion during the service.

After a memorial trapeza luncheon held at noon, His Eminence performed a pannikhida service at the grave of the sixth Primate of the Russian Church Abroad at the monastic cemetery.

Schedule of the Celebration of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Day, July 1st, 2023 - 05/26/2023

The celebration of the holy memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker falls on Saturday July 2nd, 2022. This year the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia celebrates the 30th anniversary of the opening of his honorable relics.


Thursday, June 29th at 7:00 PM -- Translation of the honorable relics and Akathist Hymn to Saint John
Friday, June 30th at 6:00 PM -- The Greeting of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America and All-night Vigil
Saturday, July 1st at 9:00 AM -- The Greeting of the Bishop and Divine Liturgy

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, Memorial Day, May 29, 2023 - 05/26/2023

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, all are welcome to join members of the Western American Diocese for the traditional pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day, May 29th, 2023.

The Holy Trinity/Saint Nicholas Chapel at Fort Ross is the first Russian Orthodox Church in the contiguous United States. Fort Ross is holy land – where two saints have labored: St Innocent of Alaska/Moscow and the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut. Two other saints, St Tikhon and St John of Shanghai, have prayed here and sanctified the lands, the chapel, and the cemetery.

After the liturgy a procession to the cemetery with a "Litya for the Departed." 

Holy Trinity Seminary's 75th Anniversary Celebration - 05/24/2023

On behalf of our Rector, Dean, faculty, and students, I am excited to announce the details for Holy Trinity Seminary's 75th Anniversary Celebration, which is set to take place this coming September 15-17, 2023

For more information, including the schedule of events (also printed below) and to purchase tickets for the Anniversary Concert on Friday evening and the Benefit Banquet on Sunday afternoon, visit the dedicated page on our website HERE.

8:00-10:00 pm – Anniversary Concert: Bells, Choirs, and Resounding Virtuosity
Location: Christ Episcopal Church in Cooperstown, NY (5 min. away from Otesaga Hotel).
Advance ticket purchase is required. See the website link above.
9:00 am-3:00 pm – Public Program: The Orthodox Christian Seminary in the 21st Century: Pathways, Questions, and Historical Dilemmas
Location: Holy Trinity Seminary Nicholas Alexandrov Building - The Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall
7:00 pm – All-Night Vigil in the cathedral.
9:00 am – Entrance of His Eminence, Metropolitan NICHOLAS, First Hierarch of ROCOR followed by Hierarchal Divine Liturgy.
3:00 pm – Otesaga Hotel - Cooperstown, NY / Benefit Banquet
Advance purchase of tickets or tables required. 

With questions or for additional information, contact our 75th Anniversary coordinator John Keller by email at 75th@hts.edu or call him at 315-409-1445.

We hope to see you here for this wonderful milestone in the life of the Seminary!

In Christ,

Deacon Michael Pavuk
Director of Development
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary

Paschal Message from Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia - 04/15/2023

Paschal Message from Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia to Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics and All Faithful Children
of the Russian Orthodox Church

Beloved in the Lord archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters,

I address all of you, Orthodox Christians living in many countries of the world, who are now in churches or praying in your homes, to extend greetings to you on the great feast of Holy Pascha with my heart full of spiritual joy, and to proclaim victoriously in accord with the ancient tradition:


Paschal Epistle of the Ruling Hierarch of the Western American Diocese - 04/15/2023

 Reverend Fathers, Venerable Monastics, and Pious Faithful of the Western American Diocese:

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Nicholas, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 04/15/2023

With a sense of Paschal joy and special spiritual closeness, despite the distance separating us, I greet you, Eminent Brother Archpastors, honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters scattered throughout the world, on this great and light-bearing day of the Pascha of Christ!


Ordination to the Priesthood at Holy Virgin Cathedral on Palm Sunday, April 9th, 2023 - 04/09/2023

On the Feast of the Annunciation, George Fokin was ordained to the diaconate, and shortly thereafter on the Feast of the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem, he was ordained to the holy priesthood.

Priest George is attached to the Holy Virgin Cathedral. 

The Biannual Pastors' Retreat for the Clergy of the Western American Diocese was Held in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona - 04/02/2023

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America and under the Protection of the Wonderworking Myrrh-streaming “Iveron-Hawaiian” Icon of the Mother of God the clergy of the Western American Diocese held a pastors’ retreat at Saint Paisius Monastery in Safford, Arizona, from March 13-15, 2023.

The registrants of bishops, priests, and deacons numbered a record 43 indicating that the retreat had been met with great enthusiasm by the clergy of our Diocese — in part because such a gathering had not been held since the fall of 2019, and partially due to the fact that the venue was being held at Saint Paisius Monastery situated in the high Sonoran Desert at the base of Mount Graham. Of course, the presence of our Lady the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary through Her miraculous myrrh-streaming “Iveron-Hawaiian” Icon was seen as an immeasurable consolation as well...

GREAT LENT: Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian - 02/27/2023

A leaflet on the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian was prepared by Andre Kusubov, a parishioner of the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco..

Metropolitan Onufry: Lenten Rule For Peace - 02/27/2023

At the beginning of Great Lent, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev & All Ukraine, called upon and blessed the faithful to fulfill a special rule of prayer for peace. The rule is as follows: throughout the fast read the 45th and 90th Psalms, do 12 full prostrations, and read the Lord’s Prayer daily, for peace in the Ukrainian Land. With the blessing of Archbishop Kyrill we are posting the text of this “Rule for Peace” for the members of the Western American Diocese and website visitors.

Pastors' Retreat for Clergy of the Western American Diocese, Great Lent, 2023 - 02/25/2023

Pastors' Retreat, Great Lent 2023

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America
and Under the Protection of the Wonderworking Myrrh-streaming
“Iveron-Hawaiian” Icon of the Mother of God

Dates: March 13-15, 2023
Location: Saint Paisius Monastery, Safford, AZ

Lenten Retreat, March 17-19: Lenten Retreat, "Origins: Creationism, Evolution, and the Orthodox Theology of Creation." - 02/25/2023

Lenten Retreat with His Grace Irenei Bishop of Great Britain & Western Europe
Event Date: March 17-19, 2023
Event Location: 4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, CA 92507

The event is free but donations are welcome! Please register so we can ensure plenty of seating for all attendees.

Lecture 1- "The Lamb Slain Before the Foundation of the World Moving Beyond Creationism and Evolution."
Lecture 2 - "The Order of Salvation: The Creation of the Cosmos as the Beginning of the Church in Genesis."
Lecture 3 - "The Creation of Man: The Pinnacle of Creation"
Lecture 4 and Q&A - "Creation and Its Consequences: The Sanctity of Life and Ecology"

12th Annual Great Lenten Retreat, Sunday April 2, 2023, Holy Virgin Cathedral - 02/14/2023

Christmas Message from Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia - 01/13/2023

to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons,
Monastics and All the Faithful Children
of the Russian Orthodox Church

Beloved in the Lord archpastors, all-honourable
presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks
and nuns, dear brothers and sisters,

Today, as the Heavenly and earthly Church in conciliar unity glorifies God Incarnate, I extend my heartfelt greetings to all of you on the great and radiant feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The XVI Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was Held in Youngtown, Arizona - 01/05/2023

The XVI Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was held from December 26-30, 2022. Being supported by several diocesan clergymen and many youth counselors, the conference hosted just under 50 youth of the Western American Diocese at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Youngtown, Arizona.

The conference met its aims by providing educational and social opportunities for our diocesan youth. Lectures, panel discussions, workshops, and exposure to a broader range of clergy and peers heighten an Orthodox formation in our youth and provide them with a much-needed authentic, spiritual context, as their young and fresh minds are forming opinions, coming to conclusions, and establishing convictions about the path they will take in life.

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, diocesan clergy gathered around His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora, who presided over the conference.

Two holy icons graced the occasion:

NATIVITY EPISTLE  of His Eminence NICHOLAS Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 01/04/2023

Eminent Fellow Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Greetings with the Nativity of Christ!

In these days of great joy, the thoughts of the archpastors, pastors, monastics, parishioners, and faithful of the churches and monasteries of our dioceses, scattered like God’s wheat over the vast earth, meet in the meek Bethlehem cave, in the semi-darkness in which was lit the unquenchable Light of the world — our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Spiritually gathering with all of you in the modest cave near Bethlehem, and kneeling down before the poor manger of the Divine Infant and His Most Pure Mother, I join my prayers to yours and implore God the Word incarnate to grant His Church grace-filled mercies and blessed success in Her ministry, and to all Orthodox peoples speedy deliverance from fratricidal war, restoration of justice and peace, that peace of which the angelic choir sang over the city of David on that holy night of the Nativity!

As the Biblical book, “The Wisdom of Sirach” narrates:

FUNERAL SCHEDULE: Deputy Abbot of St. Silouan's Monastery, monk Ignatius, Reposed in the Lord - 12/31/2022

The Deputy Abbot of St. Silouan's Monastery, monk Ignatius, peacefully reposed in the Lord on Saturday, December 18/31, 2022, at 10:30 am, surrounded by diocesan clergy and close friends of the monastery. 

The funeral will take place at Saint Susanna's Orthodox Church (OCA, Priest Peter Runyan, Rector) in Sonora, CA, on Wednesday, January 4th, 2023. The abbot of the monastery, Bishop James of Sonora, will be presiding. 

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023: Panykhida at 6:00 pm
Wednesday, January 4th, 2023: Divine Liturgy at 8:00 am, Funeral at 10:00 am

10825 Robinwood Ln, Sonora, CA 95370 
 Phone: (209) 352-6791

Burial at Saint Silouan's Monastery
Meal to follow at Union Hill Inn, 21645 Parrotts Ferry Rd, Sonora, CA 95370



Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA, Marks the 90th Anniversary from Its Founding - 12/22/2022

On Monday December 19th, 2022, on its Patronal Feast Day of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the northernmost parish of the Western American Diocese, Saint Nicholas Cathedral, celebrated its 90th anniversary. The parish members which built the seven-domed cathedral in the Capital Hill area of Seattle, Washington, received the blessing for its founding in 1932 from Archbishop Tikhon, who was at that time the ruling bishop of the San Francisco and Western American Diocese.  The founding fathers of the parish, many of whom were former officers in the Royal Imperial Navy of the Russian Empire, had a profound reverence for the last Tsar, the Holy Passion-bearer Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, and they chose to dedicate the parish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker – the Patron Saint of the Tsar-Martyr.  The cathedral is one of the first churches in history to be designated as a memorial to Tsar Nicholas and his family.

The festal services were exceptional due to the presence of the ruling hierarch of the Diocese, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, and his auxiliary bishop of the Northern Deanery, His Grace Bishop THEODOSY of Seattle, who were accompanied by...

Holy Virgin Cathedral of San Francisco, CA, will mark its Feast Day - 11/02/2022

On Sunday, November 6, the Holy Virgin "Joy of All Who Sorrow" Cathedral in San Francisco will be marking its parish feast day. The feast day Vigil is on Saturday, November 5 at 5:00 pm, and there will be ONE Liturgy on Sunday, November 6 at 9:00 am. Following the Liturgy, the Cathedral Sisterhood invites the faithful for a feast day meal. Please join us for this joyous celebration.

Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, November 12, 2022 - 11/02/2022

A monthly Liturgy is scheduled at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, on Saturday, November 12th, 2022, at 9:00 am.

Archbishop Kyrill is presiding. An outdoor meal will follow.

Hours at 8:40 AM
Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM

Our Lady of Kazan Orthodox Church
17370 Neeley Rd,
Guerneville, CA 95446

16th Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference - 10/07/2022

St. Herman's West 2022 will be held this year at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Youngtown (near Phoenix), AZ. Arrival is December 26 with departure on December 30. The conference will include a work project -- building a walkway for processions at the church, panel discussions, lectures by Fr. George Kaplanov, liturgical workshops, a hierarchal liturgy, and social interaction in beautiful areas of Phoenix and Old Town Scottsdale. Come out for a break from winter weather and an injection of new life into your Orthodox life! Registration for parishioners of the ROCOR Western American Diocese opens October 1 via the link HERE.

Decree No 9/2022, RE: Russian Orthodox Church Musician's Conference, 2022 - 10/07/2022

The Synodal Residence in New York hosts the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 09/26/2022

On Tuesday, 13 September, 2022, the members of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, led by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany, celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York City. At the end of divine services, the archpastors performed a moleben for the opening of the Council, invoking the Holy Spirit to help in their work.

Attending the Council of Bishops were Metropolitan Mark; His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of Western America and New York; His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada; His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America; His Grace Bishop John of Caracas and South America; His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe; His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan; His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle; His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse; His Grace Bishop Alexander of Vevey and His Grace Bishop Job of Stuttgart. His Grace Bishop George of Canberra participated electronically.

Epistle of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 09/24/2022

To the Pastors, Monastics and the Pious Children of the Church Abroad

Beloved brethren and sisters!

We, the Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, having assembled together in Sacred Council on the eve of the Ecclesiastical New Year in the Synodal Residence in the God-protected city of New York, in the presence of our Hodegetria and guide, the wonderworking Kursk-root icon of the Mother of God, greet you with the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which He spoke unto His disciples after His Resurrection: ‘Be of good cheer: I have overcome the world!’ (John 16.33).

We are of good cheer, because we are witnesses to the Lord’s great mercy unto His children and the continuity of His headship of the Church. Having seen fit to call unto Himself our pious and humble First Hierarch, the blessedly-reposed and much-beloved Metropolitan Hilarion, He has not left us bereft of order and care. We began our Council with the election of Metropolitan Hilarion’s successor, the seventh Primate of the Russian Church Abroad, following the order of election approved and sanctified by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco. By the Will of God, His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Manhattan, was elected to bear this yoke of service - he who for many years has borne the obedience lain upon him by our Synod of accompanying the miraculous Kursk-root icon in its travels throughout the Russian Orthodox Diaspora, and over the last one and a half decades, all across Russia.

The First Day of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 09/14/2022

On Tuesday, 13 September, 2022, the member hierarchs of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany, celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York City. Afterwards, the bishops performed a moleben for the opening of a Council of Bishops, invoking the aid of the Holy Spirit for their work.

After a luncheon in the main hall of the Synodal residence, the Council began. Vladyka Mark delivered the keynote address, after which His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America was elected Vice President, and elected as Council Secretaries were His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle and His Grace Bishop Job of Stuttgart. Appointed as members of the election Counting Committee were His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe and His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse.

The hierarchs then proceeded to the Synodal Cathedral for the election of a new First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia...

Save the Date! - 09/14/2022

Babushka's Take & Bake Pop-Up, Sunday, September 18th, 2022 - 09/14/2022

St John Benevolent Fund Zoom Fundraiser Oct 1, 2022 11 am-1 pm PDT - 09/14/2022

Please, register to join us for a ZOOM fundraising event on Sat Oct 1, 2022  from 11 am to 1 pm (PDT).

His Grace Bishop Nicholas is elected First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 09/13/2022

On Tuesday, 13 September, 2022, the election of the new Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia by its Council of Bishops took place. In accordance with the Act of Canonical Communion, signed on 17 May, 2007, the Council will send the Act of the election, drafted by the counting committee to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with a request to bless the electee to assume the duties of the First Hierarch entrusted to him by his brethren archpastors, and for confirmation of the election by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The rite of enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, newly-elected First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, will take place on Sunday, 18 September.

The schedule of divine services associated with the enthronement is as follows:

The Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon to Visit Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA - 08/10/2022

The Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon is scheduled to visit Holy Virgin Cathedral on September 3rd and 4th, 2022.

Saturday September 3rd from 5:00 PM through All-night Vigil.
Sunday, September 4th from 7:30 AM until 1:00 PM

Holy Virgin Cathedral
6210 Geary Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94121

Liturgy at the Kazan Church, Saturday August 13, 2022 - 08/10/2022

A monthly Liturgy is scheduled at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, on Saturday August 13th, 2022, at 9:00 am.

Archbishop Kyrill is presiding. An outdoor meal will follow.

The 29th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musician's Conference from November 9 - 13, 2022 - 07/27/2022

The Miraculous Myrrh-streaming Iveron-Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God Visited the San Francisco Bay Area - 07/23/2022

The miraculous myrrh-streaming Iveron-Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God visited parishes in the San Francisco Bay Area from the 9th to the 12th of July, 2022.

On Saturday, July 9th, the holy Icon, in the company of its guardian Deacon Nectarios Yangson, visited the Saint John of Kronstadt Health Care Center in Castro Valley at 3:00 pm. They were met by Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko who led them to all the rooms of patients who are Orthodox and they were anointed. Soon after that, the holy Icon visited the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA. His Grace Bishop James of Sonora greeted at the icon at 5:00 pm and the All-night Vigil to the Resurrection of Christ was celebrated.

On Sunday, July 10th the myrrh-streaming Icon visited the Holy Resurrection Church (Romanian Episcopate, OCA) in Hayward, CA, for the Divine Liturgy. The Rector of the church, Father Octavian Mahler, presided over the Divine Liturgy. Later that day the Iveron-Hawaiian Icon traveled to Sacramento, CA, and was present at an Unction service held at the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Church (Romanian Episcopate, OCA) on Raley Boulevard, CA. The parish offered hospitality to the clergy and parishioners in the parish hall after the Divine Service.

On the Feast of the Holy, Glorious All-praised and Foremost Apostles Peter and Paul, Monday, July 11, and on Tuesday, July 12,...

A Reflection on the Funeral of Archpriest Alexei Poliakov - 07/23/2022

On July 2, 2022, the funeral service for Archpriest Alexei Poliakov took place at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA. The parishioners of two parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia – where Fr. Alexei served on a permanent basis in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior since 1999, and also in the Church of the Protection of the Mother of God on a temporary basis for a year –– merged into a single prayer and love for their good shepherd, whose sudden departure was echoed by deep sorrow in the hearts of the parishioners of both parishes.

Archbishop Kyrill performs an Ordination to the Priesthood for a Parish in Phoenix, AZ - 07/23/2022

On Sunday, July 3, 2022, Father Deacon Sebastian Craffey was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America at the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA. Father Sebastian will be assigned to Holy Archangels Orthodox Church in Phoenix, AZ, which is under the rectorship of Priest John McCuen. Father Sebastian was ordained to the diaconate at Holy Virgin Cathedral on November 6th, 2021, and has served at Holy Archangels in Phoenix since that time, and joins a growing number of clergy serving the Orthodox churches in Arizona.

Biography of newly-departed Archpriest Alexei Poliakov - 07/22/2022

On Friday, June 24, on the day of the celebration Icon of the Mother of God "It is Truly Meet,” at the age of 63, Archpriest Alexei Poliakov, a cleric of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, reposed in the Lord. Father Alexei reposed unexpectedly in the presence of his beloved family,  Matushka Marina, and their children.

Father Alexei Petrovich Polyakov was born on February 5, 1959, in a priest's family. His father, Archpriest Peter Poliakov, served for more than 50 years in the Moscow Diocese and served as a Rector of several consecutive parishes in both the rural and suburban regions around Moscow.

Patronal Feast Day of Saint Elias Church in Placerville, CA, Celebrated on July 31, 2022 - 07/18/2022

On Sunday, July 31, 2022, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will celebrate the Patronal Feast of Saint Elias Church in Placerville, CA.

Schedule for Sunday, July 31:
Greeting of the Bishop at 9:30 am
A festal meal in the church hall.

St. Elias Orthodox Mission
4253 Fowler Lane
Diamond Springs, CA 95619

The Parish Feast Day of the Kazan Church in Guerneville is to be Celebrated on Saturday, July 23, 2022 - 07/18/2022

The Parish Feast Day of the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, is to be celebrated on Saturday, July 23, 2022. 

Friday, July 22: Great Vespers, Litya and the Blessing of the Five Loaves
Saturday, July 23 at 9:00 am: Divine Liturgy. His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presiding. Festal meal to follow.

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is Awarded the Order of the Kursk-Root Icon, First Degree - 07/12/2022

On July 2, 2022, the great feast of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, His Grace Nicholai Bishop of Manhattan and Deputy Secretary of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on behalf of the Synod of Bishops, awarded His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America with the Order of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, First Degree. This highest award of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was bestowed upon His Eminence for his thirty years of service in the office of the Episcopacy (June 7th, 1992) and for his forty years in the office of the priesthood.

The Annual Feast of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker was Celebrated on July 2, 2022 - 07/09/2022

On Saturday, July 2, 2022, a multitude of clergy and laity gathered together at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, to celebrate the memory of our Father among the Saints John Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker.

“Love never fails” (I Cor. 13:8), nor does Saint John the Wonderworker who incarnated love, who converted the self-love of our fallen nature into Divine love for God and man. Following in the footsteps of all the Saints, he crucified his “flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof” (Gal. 5:24), denying himself, taking up his cross, and following Christ. The great number of people who joyously came to the Feast Day to venerate Saint John’s honorable relics in the cathedral and glorify his holy memory are filled with grace, as the Saints never die. What they give in Christ to their neighbors while alive on earth, they continue to share in abundance from beyond the grave. All who were present sensed this, experience Saint John’s love, and are not left bereft of consolation. How many problems are resolved, and how many sorrows are forgotten through the intercessions of Saint John and his love for all people.

This year, after two difficult years of abiding by quarantine restrictions,...

Iveron-Hawaiian Icon to Visit San Francisco - 07/08/2022

We are pleased to announce the Wonderworking and Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of Hawaii will be brought to the San Francisco Bay Area in July 2022. She is being escorted by her guardian, Father Nectarios from Hawaii.
The current schedule is provided below:
July 9, 2022, Saturday
Old Holy Virgin Cathedral
864 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
4:50pm, Arrival of the Wonderworking Iveron Icon
5:00pm, All-Night Vigil
July 10, 2022, Sunday
Holy Resurrection Church
26050 Kay Avenue
Hayward, CA 94545
9:00am, Matins
9:45am, Arrival of the Wonderworking Iveron Icon
10:00am, Divine Liturgy
12:30pm, Akathist to the Mother of God
1:00pm, Reception in honor of the Mother of God
Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association (OHIIA)
PO Box 251
Aiea, HI 96701

A Session of the Synod of Bishops is Held - 07/05/2022

On Thursday, 30 June 2022, a remote meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Russia Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was held, presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany. Participating in the meeting were His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, Secretary of the Synod of Bishops; His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada; His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America; His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe and His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Deputy Secretary of the Synod of Bishops.

The bishops heard a report by Bishop Irenei, Secretary of the Synodal Inter-Orthodox Relations Department, on recent developments; Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem on affairs in the Holy Land.

Archbishop Kyrill sends a Letter of Condolence to the Matushka Marina, the Widow of Newly-departed Archpriest Alexei Poliakov - 07/04/2022

Dear in the Lord Matushka Marina Alexandrovna!

Accept our deep condolences for the sudden repose of your spouse, Father Alexei. As the Holy Fathers say, with the repose of those close to us, we together with them, bury a part of our soul. For the widow and children, it is a tremendous loss. In such sorrowful moments, we are always looking for consolation in the words of the Holy Scriptures: “I am the Resurrection and the Life; He who believes in Me, if he dies, will live” (John 11:25). And in another place: “Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For He is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him” (Luke 36-38).

Divine Services on the Eve of the Annual Feast Dedicated to Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker - 07/04/2022

On Friday July 1, 2022, clergy and faithful honored the memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, by participating the vigil before his honorable and miraculous relics.

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America was formally greeted at 6:00 pm before the start of the vigil. Concelebrating with him were His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle and His Grace Nicholai Bishop of Manhattan along with many priests and deacons.

On June 30th, 2022, the Annual Akathist to Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker was Sung before His Honorable Relics - 07/01/2022

On Thursday, June 30th, 2022, on the eve of St. John’s Day, the annual Akathist to Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker was sung before his honorable and miraculous relics in the Diocesan Cathedral dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Immediately following the daily vespers and matins Services Saint John’s relics were translated from his shrine to the center of the cathedral. This year Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, the Dean of the Cathedral, Hieromonk Sofronie of the Dervent Monastery in Romania, and Priest George Kaplanov served the Akathist.

Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Visits the Holy Virgin Cathedral - 07/01/2022

On June 29th, 2022, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America received at Holy Virgin Cathedral His Eminence JOSEPH Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America along with a group of pilgrims, both clergy and laity, that came to honor the memory of the Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, venerate his honorable relics and ask for his intercessions.

Vespers was held by a guest archpriest and two choirs chanted, one consisting of clergy on kliros and another of the laity from the body of the church.

At the end of vespers, Archbishop Kyrill welcomed Metropolitan Joseph to the cathedral...

June 24, 2022, The 40th Day from the Repose of Metropolitan Hilarion First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 07/01/2022

On Friday, June 24th, 2022, the monastic communities and parishes of the Western American Diocese served a panykhida for newly-departed Metropolitan Hilarion who governed the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia from 2008-2022. Memory Eternal to our beloved Frist-Hierarch.

Patronal Feast Day of All Russian Saints Church in Burlingame, CA, was Celebrated on June 26, 2022 - 06/30/2022

On Sunday June 26th, 2022, on the Day of Commemoration of All the Saints that have shown forth in the Russian Land, All Russian Saints Church, it’s clergy and faithful, in Burlingame, CA, celebrated their Patronal Feast Day.

The Divine Liturgy was presided over by His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America. Substituting for the Father Rector, Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko, was Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, Dean of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA. Also, concelebrating were Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff) and Deacon Alexei Baranoff.

Funeral Schedule for Archpriest Alexei Poliakov - 06/27/2022

The Funeral for newly-departed Archpriest Alexei Poliakov will take place at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, on the day of the celebration of the memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, which is also the 9th Day from the repose of Father Alexei. 

Friday, July 1 –– Panykhida at 6:00 pm
Saturday, July 2 –– Funeral at 10:00 am, pominki in the church hall of the cathedral will follow
Burial to take place in Russia

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
5432 Fernwood Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027


В субботу 2-го июля в день Празднования Иоанна Шанхайского - в 10 утра будет Отпевание (это будет как раз 9-ый день).
После отпевания - Поминки в большом зале при Соборе.
Хоронить батюшку будут в России.

Schedule of the Patronal Feast of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church, Seaside, CA - 06/25/2022

In preparation for the impending celebration of their patronal feast day, a group of four motivated parishioners of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA, generously donated a week of their time, showing devotion and love for Saint Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker by replacing the floor in the Holy Altar. In addition to this, the brand new flooring material used was considerably discounted.

A Long-time Cleric of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral on Los Angeles, Archpriest Alexei Poliakov, Reposes in the Lord - 06/25/2022

A Long-time cleric of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral on Los Angeles, Archpriest Alexei Poliakov, reposed in the Lord in the early hours of the morning yesterday the 11/24 of June, 2022.

Yesterday evening a panykhida was performed in Father Alexei’s name...

The Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, May 30th 2022 - 06/23/2022

On Memorial Day, May 30th, 2022, clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese took the annual trek to Fort Ross Historic Park to participate in the Divine Liturgy, procession to the cemetery and a litya for those departed who are buried at Fort Ross, who lived, labored and reposed at there about 200 years ago.

His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle presided over the festivities. Concelebrating with him were Archpriests Peter Perekrestov, George Kurtow, Paul Volmensky, Alexander Krassovsky, Priest George Kaplanov and Deacons Nicholas Stoltz, Paul Kozachenko and Alex Baranoff. The choir was conducted by Konstantine Pavlov and its members consisted of the pilgrims of the diocese.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill greeted...

Schedule of the Celebration of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Day, July 2nd, 2022 - 06/07/2022

The celebration of the holy memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker falls on Saturday July 2nd, 2022.


Thursday, June 30th at 7:00 PM -- Translation of the honorable relics and Akathist Hymn to Saint John

Friday, July 1st at 6:00 PM -- The Greeting of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America and All-night Vigil

Saturday, July 2nd at 9:00 AM -- The Greeting of the Bishop and Divine Liturgy

Patriarchal congratulations to Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America on his 30th anniversary as bishop - 06/07/2022

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on the 30th anniversary of his episcopal consecration:

To His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill
of San Francisco and Western America

Your Eminence:

I send heartfelt greetings on this important day, the 30th anniversary of your episcopal consecration...

CANCELED: Monthly Liturgy at the Kazan Church on the Russian River - 06/07/2022

On Saturday, June 25th His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco will preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA.

Hours at 8:40 am
Liturgy at 9:00 am

17370 Neeley Road
Guerneville, CA 95446

Burial of Metropolitan Hilarion takes place at Holy Trinity Monastery - 05/27/2022

On May 22, the 5th Sunday of Holy Pascha, the commemoration of the meeting of the Lord with the Samaritan Woman, and then the Holy Church honors the memory of the Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the burial of the newly departed First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, was held at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.

The evening prior, the coffin containing the Metropolitan’s body was brought to Holy Trinity Monastery, where on May 22 Metropolitan Mark of Berlin & Germany celebrated Divine Liturgy. Concelebrated with His Eminence were: Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada, Archbishop Peter of Chicago & Mid-America, Archbishop Irenee of Ottawa (OCA), Bishop Irenei of London & Western Europe, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Bishop Luke of Syracuse, Bishop Gedeon of Makarovka (vicar of the Kiev Metropolitanate UOC), and Bishop Jerome (Shaw), as well as a multitude of clergy from various dioceses of the Russian Church Abroad...

An extraordinary session of the Synod of Bishops convenes - 05/23/2022

On Monday, 23 May, 2022, a meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Russia Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was held, presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany. Participating in the meeting were His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, Secretary of the Synod of Bishops; His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada; His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America; His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe and His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Deputy Secretary of the Synod of Bishops.

A series of decisions were taken during the meeting:


On Saturday, May 21, the feast of the Holy Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian, the monastic funeral of the newly reposed First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad ‒ His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York ‒ was held in the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City.

Metropolitan Mark of Berlin & Germany officiated the service, co-served by members of the Synod of Bishops: Archbishops Kyrill of San Francisco & Western America, Gabriel of Montreal & Canada, and Peter of Chicago & Mid-America; and Bishops Nicholas of Manhattan and Irenei of London & Western Europe. Also taking part in the funeral rite were hierarchs of other Local Churches: Metropolitan Joseph of New York (Antiochian Archdiocese of North America; funeral only), Archbishop Michel of New York & New Jersey (Orthodox Church in America; Liturgy only), and Bishop Gedeon of Makarovka (vicar of the Kievan Metropolitanate, with the blessing of Metropolitan Onufry), as well as a multitude of clergy of the Russian Church Abroad and guests.


On Tuesday, 4/17 May, 2022, the 15th anniversary of the restoration of the fullness of Church unity within the Russian Orthodox Church, and the eve of the anniversary of the enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, a session of the Synod of Bishops of ROCOR was held, presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany.

The members of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad announced with great sorrow that on 3/16 May, the feast day of St Theodosius, Abbot of the Kiev Caves, Metropolitan Hilarion reposed in the Lord.

In connection with this, it was DECREED:

First Panykhida For Metropolitan Hilarion - 05/16/2022

Christ Is Risen!

Today, 16 May at 11 am PST, our First Hierarch Metropolitan Hilarion reposed in the Lord after a prolonged illness. He was 74 years old.
Tomorrow, 17 May at 7 pm a Panikhida at Holy Virgin Cathedral will be served.


+ Archbishop Kyrill

His Eminence Metropolitan HILARION of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, reposes in the Lord - 05/16/2022

Today, May 16, 2022, the feast day of St Theodosius of the Kievan Caves, at two o’clock New York time, following a lengthy illness, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, reposed in the Lord, in a NYC hospital.

His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese, performed the “Canon of Supplication at the Parting of the Soul.” His Grace was joined by Archpriest Serafim Gan and Hierodeacon Panteleimon (Jigalin). A pannikhida will be performed at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York at 7:30 pm tonight.

Further information will be provided shortly.

May God grant the Kingdom of Heaven to our Master and Father, the Eminent Metropolitan Hilarion!


Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, Memorial Day, May 30, 2022 - 05/07/2022

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, all are welcome join members of the Western American Diocese for the traditional pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day, May 30th, 2022.

The Holy Trinity/Saint Nicholas Chapel at Fort Ross is the first Russian Orthodox Church in the contiguous United States. Fort Ross is holy land – where two saints have labored: St Innocent of Alaska/Moscow and the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut. Two other saints, St Tikhon and St John of Shanghai, have prayed here and sanctified the lands, the chapel, and the cemetery.

After the liturgy a procession to the cemetery with a ‘Litya for the Departed’.  The names of the people buried there will be read and a brief story about the people and history of the fort and cemetery will be shared.

After the Divine Services, everyone is invited to Lady of Kazan Church in Guerneville with a greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill. This is a potluck luncheon.

Archbishop Kyrill Performs an Ordination at New Russian Martyrs Church in Mulino, OR - 04/28/2022

On the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple, Sunday 3/16, 2022, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America made a pastoral visit to the New Russian Martyrs Church in Mulino, Oregon.

During the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence ordained Deacon Boris Levashev to the dignity of the priesthood. Father Boris has already been a parishioner of the parish for 10 years, and has been preparing for the priesthood...

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/24/2022

PASCHAL EPISTLE of His Eminence Metropolitan HILARION First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 04/22/2022


of His Eminence HILARION
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Eminent Brother Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, Dear Brothers and Sisters:


With a sense of jubilation in the Lord, the Victor over evil, hell and death, I greet you all on this luminous night of the Matins and Liturgy of the Pascha of Christ, this “feast of faith” which the great Chrysostom exhorts us to relish! Congratulations with the Bright Resurrection of Christ!

Deacon George Kalousek of Saint Herman of Alaska Church in Sunnyvale, CA, reposed in the Lord - 04/13/2022

The Reverend Father Deacon George Kalousek reposed in the Lord on the great feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, March 25/April 7, 2022. 

George Kalousek was born on July 11, 1937, in Shanghai China where as a child he attended the Shanghai British School.  At the age of 12, he moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, where he later earned his medical degree at the University of Brasil. 

In 1962 he came to the United States to complete his medical training at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago.

A New Deacon for All Russian Saints Church in Burlingame, CA - 04/07/2022

On the major feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, March 25/April 7, 2022, His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America made a pastoral visit to All Russian Saints Church of Burlingame, CA. Presiding over the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence was assisted by Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko (Rector), the Archpriests Andrei Sommer and Alex Kotar, Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff) and several acolytes. 

Ordination to the Diaconate at Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, CA - 04/04/2022

On the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, March 21/April 3, 2022, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America made a pastoral visit to Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church of Sacramento, CA. 

Pascha Bazaar, Holy Virgin Cathedral, April 17, 2022 - 04/03/2022

The Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco is holding a fundraiser where all proceeds will benefit UKRAINIAN REFUGEE HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS.We are pleased to announce Babushka’s Take ’N Bake Pascha Bazaar

We humbly ask that you share this information with your community/parish by email, bulletin and print outs to be posted/handed out.

Babushka’s Take ’N Bake Pascha Bazaar will feature items that may be purchased for your Pascha celebration including Cocktail Piroshki and Kotletki, Pirog, Beef Stroganoff, Pelmeni, Russian Pate, and other items. Since it is Palm Sunday, we will also be selling HOT Salmon Pirog by the slice.  

On Pick Up Day, Sunday, April 17 (from 9 am to 1 pm) local vendors will be selling Pascha-related gifts, kulich, and pascha and we will have a KULICH decorating workshop for the children.

All orders may be placed TODAY (including reserving limited spaces for the Kulich Workshop) at our website.  

Thank you for your community support!

Katya Able
HVC Fundraising Committee

Archpriest George Kurtow is Awarded the Miter - 03/28/2022

On the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Precious Cross, March 14/27, 2022, Archpriest George Kurtow, Rector of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA, was elevated to the dignity of mitered archpriest in recognition of 41 years of service to Mother Church as a presbyter...

Sermon of Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany on the Need to Preserve Church Unity During Times of War - 03/25/2022

Dear in the Lord Fathers, Brothers and Sisters:

During these terrifying days when streams of blood merge with the flow of deceit and wickedness, we Christians cannot allow ourselves to submit to the spirit of war. The spirit of war is demanding. It requires us to divide into parties. It forces us to hate.

We Christians must understand: the wrath with which war burns is the wrath of hell. The enemy of God drinks in not so much human blood as human bitterness and division. The devil wants nothing more than to separate man from his neighbor, from the Church and from Christ...

Kailua, Hawaii: Divine Services, Reading of St. Andrew of Crete Canon held at the Church of the Iveron Icon - 03/25/2022

With the start of Great Lent, the divine services with the reading of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete were held in the Church of the Iveron Icon in Kailua, Hawaii (Western American Diocese). From Monday the 7th, until Thursday the 10th of March, the divine services were served in English and Slavonic by the parish Rector Priest Athanasius Kone and Archpriest Anatole V. Lyovin (Pastor Emeritus).

Statement from the Chancery of the Synod of Bishops - 03/24/2022

Rumors surfaced this week of the discontinuance of commemoration of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in some parishes of the Russian Church Abroad, allegedly blessed by the Synod of Bishops. This report absolutely does not correspond to reality: the Synod of Bishops did not convene to discuss this matter and has made no such decision. In accordance with the Act of Canonical Communion signed by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II and His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus in 2007, the name of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church is commemorated in all parishes and monasteries of the Russian Church Abroad. These parishes and monasteries minister to a multitude of Orthodox Christian believers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other countries...

Divine Liturgy will be Held at the Russian River on the Feast of the Laudations of Most Holy Mother of God - 03/23/2022

On the Feast of the Laudations of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Fifth Saturday of Great Lent, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will preside over Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA.

Saturday, April 9th, 2022
8:40 AM -- Hours
9:00 AM -- Divine Liturgy

17370 Neeley Road
Guerneville, CA 95446

Prayer for the Restoration of Peace - 03/18/2022

His Holiness KIRILL Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Calls for Prayer to the Mother of God - 03/18/2022

On March 16, 2022, His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia published Address No. 01/1215 in which he calls upon the entire flock, clergy and laity, to raise up prayers of repentance.

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America turns to the clergy and children of the diocese entrusted to him with the following words.

Dear in Christ Reverend Fathers and faithful of Holy Mother Church!

In the letter, His Holiness Patriarch Kyrill speaks of the sorrowful situation...

Archbishop KYRILL performs the "Rite of Orthodoxy" - 03/17/2022

On the First Sunday of Great Lent, March 13, 2022, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, His Eminence KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, presided over the Divine Liturgy and the “Rite of Orthodoxy” at the Diocesan Cathedral in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in San Francisco.

Concelebrating with His Eminence were Their Graces THEODOSY, Bishop of Seattle and JAMES, Bishop of Sonora,...

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill to Visit Holy Archangels Church in Phoenix, AZ - 03/17/2022

His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is scheduled to visit Holy Archangels Church in Phoenix, AZ, on Sunday, March 20, 2022. The Greeting of the Bishop is scheduled for 9:30 am.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill to Visit Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Youngtown, AZ - 03/17/2022

His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is scheduled to visit Christ the Savior Church in Youngtown, AZ, on Saturday, March 19, 2022. The Greeting of the Bishop is scheduled for 9:30 am.

11234 W. Alabama Ave.
Youngtown, AZ 85363

Website: https://christthesavioraz.org/


Great Lenten Concert at All Russian Saints Church, Burlingame, CA - 03/17/2022

We are planning a Great Lenten concert on Sunday, April 3, will be a special fundraiser on behalf of the Bethany School.  As in previous years, our April 3 concert will have a Lenten motif.  Our program will feature a combination of "resurrected" works that we have not sung for some time, as well as prayers that will be sung in our upcoming Great Lent (Великий пост) and Passion Week (Страстная Неделя) services.  We invite you to join us for our musical Lenten retreat on April 3-rd and generously support the Bethany Orthodox School.    Save the date!

Rector, Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko

Donate to Support Refugees and the Suffering in Ukraine - 03/09/2022

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the Western American Diocese is organizing collections to benefit the refugees and the other innocents suffering from the present military conflict in Ukraine. We urge our faithful to be zealous in their support of those suffering. Their need is great, as is our opportunity to help them. 

An Epistle Calling for Peace by His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill to the Spiritual Children of the Western American Diocese - 03/03/2022

Today the eyes of many of us are affixed to varying sources of information, and our hearts, numb and in bitter distress, behold the events presently unfolding in the God-preserved land of Ukraine. Seeing everything that is taking place, we instinctively call to mind the words of our Saviour, “of wars and rumors of wars,” and His warning: “see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6). These words of the Son of God before His suffering on the Cross have resounded in our churches for many years, but it seemed to us that they were describing events from the distant past or some future beyond our reach. Today, however, we see that they are bearing their witness to each of us.

In these sorrowful days, it is impossible to disregard a mother’s tears, the wives and children that have lost their homes, or our family and friends who are caught up in this fratricidal war...

Archbishop Kyrill Addresses the Clergy of the Diocese in Connection with the War in Ukraine - 03/03/2022

Dear Fathers,This is the prayer to use in connection with the situation in the Ukraine (...)

We are all in this together. We need to support each other and our flock...

Archpastoral Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion on Great Lent and on the Events on the Holy Ukrainian Land - 03/03/2022

Dear in the Lord Brothers and Sisters:

As we approach Great Lent, this salvific time of profound prayer and self-correction, and in connection with the events in the Ukrainian land, I turn to all with a heartfelt plea: to refrain from excessive watching television, following newspapers and the internet, to close our hearts to the passions ignited by mass media, while doubling our fervent prayers for peace throughout the world, for overcoming enmity and discord, for help for the suffering, for the repose of those who have departed into the eternal life and the consolation of their friends and relatives, so that we all first and foremost remain humane and Orthodox Christians in these difficult times...

Liturgy at the Kazan Church, Guerneville, March 12, 2022 - 03/01/2022

The Flock of the Western American Diocese Congratulates its Ruling Bishop on the Occasion of His Names Day - 02/28/2022

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America marked his Names Day on Sunday February 27, 2022, having been tonsured into monasticism in honor of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Kyrill Teacher of the Slavs (celebrated February 14/27), at the Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Hollywood, CA. Archbishop Kyrill was tonsured a monk at the Judgement Gates in the Holy City of Jerusalem in 1981.

His Eminence spent his Names Day presiding over the Divine Liturgy, ...

Homily at the Funeral of Archpriest John Comanescu, Bishop James of Sonora - 02/26/2022

Homily at the Funeral of Archpriest John Comanescu, Bishop James of Sonora - 02/26/2022

Homily Given at the Funeral of Fr. Ioan Comanescu
By the Right Rev. Bishop James of Sonora
At the Holy Virgin Cathedral  -  San Francisco, California
January 22, 2022

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

“My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.” (Ps. 119: 139). These words of the Prophet and King David in Psalm 119 capture the essence of...

40th Day from the Repose of Archpriest Ioan Comanescu, February 27, 2022 - 02/26/2022

On the 40th Day from the Repose of Archpriest Ioan Comanescu a biography written by one of his children is published here:

40th Day from the Repose of Archpriest Ioan Comanescu, February 27, 2022 - 02/26/2022

On the 40th Day from the Repose of Archpriest Ioan Comanescu a biography written by one of his children is published here:

Supplicatory Prayers for Peace in Ukraine - 02/25/2022

His Eminence KIRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America has published Decree No. 4/2022E throughout the Diocese for the end to conflict in Ukraine. The original may be found here.

In addition to the “Prayer for Ukraine,” which is inserted by the Priests of the Diocese into the appointed place in the Divine Liturgy, we urge all the faithful to pray for peace amongst those in conflict. The following are prayers blessed for this purpose.

Supplicatory Prayers for Peace in Ukraine - 02/25/2022

His Eminence KIRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America has published Decree No. 4/2022E throughout the Diocese for the end to conflict in Ukraine. The original may be found here.

In addition to the “Prayer for Ukraine,” which is inserted by the Priests of the Diocese into the appointed place in the Divine Liturgy, we urge all the faithful to pray for peace amongst those in conflict. The following are prayers blessed for this purpose.

POP UP! Babushka's Take 'N Bake frozen Russian delicacies - 02/19/2022

All North American Youth Conference to be held June 13-19, 2022 in Salt Lake City, Utah - 01/28/2022

All North American Youth Conference to be held June 13-19, 2022 in Salt Lake City, Utah - 01/28/2022

Archpriest Ioan Comanescu Reposes in the Lord - 01/20/2022

At approximately 3:00 am on the Great Feast of Theophany, a longtime member of the Western American Diocese and cleric, Archpriest Ioan Comanescu, reposed in the Lord.

Father Ioan is survived by his widow, Matushka Efthemia, and their four sons.

He was ordained to the deaconate for the Western American Diocese at Holy Virgin Cathedral in 2001...

Christmas Message by Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia - 01/12/2022

Christmas Message by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the archpastors, pastors, deacons, monastics and all the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Beloved in the Lord archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters, 

I extend my cordial greetings to all of you on the great Feast of the Nativity of Christ.

On this radiant night the whole creation rejoices,...

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/05/2022

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America may be read HERE. 


With profound gladness I greet my fellow archpastors, honourable fathers, monastics, parishioners and the worshipers of our churches, scattered throughout the world, with the Nativity of Christ, the Baptism of the Lord and the New Year! May the Lord send us all the joy of the coming of the Son of God into the world. Both the struggle of our faith, and its fruits in our days, must be grounded in this joy: the joy that comes from hearing the angelic doxology and the triumph of the Incarnation of God the Word!

This past year was difficult and sorrowful for many of us, but it was also filled with divers blessings and gifts for which we must offer up our gratitude to our Benefactor. We have reached this festal season because Divine Providence did not abandon us. If we have been able to carry forth to this time the duties lain upon us, it is solely because the Lord Himself has granted us health, power, nourishment and clothing, and has poured out upon us His help, and the gift of patience for the unfolding of our life’s path. In addition to this, how many blessed gifts have been communicated to us in the holy sacraments, in the fast, and in the prayer and mystical life of the Church!

Christmastide always evokes feelings of love and gratitude in the believing heart. Let us also raise up in these days our own gratitude to God, let us bring our love to Him and to our neighbours, and let us convey our own Nativity gift to the temple, in which we are honoured with the wondrous, personal encounter with Christ and saving communion with Him. Let us open our hearts, dear fathers, brothers and sisters; let us receive the Son of God Who has come to earth; and let us worship Him together with the magi, rejoicing in His love and mercy towards us. Amen.

With love in the New-Born Christ,

Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

The Nativity of Christ, 2021/2022


Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/04/2022

Renovating the Church Cupolas, Burlingame, CA - 01/04/2022

Bishop Theodosy of Seattle Participated in the Consecration of a Church in Kiev, Ukraine - 01/03/2022

Bishop Theodosy of Seattle Participated in the Consecration of a Church in Kiev, Ukraine - 01/03/2022

On December 7, 2021 in the city of Kiev, the mother of Russian cities, a new church was consecrated in the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, The church is dedicated to the Venerable Monk Agapite of Pechersk, who is considered the first doctor of Kievan Rus.


Not arbitrarily does the Orthodox Church pray for deliverance from deadly pandemics (epidemics) and fatal ulcers in each Divine Liturgy, calling on the holy healers, including the Venerable Agapite. Through his prayers the sick were healed.  He also gave them herbs to take that he cooked as food for himself and because of the herbs they began to call him doctor. He treated the brethren of the monastery, ordinary laymen and even Prince Vladimir Monomakh himself expecting nothing in return. The venerable one was an image of humility, of unshakable  faith, and he turned many to Christ. And now we, too, have the audacity to ask that through the prayers of the Venerable Agapite, “the Lord heal us in body and spirit and help us live our lives so that we will be the children of eternal salvation” (in the words of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphrius).

XV Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was Held in West Jordan, Utah - 01/02/2022

Renovating the Church Cupolas, Burlingame, CA - 01/02/2022

In preparation for the 70th anniversary of the Church of All Russian Saints founding next year, the Burlingame CA parish successfully completed the renovation of church cupolas. The painting and gilding of five church cupolas were performed in less than 2 months. This was an expensive project encompassing scaffolding, painting the four blue cupolas, the cost of the double-weight 24k gold leaf, and the laborious work of applying 36,000 sheets of gold leaf to the cupolas and to the 132 stars on the blue cupolas.

XV Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was Held in West Jordan, Utah - 01/02/2022

The XV Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference of the Western American Diocese was held at St. George Russian Orthodox Church in West Jordan, Utah, from December 27 to 31, 2021.

The Chairman of the Youth Department of the Western American Diocese, Archpriest Michael van Opstall, along with a committee of youth counselors and the parishioners (particularly the Sisterhood) of Saint George Orthodox Church, of which Father Michael is the Rector, organized the first in-person youth conference of the Diocese since the Covid quarantine restrictions of March 2020.

Over 50 youth participated in the conference representing a broad area of our Diocese. His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora presided over...

Concert: Moscow School Masterpieces, All Russian Saints Church, Burlingame, CA - 12/31/2021

On Sunday, December 19, 2021, the Parish Choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame presented a concert of Masterpieces of the Moscow School. Our program featured some of the most famous and beloved works by some of the most famous composers who were teachers and students at the Synodal School in Moscow in the early 1900s.  Although not originally planned, the conclusion of our concert included a brief service of the blessing of newly re-gilded crosses on the four lesser domes (cupola) of our church. 

Christmas Bazaar by Babushka’s Take ’N Bake - 11/18/2021

We are excited to announce that "A Christmas Bazaar by Babushka’s Take ’N Bake" is LIVE and taking orders at www.HolyVirginCathedral.com

Order pick-ups will take place on Sunday, December 19 from 9am to 3pm at 6210 Geary Blvd, San Francisco

Message from Archpriest Stefan, Rector of All Russian Saints Church in Burlingame, CA - 11/13/2021

It’s always better to be prepared to handle unexpected situations rather than being caught off guard.  We should all have daily supplies of needed amounts of food and medication to cover us for extended periods of time in case it becomes impossible to go to stores or pharmacies. This is not to recommend hoarding, but to be conscious of our surroundings and developing trends.

We have all suffered the effects of COVID restrictions and related complications, so I won't go into details since we are all sadly aware of them.  Along with material concerns, we also have spiritual and religious responsibilities to ourselves, our immediate families, our loved ones, and neighbors. 

During the long period of time when our church and other parish communities were closed down or severely restricted, many people got used to watching LIVESTREAM SERVICES. 

Message from Archpriest Stefan, Rector of All Russian Saints Church in Burlingame, CA - 11/13/2021

Patronal Feast Day of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Fransisco - 11/04/2021

Holy Virgin Cathedral, named in honor of the Holy Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow," will celebrate its annual Feast Day. His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presiding.

Schedule of Divine Services

Friday, November 5th:
Eve of Cathedral Feast Day
Vigil at 6:00 pm

Saturday, November 6th:
Greeting of the Bishop and Divine Liturgy from 9:00 am

Holy Virgin Cathedral
6210 Geary Blvd
San Francisco CA 94121


Miraculous Myrrh-streaming Icon Visits the Diocesan Cathedral - 10/04/2021

On Saturday September 18th  the miraculous myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God “Softener of Stony Hearts” arrived from Moscow, Russia, with its guardian, Sergei Fomin, for the purpose of making a brief visit to the Western American Diocese. Upon arrival the wonderworking image was...

Babushka’s Take ’N Bake -- place your order online, pick up on Oct 16/17 at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 09/16/2021

Please go to HVCParking.com to place your order ASAP

Pick-ups will be on both Saturday, October 16, and Sunday, October 17 from 9 am to 1 pm at 6210 Geary Blvd. SF on the outside playground (handicap access will be made available).

Proceeds benefit the Parking, Senior Housing, Playground Project.  Learn more at HVCParking.com about this exciting community expansion project.


We encourage you to print out the attached flyer and post it at your work, your school, in your neighborhood.  This is a SAN FRANCISCO BAY event — we want to share Russian Cuisine with EVERYONE!  The food that is being prepared is delicious and authentic!

Please also post this flyer electronically on your Social Media and email it to friends!!  We are eager to make this a SELL OUT event!

Available to volunteer?  Please email ablekatya@mac.com

Myrrh Streaming Icon of the Theotokos “Softener of Evil hearts” will be at the Saturday, September 18 vigil service - 09/14/2021

The greeting of the miraculous Icon, which is coming from Moscow, will be at 5:00pm on Saturday, September 18th, at the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco. This Icon began myrrh streaming in 1999.  The Icon was present when Patriarch Kyrill of Russia was selected in 2009.  There are several churches built to honor this Icon in Russia. Use this link to find more information about this icon.



JUBILEE EPISTLE of His Eminence HILARION, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, on the Occasion of the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of the Holy Right-Believing Great Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Centennial of the I All-Diaspora Council

Greeting my beloved in the Lord brother-archpastors, reverend fathers, and our dear brothers and sisters with love and a feeling of rejoicing in the Mother of God, I sincerely congratulate all of the archpastors, clergy, and laity with both the approaching celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Great Prince Alexander Nevsky and the centennial of the I All-Diaspora Council!

Liturgy at the Kazan Church, Guerneville, CA - 08/31/2021

His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL is scheduled to preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 9:00 am. Trapeza will follow out in the church yard.

17370 Neeley Road,
Guerneville, CA 95446

VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER, The Benevolent Memorial Fund of St. Archbishop John - 08/31/2021

Saturday, October 9, 2021
12:00 pm -- 2:00 pm
Please Register for the Zoom Event

Monthly Liturgy on the Russian River - 08/16/2021

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, this Saturday August 21, 2021, at 9:00 AM. 

All are welcome!

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Church
17370 Neeley Road
Guerneville, CA 95446

Iveron-Hawaiian Icon's Schedule on the San Francisco Bay Area - 08/16/2021

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the Wonderworking and Myrrh-streaming “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will be escorted from the Hawaiian Islands to the Bay Area for the Dormition Fast.
This will be the first time in over a year and half that the Wonderworking Iveron Icon has left Hawaii. We humbly thank His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill and the Holy Icon’s Guardian, Father Nectarios, for this opportunity to once again venerate this great and sacred relic of the Holy Orthodox Church!

During these trying times, we need her more than ever! O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
During the Dormition Fast, the Wonderworking “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon will also be brought to the East Coast and the South. A schedule will be forthcoming.

The Holy Icon‘s visitation schedule to the Bay Area is below:
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Holy Virgin Cathedral “Joy of All Who Sorrow”
6210 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA
7:30am - Arrival of the Holy Icon and First Divine Liturgy
9:45am - Second Divine Liturgy
The Holy Icon will remain in the Cathedral for veneration until 2:00pm

Monday, August 16, 2021
Holy Resurrection Church
26050 Kay Avenue
Hayward, CA
6:00pm - Akathist service to the Holy Theotokos

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Holy Cross Church
1401 S. White Road
San Jose, CA
6:00pm - Paraklesis / Akathist service to the Holy Theotokos

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Church of All Russian Saints
744 El Camino Real
Burlingame, CA
6:00pm - All-Night Vigil

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Old Holy Virgin Cathedral
864 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA
9:00am, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Christ the Savior Church
490 12th Avenue
San Francisco, CA
6:00pm, Moleben / Akathist to the Holy Theotokos

Feast Day of “Our Lady of Kazan” church at Vacation Beach – commemorated on July 24, 2021 - 07/21/2021

On the 21st of July, the Orthodox Church celebrates the appearance of the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Kazan (1579). The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is the most famous and especially revered icon of the Virgin in Russia. The shrine is truly the guardian of Russia: the Blessed Holy Mother of God has repeatedly saved the country from catastrophe by prayers before Her Kazan image.

Feast Day of “Our Lady of Kazan” church at Vacation Beach – commemorated on July 24, 2021 - 07/21/2021

A Golden Dome Now Caps the Kazan Church on the Russian River - 07/16/2021

A Golden Dome Now Caps the Kazan Church on the Russian River - 07/16/2021

In anticipation of impending Feast Day of the “Kazan” of the Mother of God on July 21 of this year, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America arranged for the gilding of the cupola that crowns the Kazan Church along the Russian River in Guerneville, CA.

Artisan Valeriy Kagounkin of Sacramento, CA, labored for several days...

Archpriest Victor Potapov Speaks about Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker - 07/02/2021

Archpriest Victor Potapov Speaks about Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker - 07/01/2021

This talk was given at the Symposium entitled “St. John and His Legacy” held from June 30 to July 1, 2016, which was dedicated to Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker. It was organized by the Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria Institute of San Francisco on the eve of the day of memory Holy Hierarch John in the 50th year from the latter's repose.

Although he did not know Saint John personally during his lifetime, Father Victor relates his close relationship with the Saint from his youth up to this day. SEE VIDEO...

Blessing of Church Bells Slated in Burlingame, CA - 07/01/2021

Blessing of Church Bells Slated in Burlingame, CA - 07/01/2021

The clergy and faithful of Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, will be celebrating their Patronal Feast Day this Sunday July 4th, 2021.

Included in the festivities will be the blessing of new church bells, which the parish has recently acquired from Yekaterinburg, Russia. The consecration will be considered part the local parish’s celebration of the Centennial of the Formation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (1920) and in conjunction with the approaching 70th Anniversary of the founding of All Russian Saints Church. The faithul are welcome to the festivities.

Saturday July 3rd
All-night Vigil

Sunday July 4th
8:30 AM – Blessing of the Waters
9:00 AM – Hours
9:30 AM – Greeting of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, Divine Liturgy & Procession with the “Order of Blessing of Bells.” (Unfortunately, there will not a festal meal for the general public).

Notice to All Clergy about Concelebrating on Saint John’s Day - 07/01/2021

Notice to All Clergy about Concelebrating on Saint John’s Day - 07/01/2021

Notice to All Clergy about Concelebrating on Saint John’s Day - 07/01/2021

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America welcomes clergy, parishioners and pilgrims to Holy Virgin Cathedral for the Feast of our beloved Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker being held on July 2nd  and 3rd, 2021.

This year the number of clergy permitted to serve in the Holy Altar during the Divine Services of the Feast will be limited to a select few.

 NOTE: Only those clergy who have received a personal summons will be permitted to concelebrate...

St. John's Feast Day Schedule - 06/29/2021

A New Dome Crowns Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Orthodox Church in Kennewick, WA - 06/29/2021

On Monday June 28th, 2012, at the parish of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Orthodox Church in Kennewick, WA, clergy and faithful reach a milestone in their parish life with the crowning of their holy temple with at beautiful gold dome.

News From Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary - 06/29/2021


Nicolas G. Schidlovsky speaks with the HTS Alumni Association

Professor Schidlovsky, you have held the Dean’s position at HTOS for well over a year now. This has obviously been a lot of hard work, and we now feel that it is a great time for many of us who are not regularly on campus to get to know you better. It seems that under your guidance the Seminary is energetically moving ahead with interesting projects. May we ask you a few questions?  Please start by telling us about your family background, education, and professional experience...

Support Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary - 06/29/2021

Annual Feast of Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Church in Guerneville, CA - 06/29/2021

Annual Feast of Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Church in Guerneville, CA - 06/29/2021

On Saturday July 24th, 2021, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Church. 

Hours at 8:40 AM
Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Church
17370 Neeley Road,
Guerneville, CA 95446

St. John's Feast Day Schedule - 06/29/2021

Dear Parishioners, Friends and Pilgrims, greetings on the upcoming 55th repose anniversary (+1966) of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco, and the 125th anniversary of his birth (1896). Let us offer thanksgiving to God that our cathedral is now fully open to the public for services and most limitations lifted. The schedule of St. John's feastday celebration at Holy Virgin Cathedral is as follows:

5:00 pm – Daily Vespers & Matins.
7:00 pm – Transfer of St. John reliquary to the center of the cathedral and Akathist to St. John before his relics.

FRIDAY, July 2
8:00 am – Daily Divine Liturgy.
5:00 pm – Confessions.
6:00 pm – Vigil to St. John.

7:30 am – Early Liturgy (Hours at 7:00 am, "Blessed is the Kingdom" at 7:30 am).
9:30 am – Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Moleben and Procession (unfortunately, no common meal will be offered this year).

Paschal Message of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia - 05/01/2021

Paschal Message of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Your Graces the archpastors, reverend pastors and deacons, all-honourable monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters: 

On this chosen and holy day, full of Paschal joy and glorious light, the life-affirming glad tidings are being passed on from mouth to mouth, from heart to heart: 


PASCHAL ADDRESS of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion - 04/30/2021

of His Eminence
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad


Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 04/27/2021

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 04/27/2021

Reverend Fathers, Venerable Monastics, and Pious Faithful
of the Western American Diocese ROCOR:
Precious Children of the Church, my beloved flock:


Archpriest Viktor Tseshkovsky reposes in the Lord - 03/15/2021

Archpriest Viktor Tseshkovsky reposes in the Lord - 03/15/2021

On Monday, March 15, 2021, the first day of Great Lent, Archpriest Viktor Tseshkovsky, cleric of the Western American Diocese and Rector of Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church in Hollywood, CA, died at the age of 62.

Two of the three churches of the Russian tradition in Los Angeles are located in Hollywood. Of them, Protection of the Holy Virgin Church is closest to Hollywood's landmarks. Fr Viktor was from the Kamenko-Dneprovsk region of the USSR, and during the decade between 1982-1992 he served as Rector of St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Melitopol.

Fr Viktor was drawn to the Church from an early age, loving the church temple and divine services. All five sons of his parents became priests, and his sister is married to a priest. They all served in the Crimean and Dnepropetrovsk Dioceses....

DVD Tutorial: Serving the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 03/09/2021

Order Daily Commemorations of the Departed During Great Lent at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 03/09/2021

Dear brothers and sisters!
During Great Lent the commemoration of the dead should, and must, be done daily in our personal prayers, at the liturgy on the weekends, and especially – on Soul Saturdays.  The Church’s main method of commemorating the dead is done through prayer at the proskomedia (preparatory part of the Liturgy). The priest, while in the altar, extracts a piece from the prosphora as the names, submitted on slips of paper by the faithful, are read. The commemoration slips are read at Liturgy as well. However, during the  Great Fast the entire structure of life within the Church changes, including the Divine Services – full liturgies on weekdays are not performed, and therefore the prayers for the dead are offered less often.

In order to compensate for the absence of daily church commemorations for the departed, ...

DVD Tutorial: Serving the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 03/09/2021

As we approach Great Lent, at the request of several clergy our Diocese and with the blessing of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the following DVD Tutorial on serving the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is being made broadly available through our Diocesan media.

This presentation by Archpriest Alexis Kotar of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, Washington, was originally given at the 2006 Lenten pastoral retreat of the Western American Diocese (ROCOR). It is presented here, enhanced with additional footage of the service, for the instruction and edification of clergy and those wishing to learn about the structure of the Divine Service.

Fr. Alexis begins with the historical roots and development of this unique Lenten Service. His lecture helps us understand why we...

Snowfall at Saint Silouan's Monastery - 02/08/2021

Snowfall at Saint Silouan's Monastery - 02/08/2021

During the week of January 25th, 2021, Saint Silouan's Monastery in Sonora, CA, enjoyed snowfall. The welcome precipitation to be soaked into the parched land of California was recorded by a monastery laborer, Geoff Brim.

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/10/2021

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad - 01/10/2021

Your Graces, brother-archpastors, reverend fathers, beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord!


By God’s ineffable goodness, we enter once more into the joyous days of the great feasts of Christ’s Nativity and Theophany. I sincerely greet you all with this world-saving joy! The feat of faith and its fruit in life must be this joy: from the triumph of the Theophany - God’s manifestation and incarnation - and the sound of the Heavenly doxology and otherworldly peace being sung over Bethlehem.

Everything that transpired in that simple cave in Bethlehem and in the holy River Jordan, both especially revered by the entire Christian world, bore the deep hallmarks of modesty and humility. In His Nativity, the Creator of the universe, Who holds all things in His right hand,...

Christmas Message by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia - 01/10/2021

Christmas Message

by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics

 and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church


Beloved in the Lord archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters,

From the depths of my heart I congratulate you all on the radiant feast of the Nativity of Christ.

Today the Church in heaven and on earth is triumphant as she rejoices at the coming into the world of our Lord and Saviour and lifts up praises and thanksgiving to God for His mercy and love for the human race. It is with spiritual trembling that we listen to the words of the hymn: “Christ is born; glorify Him! Christ comes from heaven; go out to meet Him” (Hirmos for the Canon of the Nativity of Christ). With reverence and hope we set our gaze upon the cave of Bethlehem where the Divine Infant lies wrapped in swaddling clothes in a lowly manger.

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/10/2021

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/10/2021

of the Ruling Archbishop
of the Western American Diocese ROCOR

Reverend Fathers, Vernerable Monastics, Pious Faithful,

Text may be read here.



The 14th Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference
will be held remotely over Zoom
in the evenings
of December 28-30, 2020.

Participation is free.
However, registration is necessary. Registar here.

Submit anonymous questions for the clergy panel here.

Submit  anonymous questions for the youth counselor panel here

Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Hilarion Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 11/18/2020

Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Hilarion Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 11/18/2020

Your Graces Brother-Archpastors, Honorable Fathers,
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

I sincerely greet you with the 725th Anniversary of the appearance of the miraculous Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God of the “Sign,” and with the Centennial of the founding of the Higher Church Administration Abroad, which later was transformed into the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad. We are not marking the events that destroyed all the foundations of Pre-Revolutionary Russia, and which hit extremely hard on our dear Mother – the Local Russian Orthodox Church – having pushed Her, together with the whole country, onto a path of great suffering, repression, martyrdom and confession. Rather, we raise up gratitude to God, Who has preserved us under the shelter of our precious Orthodox Faith, in the traditions of the glorious Russian Church. We bow down before the memory of those ascetics,...

The Benevolent Memorial Fund of St. Archbishop John VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER - 10/13/2020

Dear Friends of the St John Memorial Fund,

Please join us on October 18 for a virtual fundraising event in lieu of our annual luncheon!
The event will feature a presentation from the Mother Maria,  the Administrator of the Orthodox School in Bethany (Holy Land), beginning with a greeting from His Eminence, Bishop Theodosy of Seattle. In keeping with the tradition of our annual luncheon a live drawing for prizes will conclude the event. Prizes include the hand painted icon of Saint John shown on the left (8 x 11.5 inches, $500 value). 
Event information: Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 1:00 -2:30 pm (PDT)

Zoom Meeting ID: 881 9711 4332

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 88197114332

Join by Phone: 408-6380968 (enter zoom meeting ID followed by #)

For more information or to make a donation online please visit our website here.

Your donation is tax deductible and goes entirely toward the cause you choose. Your name will be included in the prize drawing.

Follow up on Facebook

the Board of Trustees

St. Silouan Monastery Feast Will Be Closed To Pilgrims This Year - 09/17/2020

It is with regret that I inform you that the Feast Day of the St. Silouan Monastery on September 23/24 will not be open to pilgrims this year. Due to the prevalence at the Monastery of thick smoke from the forest fires—which are predicted to continue through September and beyond; the risk of forest fires emerging near the property; the high outdoor temperatures and the possibility of rolling power outages, and the challenges posed by complying with the restrictions associated with the virus situation, it is clear that this is not the time for the Monastery to host a festal celebration.  Accordingly, the doors to the Monastery will be closed to pilgrims. We hope that the circumstances for the celebration next year of the Feast of St. Silouan at the Monastery will allow for our festive gathering. You may send your list of commemorations for the living and the departed to the following address: St. Silouan Monastery, 21285 Old Sonora Columbia Road, Sonora, CA 95370-8807.

+ Bishop James of Sonora

Wildfires Rage in Parts of the Northern Deanery, Some Parishes in Oregon at Risk of Evacuation - 09/09/2020

Wildfires Rage in Parts of the Northern Deanery, Some Parishes in Oregon at Risk of Evacuation - 09/09/2020

Oregon Governor Kate Brown has invoked the Emergency Conflagration Act as wildfires continue to spread throughout the state.

There are at least 35 active fires, with more than 368,029 acres burning in the state, according to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management.

Parishes in the Northern Deanery of the Western American Diocese in Oregon are at risk of succumbing to the fires...

Statement by the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad on the California Fires - 09/02/2020

Statement by the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad on the California Fires - 09/02/2020

It is with pain of heart that I am following the events unfolding in California, which is engulfed in flames, making this the second worst fire season in the history of the state. And I hasten to express my profoundest sympathy to everyone. I prayerfully empathize with His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, the auxiliary bishops His Grace Bishop Theodosy and His Grace Bishop James, the clergy, monastics and flock of the Western American Diocese, the citizens of California, all who have suffered from the flames and the tens of thousands of firefighters battling them.

Glory to God, the fire did not touch the Church of Our Lady of Kazan on the Russian River...

New Saturday St John Moleben Live-streaming Schedule - 08/10/2020

Beginning Saturday, August 8, the weekly Saturday livestreamed Moleben (service of Intercession) to St. John, Wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco will now begin at 4:30 pm, 15 minutes later than previously. Please make a note of this.

Link to Holy Virgin Cathedral live-stream here

Cathedral Archpriest Serge Kotar Retires and Departs San Francisco - 08/10/2020

Cathedral Archpriest Serge Kotar Retires and Departs San Francisco - 08/10/2020

On Saturday, August 1, 2020 longtime cathedral Archpriest Fr. Serge Kotar retired from service at Holy Virgin Cathedral and left the Western American Diocese. Fr. Serge is moving out East and will be living with his son’s family, not far from the Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, NY).

The Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion Of Eastern America & New York First Hierarch of The Russian Church Abroad on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Glorification of Venerable Herman Wonderworker of Alaska - 08/08/2020

An Abbot and Psychologist in the USA: America is in a pre-revolutionary situation like Russia was in 1917 - 08/08/2020

The Monastery of the All-Merciful Savior is located in Washington State, which was one of the first epicenters of the coronavirus epidemic, then of the mass protests that have swept throughout most of the country. The head of this monastery, Abbot Tryphon (Parsons), a licensed psychologist before his tonsure, has for many years replaced his clients and patients with spiritual children.  

He not only discussed how to rid ourselves of the pandemic and what consequences we might face. The priest, who in his youth was a radical socialist, shared his thoughts on how faith can help overcome tribulations, and also compared today’s events in the USA with the pre-Revolutionary situation in Russia in 1917.

It is most difficult today for the elderly and youth

- Fr Tryphon, why did you, an American, choose Russian Orthodox Christianity?

- It came from the heart. I love Russian culture, Russian music, the Liturgical music of the Russian Church, her traditions. When I began to seek my path to Orthodox Christianity, it was natural for me to join the Russian Church.

- You live in the State of Washington, which became one of the epicenters of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. What do you think of this situation?

The Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion Of Eastern America & New York First Hierarch of The Russian Church Abroad on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Glorification of Venerable Herman Wonderworker of Alaska - 08/08/2020


Right reverend brother-archpastors, reverend fathers,
beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord!

Pushkin’s chronicler Pimen, passing on his life’s work to his student, said:
"…To thee I hand my task. In hours exempt
From the soul’s exercise, do thou record,
Not subtly reasoning, all things whereto
Thou shalt in life be witness; war and peace,
The sway of kings, the holy miracles
Of saints, all prophecies and heavenly signs; -
For me ‘tis time to rest and quench my lamp…"

"Here is that which is most dear to the Russian people: the holy miracles of saints, prophecies, and heavenly signs. And truly, no celebration in Russia ever saw the coming together of such multitudes in Russia as the opening of new holy relics," said Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), who 100 years ago led the Russian Church Abroad, in one of his sermons.

As we know, the stages of the glorification of a saint in Christ’s Church take place gradually. We, the archpastors, pastors, and flock, examine ourselves against the dispositions of our forebears in the Faith, and in this way the canonization of God’s saints matures and takes shape...

New Distance Learning Program Announced at St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy - 07/24/2020

New Distance Learning Program Announced at St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy - 07/24/2020

In response to the growing desire of many families to continue educating their children at home during the current health crisis St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy, a K-12 Orthodox day school with instruction in English, is happy to announce that a distance learning program has been created for the 2020-2021 academic year...

OPEN LETTER to the Honourable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California - 07/08/2020

OPEN LETTER to the Honourable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California - 07/08/2020

to the Honourable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California
from His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America 
in light of the decree issued by the Governor of California 
that forbids choral singing in churches.

Your Excellency,

I hereby express my protest against the recent prohibition of liturgical singing in houses of worship, which is an infringement of the rights and religious freedoms of the clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Diaspora, the other Local Orthodox Churches, performing their ministry in this state, as well as other religious bodies.

Greetings on Saint John's Day - 07/02/2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters, greetings on the upcoming feast of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker! Unfortunately, at this time all the services are still closed to the public, but we will celebrate them, pray, honor St. John and livestream the services for our parishioners and all those who love our Holy Virgin Cathedral and Vladika John. Here is the link to our livestream page, where you will find the upcoming livestream service times and the link to our channel. The St. John days schedule is as follows:

Thursday, July 2: AKATHIST before the relics of St. John at 6:00 pm.
Friday, July 3: VIGIL service to St. John at 6:00 pm.
Saturday, July 4: St. John feastday Divine LITURGY at 9:00 am.

Video Presentation from the Symposium “Saint John and His Legacy” - 07/02/2020

On July 1st, 2016, Archpriest Sergei Kotar, a cleric of Holy Virgin Cathedral and founder of Saint John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy, shares his recollections of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker and many of the latter's miracles wrought in the school.

This presentation was one of many given at the Symposium sponsored by the Saints Athanasius and Cyril Institute for Orthodox Studies, which was entitled “Saint John and His Legacy”, and was dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of his repose (1966-2016).

“We Wake Up Hoping That It Was All A Nightmare” – The Lessons of the Pandemic - 06/18/2020

In other words, saying precisely when our lives will return to normal is very difficult. Like, on the other hand, answering the question will that life essentially be normal, i.e. as before. But we might, and I believe we should, take a different approach. That is to say we should try to understand the effect this ordeal has had on our thinking and what we have learned from it. Or otherwise on what should we have reflected and what should we have learned. Or still alternatively what insight can we obtain from it, how can our minds become enriched, disregarding the tragedy and incredible complexity of what has occurred.

I will attempt to share what I have come to understand.

1. It seems to me that it is worth placing first the obvious necessity of being prepared for anything in life. We often feel...

The Feast of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker is Closed to Public Worship - 06/18/2020

The Feast of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker is Closed to Public Worship - 06/18/2020

The annual Feast of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker scheduled for Saturday July 4, 2020, will be celebrated at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco where the Saint’s honorable and miraculous relics repose.

However, based on the current information available, the Divine Services will not be open to the public in compliance with the Public Health Directive of the San Francisco City and County Department of Public Health dated June 13, 2020.

In general, Holy Virgin Cathedral has been closed to the public, even for private worship, as of Great Lent of this year...

“We Wake Up Hoping That It Was All A Nightmare” – The Lessons of the Pandemic - 06/17/2020



The COVID-19 epidemic is gaining force and spares nothing in its path. In Kiev, some of the brothers of the Kiev Caves Lavra fell sick, as did the vicar archbishop of Obukhov, Jonah [who is now recovered.—OC]. We talked with Archbishop Theodosy (Snigirev), a vicar of Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine, about the situation in Kiev, the future of the Orthodox Church, and its liturgical heritage.


I would like to share my thoughts in connection with the discussion that has unfolded around the decoration of the mosaics of the main Church of the Armed Forces of Russia, recently built in Moscow.

Since ancient times, temples and entire monasteries dedicated to various historical events have always been erected on Russian soil. Such churches and monasteries include the following: the Church of the Protection on the Nerl, the Sretensky Monastery, the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square, the Cathedral of Saint Vladimir in Sevastopol, which is called the "Admiral's Cathedral" of the Russian fleet, where Admirals Lazarev, Kornilov, Nakhimov and Istomin are buried. The names of all naval officers who fell during the defense of Sevastopol are engraved on marble slabs in the upper church of this temple. The churches listed above include the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, built in 1883 in honor of the victory over Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812, and the St. Nicholas Cathedral, dedicated to the Russian fleet and all reposed sailors, built from 1903-1913 in Kronstadt. Even now those temples that belonged to a particular military regiment in tsarist times have also been preserved.

As a rule, in addition to icon painting, these temples were also decorated with memorable statues depicting certain historical events, and military paraphernalia, and, of course, with the awards that fallen soldiers received during the war. The naves of such temples usually had marble slabs on which the names of the fallen defenders of the fatherland were engraved. Most of these churches and monasteries were built, as a rule, on donations of ordinary Orthodox people. And this was done primarily so that everyone, making his contribution, would feel this temple, erected with his help, would be a house of prayer: “My house will be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13).

All Orthodox Christians, regardless of their country of residence, ...

The Governor of the State of California Announces the Opening of Churches - 05/25/2020

Today, May 25, 2020, the Governor of the State of California, Gavin Newsome, has declared that churches and all houses of worship are now open.

The monasteries and parishes of the Western American Diocese within the State of California may enter into this new phase of reduced social distancing. However, all are required to observe the guidelines found in...

Response to the Latest News about Opening Churches - 05/24/2020

The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fort Ross is Cancelled - 05/23/2020

It is with a heavy heart that we acknowledge the cancellation of our the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day. It is always a joyous day with the concelebration of the Divine Liturgy led by our hieararchs and surrounded by many the faithful. The procession to the cemetery across the canyon is refreshing as prayers are raised up for the departed and the graves are blessed.

Response to the Latest News about Opening Churches - 05/23/2020

Response to the Latest News about Opening Churches - 05/23/2020

On Friday May 22, 2020, the opening of churches within the United States, after  their closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was announced by President Donald Trump; the opening of houses of worship beginning this weekend.

The President’s statement is welcome as the faithful look forward to the possibility of returning to the usual rhythm of Church life through attendance at the Divine Services and participating in other parish activities.

However, for now the practices for the ministry of the faithful that have been worked out successfully and maintained...

Quarantine is a Commandment of God - 05/21/2020

Below are listed several thoughts and quotes from the Holy Scriptures:

“Christianity is not a religion of a church-made-by-hands (like the Jews have). We are able to serve all Sacraments outside of a church building. During the first four centuries Christians existed without material temples. We read: “For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people” (II Cor. 6:16).  And again: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies“ (I Cor. 6:19-20).

Quarantine is a Commandment of God - 05/21/2020


On April 9th, 2020, Deacon Alexander Gousev, a cleric and founder of Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia Church in Sparks, NV, reposed in the Lord.

Alexander Gousev (Sasha) was born in the former Soviet Union on May 10th, 1962. He came to Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, CA, in 1989. Sasha lived for some time in San Francisco and eventually settled in Reno, NV.


Full Suite of Texts for Holy Week - 04/16/2020

Full Suite of Texts for Holy Week: Readers Services for Every Day of Passion Week, For Those Homebound During the Period of Covid-19 Pandemic Restrictions

Paschal Epistle from His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, 2020 - 04/13/2020

Paschal Epistle from His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, 2020 - 04/13/2020

Reverend Fathers, Venerable Monastics, and Pious Faithful
of the Western American Diocese ROCOR:
Precious Children of the Church, my beloved flock:


Paschal Epistle from His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, 2020 - 04/13/2020

Reverend Fathers, Venerable Monastics, and Pious Faithful
of the Western American Diocese ROCOR:
Precious Children of the Church, my beloved flock:


The voice of the Angel who proclaimed “He is risen!” has never been more longed-for than today, nor has our joy been deeper in hearing it.

Paschal Message of Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia - 04/13/2020

Paschal Message of Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia - 04/13/2020

Paschal Message of
Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia
to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics
and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church

Your Graces the archpastors, venerable fathers,
all-honourable monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters:


By the grace of the All-Generous God, we have been vouchsafed to come to the radiant Paschal night and once again rejoice in the glorious Resurrection of Christ. From the depths of my heart I greet all of you, my beloved, with this great holiday and “feast of feasts.”

Lazarus Saturday at Bethany Community of the Resurrection of the Lord - 04/11/2020

Lazarus Saturday at Bethany Community of the Resurrection of the Lord - 04/11/2020

During these holy days of Great Lent and Passion Week throughout the world, churches have been closed. By Divine allowance, government officials of many nations have, from fear of the spread of COVID-19, announced general quarantines, including in the Holy Land. Christians have limited access to holy sites, deprived of spiritual support, common prayer and the partaking of the Holy Gifts of Christ in their churches.

A Personal Directive from the President of the Synod of Bishops concerning the Proposed Visit fo the "Kursk-Root" Icon - 04/08/2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia issues a  Personal Directive as the President of the Synod of Bishops concerning the Proposed Visit fo the "Kursk-Root" Icon.

Encyclical from Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside of Russia - 04/05/2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion issues an Encyclical about the Coronavirus and the State mandated quarantine.

St. John (Maximovitch): Nothing is Fearful for the Person Whose Hope is in God - 04/04/2020

St. John (Maximovitch): Nothing is Fearful for the Person Whose Hope is in God - 04/04/2020

"Where can I go from Thy Spirit, and where can I escape from Thy presence? If I go up into heaven, Thou art there; if I go down into hades, Thou art present there. If I take up my wings toward the dawn, and make mine abode in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand guide me, and Thy right hand shall hold me." (Psalm 138: 7-10).

These divinely inspired words of the Psalmist David should be particularly in our thoughts during these days, when the entire world is literally quaking, and from every direction comes news of all kinds of distress, shocks and calamities.



Dear in the Lord fathers, brothers, and sisters!

I sincerely greet you with the very warmest well-wishes for the blessings of God, good health, spiritual calm, and the patience so needed in this trying time! I especially greet the doctors, nurses, and all who work in the hospitals, sincerely wishing them increased strength and Heavenly aid! I wish for those who are sick - and for their friends and relatives - comfort in the hope of God’s will, which always directs man toward the good. Our prayers are with all of you.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill issues a Decree for Liturgical Practices in Regions where Quarantine Restrictions are Mandated - 03/18/2020

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Franciso and Western America has issued Decree 6E/2020 in which he provides a directive for liturgical practices to be followed at all parishes, monsteries and missions of the Diocese in regions where new government quarantine restrictions relating to the coronavirus have made it impossible / illegal to serve public services for a time. 

Archbishop Kyrill issues a Decree Pertaining to the Coronavirus - 03/13/2020

Instructional Notice Concering Reception of Post-Communion and other Pracitices during the Spread of the Coronavirus:

On Friday March 6, 2020, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill gave instruction to all of the clery of the Western American Diocese that zapivka (wine after communion) be served to the communicants from individual disposable cups until the Coronavirus ends. There is to be placed a paper bag for cup disposal next to the zapivka table.

12 Annual Great Lenten Retreat, San Francisco, CA - 02/11/2020

Radiant Events Added to the Joyous Patronal Feast Day of the Church of Saint Herman of Alaska in Sunnyvale, California - 01/03/2020

Radiant Events Added to the Joyous Patronal Feast Day of the Church of Saint Herman of Alaska in Sunnyvale, California - 01/03/2020

On December 12/25, the St Herman of Alaska Church in Sunnyvale, CA celebrated their parish feast day. This was an especially joyful event for the members of the parish as both our ruling hierarch, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America and our new diocesan vicar, His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora presided together at the Divine Services.

The parish’s joy was multiplied as long time parishioner...

Walk for Life West Coast - January 25, 2020 - 01/03/2020

The Myrrh-streaming "Hawaiian-Iveron" Icon will visit the Northern Deanery during the Nativity Season - 01/03/2020

The XIII Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was Held in Los Angeles, CA - 01/03/2020

The XIII Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was Held in Los Angeles, CA - 01/03/2020

The XIII Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was held at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, from December 26th to 30th, 2019.

Under the grace-filled protection of Most Holy Theotokos through Her miraculous myrrh-streaming “Hawaiian-Iveron” Icon and in the spiritual care of His Grace James Bishop of Sonora and diocesan clergy, approximately 50 youth and counselors, gathered together from the far reaches of the Western American Diocese – Colorado, Idaho, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington -- being joined by more centrally located participants from the San Francisco Bay area, Sacramento and Los Angeles itself. Among the attendees participants even came from Vancouver, BC and Russia.

Bishop Theodosius of Seattle Joined the Celebration of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill's Birthday in Moscow, Russia - 11/25/2019

Bishop Theodosius of Seattle Joined the Celebration of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill's Birthday in Moscow, Russia - 11/25/2019

On November 20, 2019, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia celebrated Divine Liturgy at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow. This day also marked His Holiness' 73rd birthday.

This year is also the 50th anniversary of the monastic tonsure of Patriarch Kirill. On April 3, 1969, Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) tonsured Vladimir Gundyaev, then a seminary student, and was given the name Kirill. On April 7, he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on June 1, a hieromonk.

Among the many hierarchs and clergymen also serving on this day were His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany and Vicar Bishop Theodosius of Seattle of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

The Parish Choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame Performed a Concert, November 17, 2019 - 11/25/2019

On November 17, 2019, the parish choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame presented a concert of Sacred works by contemporary composers.  The concert was dedicated to the memory of...

Patriarch Kirill Congratulates Archbishop Kyrill with His 65th Birthday - 11/22/2019

On November 21st, 2019, His Holiness KIRILL Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia congratulated His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Fransciso and Western America with his 65th Birthday. Below is a translation of the Patriarch's letter.

Patriarch Kirill Congratulates Archbishop Kyrill with His 65th Birthday - 11/22/2019

The Jordanville Annual Fund 2019 Year End Campaign is underway. - 11/20/2019

Exhortation to Bishop James Upon Receiving the Crozier - 11/13/2019

Your Grace, Bishop James!

This day, through the laying on of hands, you have received the Grace of the Holy Episcopacy. You have been summoned to the highest office of Holy Mother Church...

The Consecration of His Grace Bishop James of Sonora - 11/11/2019

Video Recording of the Nomination Speech of Archimandrite James (Corazza) Bishop-elect of Sonora - 11/11/2019

On November 5th, 2019, the eve of the Patronal Feast of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco (Western American Diocese), the Rite of Nomination was performed for Archimandrite James, Bishop-elect of Sonora. 

Bishop James' Nomination Speech is below.

The Consecration of His Grace Bishop James of Sonora - 11/11/2019

On November 6, 2019, Bishops, clergy and faithful of various Orthodox jurisdictions gathered in San Francisco, California, to celebrate the Patronal Feast of the Diocesan Cathedral of the Western American Diocese in honor of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

The solemnity of the Feast was especially auspicious as on this day a new auxiliary bishop of Western American Diocese was consecrated – His Grace Bishop James (Corazza) of Sonora.

The Elevation of the Honorable Cross Marks the Completion of a Capitol Remodel, St Seraphim of Sarov Church, Boise, Idaho - 11/11/2019

The Elevation of the Honorable Cross Marks the Completion of a Capital Remodel, St Seraphim of Sarov Church, Boise, Idaho - 11/11/2019

In June of this year the parish of St Seraphim began a building project to raise the roof of its church.  This project was expected to take 8-10 weeks. However, after removing the old roof, we found that the walls needed to be replaced as well. This situation resulted in the reconstruction of nearly the entire building.  Finally 5 months later, as we near the completion of our construction, we were able to bless the cross and raise it to the top of the new roof...



What is Holy Rus’? Is it some historical/geographical concept that belongs to past eras or an ideal we are expected to strive for? Does Holy Rus’ exist today? We asked some Russian priests these questions, and what meaning the concept of Holy Rus’ has for them personally.

The Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in San Francisco Marks Its Feast Day and 70th Anniversary - 11/04/2019

The Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in San Francisco Marks Its Feast Day and 70th Anniversary - 11/04/2019

On Monday November 4th, 2019, the Rector and community of the Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in San Francisco celebrated their Patronal Feast. It was marked by many preparations as the parish was also observing the 70th Anniversary from its foundation.

Presiding at the Divine Liturgy was Archimandrite James Bishop-elect of Sonora. Concelebrating with him were...

New Readers Tonsured on the Patronal Feast Day of St. Martin the Merciful Church, Corvallis, Oregon - 10/27/2019

On Friday and Saturday, October 25 & 26, 2019, St. Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, Oregon celebrated its parish feast day.  His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America presided.

Santa Rosa's Saints Peter and Paul Church Erects a New Iconostasis - 10/18/2019

Santa Rosa's Saints Peter and Paul Church Erects a New Iconostasis - 10/18/2019

Over the last month, that parishioners of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA, have been working on the installation of a new, carved iconostasis. Preparation of the new iconostasis, designed by Robert Latsko, a contracted architect of CJK Sacred Space in Novato, CA, was completed by the artisans of the George Loykakis studio in Crete. The initial design idea was taken from the Church of Christ the Savior “On-the-Blood” located in St Petersburg and then, under the direction of the rector, Archpriest Alexander Krassovsky, was adapted to the church building in Santa Rosa.

The first liturgy celebrated in the “new” altar was presided over by the Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastic Mission in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky) who, together with Fr Alexander, carried out the main cross of the new iconostasis into the middle of the church, where it was blessed and given to the people present to reverence, prior to having it installed on the highest point of the iconostasis.

The Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference is slated in Los Angeles from December 26th to 30th, 2019 - 10/17/2019

Theme: "Conforming the Will of Man to the Will of God." Lectures, panal discussions, community service, tacos, beach volleyball, and more...

Registration: $299.00 by mail, $310.00 online.

Registration details at: wadyouth.wordpress.com

On the Invalidity of Episcopal Ordinations of Ukrainian Schismatics and Non-canonicity of the ‘Orthodox Church of Ukraine’ - 10/17/2019

On the Invalidity of Episcopal Ordinations of Ukrainian Schismatics and Non-canonicity of the ‘Orthodox Church of Ukraine’ - 10/17/2019

on the invalidity of episcopal ordinations of Ukrainian schismatics and non-canonicity of the ‘Orthodox Church of Ukraine’

The unilateral actions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Ukraine, which concluded with the signing of the so-called ‘tomos of autocephaly’ in January 2019 in defiance of the will of the episcopate, clergy, monastics and laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, have provoked a bitter debate among churches...


Icon-painting contest to mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian Church Abroad - 09/28/2019

Icon-painting contest to mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian Church Abroad - 09/28/2019

28th Annual Russian Church Musicians' Conference held in Boston, October 2-6, 2019 - 09/19/2019

The Fall Pastoral Retreat is to be Held at the Saint Paisius Monastery in Safford, Arizona from October 21-23, 2019 - 09/19/2019

The Fall Pastoral Retreat is to be Held at the Saint Paisius Monastery in Safford, Arizona from October 21-23, 2019 - 09/19/2019

The Fall Pastoral Retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese is to be held at the Saint Paisius Monastery in Safford, Arizona from October 21-23.

This  is the first time that a pastoral retreat of the Diocese will be held at the monastery and this gives the clergy an opportunity to become acquainted with this holy place.

The program will include worship at the Divine Services (at times with the chanting led by the nuns of the monastery), liturgical practice, lectures and a round-table discussion. The retreat will conclude on the Feast Day of the Holy Fathers of Optina (October 23) with the solomn performance of the "Rite of Consecration of the Temple" of the monastery. His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill will be presiding. 

28th Annual Russian Church Musicians' Conference held in Boston, October 2-6, 2019 - 09/19/2019

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church confirms the candidacy of Archimandrite James (Corazza) for Bishop of Sonora, Second Vicar of the Western American Diocese - 08/30/2019

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church confirms the candidacy of Archimandrite James (Corazza) for Bishop of Sonora, Second Vicar of the Western American Diocese - 08/30/2019

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, during a meeting on August 30, 2019, at Danilov Monastery in Moscow, deliberated on the confirmation of a decision of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on the candidacy of Archimandrite James (Corazza) for Bishop of Sonora, Second Vicar of the Western American Diocese.

Archbishop Kyrill Receives Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the Feast of Dormition - 08/29/2019

Archbishop Kyrill Receives Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the Feast of Dormition - 08/29/2019

On August 28, 2019, the Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America received in His Cathedral dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” five bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, who are presently visiting the Diocese of Western America in conjunction with the celebration of the 800th Anniversary of the Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Concelebrating the Divine Liturgy with Archbishop Kyrill were the follow guests: His Grace TEODOSIJE Bishop of Kosovo and Metohija, His Grace MAXIM Bishop of Western America, His Grace SERGIJE Bishop of Bihac and Petrovac, His Grace DIMITRIJE Bishop of Herzegovina, and His Grace DAVID Bishop of Stobi (Archdiocese of Ohrid). Bishop Theodosy of Seattle, auxiliary bishop of the Western American Diocese, concelebrated as well, along with clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church and our diocesan clergy.

Visit by the "Iveron-Hawaiian" Myrrh-streaming Icon and the Ordination its Custodian - 07/08/2019

Visit by the "Iveron-Hawaiian" Myrrh-streaming Icon and the Ordination its Custodian - 07/08/2019

On Saturday 13 July, 2019, the “Iveron-Hawaiian” Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God shall be greeted at Holy Virgin Cathedral at 5:55 pm.

The icon will be present during Vigil, and at both Liturgies on Sunday 14 July.

On Sunday 14 July, the custodian of the Icon, Sub-deacon Nectarios, will be ordained to the Diaconate at the late Liturgy.

The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad convenes - 07/02/2019

On June 27-29, 2019, the Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev) Memorial Library at the headquarters of the Western American Diocese hosted a regular session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which coincided with the 25th-anniversary celebrations of the canonization of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-worker. The building was once an orphanage dedicated to St Tikhon of Zadonsk, which houses a chapel to the saint, as well as the humble residence of St John (Maximovich), the great archpastor of the Russian diaspora. Here, St John would bring the Bloodless Sacrifice “on behalf of all and for all.”

A Regular Meeting of the Synod of Bishops is Held within the Borders of the Western American Diocese - 06/28/2019

A Regular Meeting of the Synod of Bishops is Held within the Borders of the Western American Diocese - 06/28/2019

A regular meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which has coincided with the day of celebration of the memory of Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker and the 25th Anniversary of his canonization, is being convened within the borders of the Western American Diocese.

Most of the senior bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia have arrived San Francisco to discuss and...

Akathist to St. John of Shanghai and San Fransisco - 06/27/2019

On June 27th, 2019, the faithful gathered in the Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of all Who Sorrow,” to prayerfully celebrate the Akathist to St. John of Shanghai and San Fransisco the Wonderworker. The congregation was lead in singing the Kontakia of the Akathist by His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe and His Grace Bishop Nicholai of Manhattan; their voices were complemented by the other clergy present. Members of the congregation held copies of the service, following the example of the clergy in hymning the memory of St. John. 

Everyone present felt the blessing of being able to stand in the cathedral built through the prayers, determination and inspiration of St. John, and to perform the akathist to his memory...


Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the
Canonization for St. John Shanghai and San Francisco
(Holy Virgin Cathedral)

Schedule of Divine Services

Thursday Evening, June 27
AKATHIST before the honorable relics of Saint John at 7:30 pm

Friday Evening, June 28
Confessions at 5:00 pm
Vigil 6:00 pm

Saturday Morning, June 29
Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco
Greeting of Metropolitan Hilarion 8:45 am
Liturgy at 9:00 am

Luncheon-Banquet Following the Saturday Service
Reservations Mandatory
Lenten Buffet and Wine will be included
Tickets: $60.00 per person
To Purchase Tickets:
Sold out!
For questions, please email StJohnSFSobor@gmail.com

Russian Center of San Francisco
2460 Sutter Street
San Francisco CA 94115

Doors Open 1:00pmHoly Virgin Cathedral wishes to thank Russian Center for Donating the Hall!

Film about the Diocesan Youth Workweek at St. Silouan’s Monastery, 2018 - 06/04/2019

The Diocesan Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan’s Monastery in Sonora starts in less than two weeks: June 12-22, 2019.

There are still some places left. Register here NOW!

Below is a link to a film that depicts last year’s workweek. As you watch please, note, this year will be a little different. The girls will not be staying at the lake as in the past, which was a ½ hour drive one way. This time the girls will stay up that hill in the large private residence  5 minutes from the monastery. The boys will be staying at the monastery in tents.

Western American Diocese Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan’s Monastery, 2019 - 05/11/2019

Western American Diocese Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan’s Monastery, 2019 - 05/11/2019



The Administrator of the Orthodox School of Bethany Nun Maria will be speaking at Holy Ascension Church on Wednesday, May 15, at 7:00 pm. Come, see, hear and support this school. Further details about the Bethany School here

Mother Maria (Wall), Administrator of the Orthodox School of Bethany will Visit the Western American Diocese - 05/03/2019

Mother Maria (Wall), Administrator of the Orthodox School of Bethany will Visit the Western American Diocese - 05/03/2019

For the first time in the history of the Western American Diocese a representative of the Orthodox School in Bethany in Palestine will be visiting the West Coast from May 4th to 22nd, 2019. Mother Maria (Wall), is the Administrator of the school, which is of extreme importance in the region of the Palestinian and Israeli States as a great witness of Orthodoxy. The Orthodox School in Bethany provides an excellent primary and secondary education in a nurturing environment.

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America - 04/25/2019

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America - 04/25/2019

Reverend Fathers, Venerable Monastics, and Pious Faithful
of the Western American Diocese ROCOR:
Precious Children of the Church, my beloved flock:


Today we bear witness to the Resurrection of Christ and cry out from the depths of our hearts with joy. There is no other response that is possible for man, beholding the defeat of death, except joy, and we will never cease to experience it so long as we are faithful in following Him.

Concert of Sacred Works, Church of All Russian Saints, Burlingame, CA - 04/07/2019

Concert of Sacred Works, Church of All Russian Saints, Burlingame, CA - 04/07/2019

On Sunday, March 24, 2019, the Parish Choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, California, presented its annual “Lenten” choral recital, featuring works heard at Great Lent and Passion Week services. The concert was dedicated to the memory of long-time choirmaster Vladimir Pavlovich Roudenko, who peacefully departed this world on February 8, 2019, after a 7-decade career of conducting youth and adult choirs on three continents.

Epistle of the Clergy of the Western American Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 04/03/2019

Epistle of the Clergy of the Western American Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 04/03/2019

We, the clergy of the Western American Diocese, committed in humble service to the Gospel of Christ and obedient to the life of His Church, having gathered for three days in the presence of the myrrh-streaming “Hawaiian” Iveron icon of the Theotokos for our Lenten pastoral conference, humbly address ourselves to our faithful flock and all pious Orthodox Christians. Standing, as we have during these days, before the wonderworking icon amidst throngs of faithful from every land — from America, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Syria and many other places — who came to venerate the Holy Virgin and pray with us in spiritual unity,...

Saint John's Day, 25th Anniversary of His Canonization - 03/31/2019

Sunday of Orthodoxy was Celebrated in San Francisco, California - 03/21/2019

The Sunday of Orthodoxy was Celebrated in San Francisco, California - 03/21/2019

On the First Sunday of Great Lent, March 17, 2019, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy at Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) in San Francisco, California.

The Primate of the OCA the Most Blessed Tikhon Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada presided over the Vespers Service for the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Seeking Paradise, the XI Annual Great Lenten Retreat - 02/28/2019

Annual Gala -- St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy celebrates 25 years - 02/15/2019

St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy celebrates 25 years of providing Orthodox education in a loving environment with a 25th Anniversary Gala to be held on Friday, February 22nd at St. John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church (910 Baker Street, San Francisco).

The theme of the annual fund-raising Gala this year is "Around the World" in celebration of the diversity of cultures of the student body of the school.

NATIVITY EPISTLE оf the Ruling Archbishop of the Western American Diocese ROCOR - 01/05/2019

NATIVITY EPISTLE оf the Ruling Archbishopвof the Western American Diocese ROCOR - 01/05/2019

Reverend Fathers, Venerable Monastics, and Pious Faithful

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 01/05/2019

Eminent Brother Archpastors, honorable Fathers, 
beloved Brothers, Sisters and Children in Christ:

I offer my words of greeting, which are inspired by Christian love, on this great feast of the Nativity of Christ! With a warm heart I wish you all that profound and inalienable peace, which was heralded by the angels above the town of Bethlehem on the holy night when "the Word was made flesh" (John 1:14).

The 12 Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was Held in Placerville, CA - 01/02/2019

Youth from throughout the Diocese gathered in Placerville, CA, from December 23-28, 2018.

Excursions included trips to Sutter’s Mill where the 1849 Gold Rush began and a decent into Black Chasm Cavern...

Parish Christmas Programs in the Western American Diocese - 12/13/2018

Parish schools throughout the Western American Diocese will be organizing their annual Christmas programs for children. Below is a parish list:

Parish Christmas Programs in the Western American Diocese - 12/13/2018

EPISTLE OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 12/11/2018

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you”(John 14:27).

Having gathered in an expanded session of the Synod of Bishops as we approach the feast day of the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York City, we, the bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, warmly greet the clergymen and God-loving flock with the all-diaspora celebration of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign", the “Protectress” of the Russian diaspora.

We are approaching the centennial of the founding of the Russian Church Abroad, which continues to minister to its flock, scattered like Divine kernels of wheat throughout the world. Over the course of that time, the work of its Councils, the sessions of its Synod of Bishops, important ecclesiastical-social gatherings and various Church celebrations have all taken place under the auspices of the Kursk-Root Icon. This miracle-working image has accompanied Russian refugees fleeing cruel persecutors who dared to desecrate or destroy the holy sites of our Fatherland, murder archpastors, pastors and a multitude of believers, including the Royal Passion-bearers. The hundredth anniversary of the martyrdom of the latter was prayerfully marked in all the dioceses of our Church this year.

Pilgrimage to Saint Paisius Monastery for the Patronal Feast - 11/25/2018

On Sunday, November 25th, 2018 His Grace Bishop Irenei arrived at the Monastery of St. Paisius with the sounding of the bells for an extended visit in anticipation of its patronal feast day. On the days preceding the feast, His Grace spoke at length in the monastic trapeza to the sisterhood, in company with clergy and guests. 

Pilgrimage to Saint Paisius Monastery for the Patronal Feast - 11/25/2018

Hymns to the Queen of Heaven - 11/15/2018

On the day when the Church commemorates the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (October 22/November 4, 2018), the parish choir of the Church of All Russian Saints presented a concert of works glorifying the Queen of Heaven, dedicated to the memory of reposed benefactor Nikolai Vasilyevich Misersky, in Burlingame, California.

Camp Fire in Paradise California, Help the Victims! - 11/14/2018

An Appeal through the Russian American Community Services (RACS).
The deadliest fire in California's history affects thousands. We have been asked to assist the Chico, CA Sts. Cyril and Methodius parish to help reconstruct the lives of area families who suffered in this tragedy. 

100% of funds received will benefit victims.

Please contribute.
300 Anza Street
San Francisco, CA  94118

The Diocesan Cathedral Dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” Celebrates It’s Feast Day - 11/12/2018

The Diocesan Cathedral Dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” Celebrates It’s Feast Day - 11/12/2018

On Tuesday November 6, 2018, the clergy and faithful gathered together with His Eminence KYRRIL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America in the Diocesan Cathedral to celebrate the Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

The Patronal Feast was concelebrated by His Eminence Peter of Chicago and Mid-America, His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle, the cathedral clergy, and other priests from the Western American Diocese and the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). 

The Miraculous Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother God Visited Parishes of Central California - 11/11/2018

The Miraculous Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother God Visited Parishes of Central California - 11/11/2018

On November 10 and 11, 2018, the miraculous Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother God visited parishes of Central California.

Western American Diocese to Mark the Centennial of the Martyrdom of the Holy Royal Family, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Seattle, WA - 10/27/2018

On November 13, 2018, Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, Washington, will be sponsoring an all-Diocesan a lecture and banquet to mark the Centennial of the Martyrdom of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia. The cathedral is a memorail church dedicated to the memory of His Imperial Highness Emperor Tsar Nicholas and His August Family. 

This event, open to all the members of the Western American Diocese, is being combined with fall retreat of our clergy.

Monday November 12 at 6:00 PM: Greeting of His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle, All-night Vigil serverd by the clergy of our Diocese.
Tuesday November 13 at 9:00 AM: Divine Liturgy
Tuesday November 13 at 6:00 PM: Litya for the Departed, lecture "The Holy Royal Martyrs" by Russell Marten, performance by graduates and choir, Banquet.

For tickets call Tatiana Bilibin at (425) 478-7997 or Natalie Kotar at (206) 499-2886.

Divine Services:
St. Nicholas Cathedral
1714 13th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122

Lecture & Banquet
Women's University Club
1105 6th Ave.,
Seattle, WA

Memorandum Concerning the Status of Bishop Irenei - 10/24/2018

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America issued a Memorandum in which he outlines the duties of His Grace Bishop Irenei of Richmond and Western Europe.

Lecture: Historical Significance of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 10/23/2018

An Evening Lecture
Historical Significance of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

With the blessing of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America an evening lecture (bi-lingual) will be presented by His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid America.

The year 2020 marks 100 years since the founding of ROCOR. In order to prepare for this important anniverary, the Synod of Bishops has established a Centenary Committee headed by Archbishop Peter.

7:00 PM Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and wine, cocktails, refresments.
7:30 PM Presentation by Archbishop Peter
Q & A to follow, and an opportunity to meet Archbishop Peter

Russian Scout House
6231 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA

The Primate of the Orthodox Church in America makes a Private Pilgrimage to St. John of San Francisco the Wonderworker - 10/20/2018

On October 19, 2018, The Most Blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada made a private pilgrimage to our Diocesan Cathedral dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in San Francisco to venerate the honorable relics of Holy Father John Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker. Metropolitan Tikhon was accompanied by The Most Reverend Benjamin Archbishop of San Francisco and the West, his auxiliary The Right Reverend Daniel Bishop of Santa Rosa and His Eminence Abel Archbishop of Lyublinsk and Kholm (Polish Autocephalous Church).

Statement of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 10/18/2018

Statement of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 10/18/2018

The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia communicates to the plenitude of her clergy and faithful, and to her fellow Orthodox Christians throughout the world, her profound sorrow at the uncanonical undertakings perpetrated by the Church of Constantinople over the past days; in particular with regard to its Message of 11th October 2018. Simultaneously we express our complete support of the position taken by the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Moscow, following its meeting of 15th October 2018 and announced in its statement of the same date.

The illicit actions of the Church of Constantinople are able to suffer no canonical defence and constitute a grave and dangerous injustice against the traditions of Orthodoxy, as well as a shocking disregard for the spiritual welfare of the sheep of Christ (cf. John 10.3, 11). Having expressed its intention to establish stravropegia of its Church in the Ukraine, Constantinople thus solidifies its intrusion into another Local Church’s canonical territory, an anti-canonical violation of the highest order which the Synod of Constantinople has no power or right to undertake. We make explicit that under no circumstances will we consider such institutions to have any legal substance, nor will we acknowledge any legitimacy whatsoever to those who, deeming themselves shepherds, submit to these non-Church establishments.

Video: The Repose of a Saint, presentation by Sergei Kalfov - 10/11/2018

Video: The Repose of a Saint, presentation by Sergei Kalfov - 10/11/2018

In commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Translation of the honorable relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, (September 28/October 11, 1993), the Media Department of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia has published a lecture by Sergei Kalfov of Seattle, WA, which he presented during the Symposium entitled “St. John and His Legacy.”

This Symposium was sponsored by the Saints Cyril and Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies, which was dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Repose of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, held from June 30 through July 1, 2016.

Two New Books Mark the Centennial of the Martyrdom of the Royal Family - 10/10/2018

Holy Trinity Publishing at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, has published two new books to mark the centennial of the martyrdom of the Holy Royal Family of Russia.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Alaska - 10/09/2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

With the blessing of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the community of the Royal Martyrs of Russia in Reno/Sparks, NV, is organizing a pilgrimage to Alaska for 7 days from the 28th of July to the 4th of August, 2019, which will include visits to Orthodox churches in Juno, Sitka and also Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA. It is from here that we will depart for Alaska on a ship of the cruise company “Holland America Line.”

Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY, thanks its Benefactors. - 10/09/2018

Archbishop Kyrill to Preside over the Patronal Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 10/08/2018

Archbishop Kyrill to Preside over the Patronal Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 10/08/2018

On Sunday October 14, 2018, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is scheduled to preside over the patronal feast of Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Los Angeles, CA. Starting at 10:00 am: Greeting, Liturgy, cross procession and festal meal.

The myrrh-streaming Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Softener of Stony Hearts" will be present at Liturgy.

Protection of the Holy Virgin Church
2041 Argyle Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90068

XII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Placerville, CA - 10/07/2018

XII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Placerville, CA - 10/07/2018

St. Herman's West youth conference will be held at St. Elias parish in Diamond Springs, CA near Placerville Dec. 23-Dec. 28 this year! Registration and more details of the schedule are coming soon.

We'll have Fr. Peter Perekrestov from San Francisco, CA and Fr. Moses Berry from Springfield, MO as speakers. We'll partake in local mining culture and pan for gold and gemstones. We'll get answers to our deepest questions in panel discussions. And we'll make friendships that last a lifetime. And it that isn't enough, we'll travel to the nearby Serbian church of St. Sava to venerate the relics of a saint close to us in place and time -- St. Sebastian of Jackson and San Francisco.

Arrival airport is Sacramento (SMF). Details and registration to follow here.

Pastoral Retreat Fall, 2018 - 10/06/2018

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America the Fall clergy conference of the Western American Diocese will be held at Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA, from the 12 to the 14 of November, 2018. 

The clergy conference is being combined with the Diocesan-wide observance of the Centennial of the Martyrdom of Holy Royal Martyr Nicholas II of Russia and His August Family, which is being held in Seattle on Tuesday November 13. The key-note speaker will be Professor Russel Martin. Details to come. 

Annual Panykhida at Mare Island, 2018 - 10/05/2018

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill the annual Mare Island Memorial service for Russian sailors is scheduled for SATURDAY, November 10th, 2018, at 11:00 am.

His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle Celebrated the Patronal Feast Day of Saint Silouan's Monastery, Sonora, CA - 09/24/2018

On September 24, 2018, His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle presided over the patronal feast day of Saint Silouan the Athonite Monastery in Sonora, CA. 

Concelebrating with His Grace were...

Memorandum Concerning the Status of Bishop Irenei - 09/24/2018

Archimandrite Nektariy (Haji-Petropoulos) Conferred with a Doctorate - 09/16/2018

In September of this year, the Mexican Doctoral Council granted the Right Rev. Schema-Archimandrite Dr. Nektariy (Hajji-Petropoulos) an Honoris Causa Doctorate in Social Sciences and Humanities.  He was elected along with another nine people, who were selected due to "outstanding professional service" within the whole country. Among other chosen were deputies, senators, State Ministers...

Statement by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad on the appointment of exarchs of the Constantinople Patriarchate to Kiev - 09/09/2018

Standing before God in prayerful solidarity with our long-suffering brethren of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine, who, being revered and respected throughout the whole of the Orthodox world, is primate of the only recognised canonical Orthodox Church of Christ in Ukraine, we, the members of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which carries out its ministry in the lands of North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other nations of the West, ministering to numerous emigres from the lands of historic Russia and their descendants, express our profound indignation at the blatant violation...

Patronal Feast Day of Saint Silouan Monastery - 09/05/2018

Saint Silouan's Monastery of the Western American Diocese will celebrate its patronal feast day on September 24th, 2018.

His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle is presiding.

Schedule of Divine Services:
Sunday September 23: vigil at 6:00 PM
Monday September 24: Greeting of the Bishop at 9:00 AM, Liturgy, procession and festal meal.

27th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 09/04/2018

This year’s conference will focus on the very foundation of Orthodox church singing – the Obikhod, or Common Chant Tradition. We will explore its rich diversity of liturgical expression and how this tradition facilitates prayerful and understandable singing/chanting in the Divine Services. 

As last year, we will continue to focus on the liturgical artistry of the clergy – reader, priest, and especially the deacon – and the necessary techniques to achieve prayerful singing/chanting of the highest quality in harmony with the singers.

Throughout the three-day  program, an exciting blend of historical, theoretical, and practical considerations will prepare Orthodox singers, both in the choir loft and in the altar, to sing praises to our Lord reverently.

This year’s conference brings together choir members, conductors and clergy of all levels of experience to explore the wealth and beauty of the Divine Services of the Orthodox Church.

Join us in October!

More information and registration here.

Feast Day at Saint Elias Church in Diamond Springs, CA - 08/02/2018

On August 2, 2018, His Grace IRENEI Bishop of Sacramento presided over the Altar Feast of Saint Elias Church in Diamond Springs, CA. 

The friendly mission parish conducts its Divine Services in English, though its membership consists of many ethnicities who share a bond of love for God and His Church. 

For the first time in many years there was a cross procession led by Bishop Irenei, who at that time blessed the parking lot as it was soon to undergo a substatial upgrade, improving its use, safety and logevity. The choir for the day was conducted by Alexandra Volmensky who was joined by several members of her choir at Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento. The Sisterhood of St. Elias Church prepered sumptious, festal meal in the church hall. 

Western American Diocese Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan's Monastery, 2018 - 08/01/2018

Western American Diocese Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan's Monastery, 2018 - 08/01/2018

This summer the Lord vouchsafed my daughter and me to spend a striking week at Saint Silouan’s Monastery in Sonora, CA. This wonderful place is difficult to put into words: scenic mountains, forest, a wide stream with clear, cool water, horses ambling on the hills. The monastery is in the process of being built and this is a remarkable particularity. It is a great fortune to see with your own eyes and by the participation of your own hands how, to the beauty of God’s creation, beauty created by man is added...

His Grace Bishop Theodosy Presides over Feast at Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia Church in Reno, NV - 07/22/2018

On Sunday July 22, 2018, we continued our solemnities. That day we greeted our Rector, His Grace Bishop Theodosy. Vladyka flew directly from Yekaterinburg where he had participated from July 16 to 17 in the traditional All-night Vigil and procession that begins at the Memorial Church on the Blood and finishes at Monastery of the Holy Royal Martyrs in the grove of Ganina Yama (Ganina Pit). The march rout of the cross procession is around 20 km. It takes about 5 hours. Vladyka told us that before the cross procession a church choir performed the Hymn of the Russian Empire “God Save the Tsar” in honor of the Holy Royal Family.

Our solemnities began on July 22 at 8:45 am with the...

His Grace Bishop Theodosy Presides over Feast at Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia Church in Reno, NV - 07/22/2018

Altar Feast on the Russian River - 07/21/2018

On July 21, 2018, His Eminece Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the Altar Feast at the Kazan Church on the Russian River. Concelebrating with him were priests and deacons of our Dicoese as well as of the Moscow Patriarcate.

The choir sing the Divine Liturgy prayerfully and beautifully under the direction of Matushka Ioanna Sharkov. The warm, sunny weather permited the clergy and faith to enjoy a delicous and abundant meal out of doors in the church yard.

Toward the end of the festal meal Archbishop Kyrill present the parish with two new icons to adorn the church yard.

Patronal Feast Day of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia Church in Reno/Sparks, Nevada - 07/17/2018

On July 17th, 2018, the community of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia in Reno/Sparks, Nevada, celebrated its Patronal Feast Day marking 100 years to the day of the Martyrdom of Holy Martyr Tsar Nicholas and His August Family, and dedicated servants (+July 4/17, 1918).

Priest Andrei Kudryavtzev, Father Deacon Alexander Gousev and the parishioners marked the day with...

Patronal Feast of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia, Reno, Nevada - 07/16/2018

Iveron-Hawaiian Icon coming to Los Angeles - 07/16/2018

Parish Feast Day at the Russian River - 07/16/2018

EPISTLE of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on the 100th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Righteous Royal Passion-Bearers - 07/16/2018

EPISTLE of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on the 100th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Righteous Royal Passion-Bearers - 07/16/2018

To My Eminent Brother Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, Dear Brothers and Sisters:

The 20th century was a difficult time for Orthodox Christians on the territory of the Russian Empire, which became the USSR after the Great War, the October Revolution and Civil War. But the more the Church endured persecution, the brighter the lanterns of faith and piety shone in the Russian land. From the Tsar and the members of the Royal Family close to him in spirit, from archpastors and simple monastics, priests, deacons to laypersons came forth a powerful spiritual army of the Church Militant. By 1918, the Russian Church showed two sorts of podvig—that of martyrdom and that of confession. Thank God, today we see how the blood of many millions of the host of Martyrs and Confessors who turned the Russian land red became the seeds of salvation for the spiritual rebirth of our people, in the Fatherland and in the diaspora.

Photogallery of Saint John's Day, 2018 - 06/30/2018

The Western American Diocese marked the annual memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco on June 30, 2018. Below is a photogallery of the celebration.

- 06/20/2018

2018 Summer Workweek at St. Silouan' Monastery - 06/07/2018

The Youth Department of the Western American Diocese is sponsoring the 2018 Summer Workweek at Saint Silouan's Monastery in Sonora, CA, from July 22nd to July 28th of this year.

The event starts with Divine Liturgy in Sparks, NV, marking the 100th Annivesary of the Martyrdom of the Royal Family of Russia on Sunday July 22, 2018. After the festal dinner the youth travel to Saint Siloun's Monastery.

Projects include the repair of the bank by the bridge, building a staircase for a monastic cell, rebuilding the roof on a car port and more.

The daily schedule includes prayer, spiritual talks, swimming and an evening campfire.

Special activities include a day trip to Yosemite Valley (Thursday July 26th) and the Feast of St. Vladimr Enlightener of Russia (Saturday, July 28th).

Ages: 15 to 25.
Cost: $125.00/person
Register here.
Questions: email here.

Day of the Holy Spirit, and Three Hierarchs at the Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross - 05/28/2018

Day of the Holy Spirit, and Three Hierarchs at the Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross - 05/28/2018

On the Day of the Holy Spirit, May 15/28, 2018, clergy and laity of the Western American Diocese gathered around their three hierarchs at Fort Ross for the annual pilgrimage.

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating with him where the two auxiliary Bishops...

Photo Report of the "Educational" Divine Liturgy for Children, Seattle, WA - 05/19/2018

In May of this year the clergy of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA, performed an "instructive" Divine Liturgy during which young children were taught about the Eucharist at this Divine Service.



On May 17, 2018, the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church of Sacramento celebrated its Patronal Feast Day.

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the Divine Liturgy and festivities. Concelebrating with him were Archpriest Paul Volmensky (Rector), Archpriest James Steele (St. Elias Church of Diamond Springs, CA), Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff), and deacons Nicholai Lenkoff and Nicholas Stoltz.

Saint John of San Francisco Day, June 30th, 2018 - 05/15/2018

The Annual Feast of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker will be held on June 30th, 2018, at the Diocesan Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow." His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill is presiding.

Friday June 29th at 6:00 pm: All-night Vigil
Saturday June 30th at 9:30 am: Greeting of the Bishop, Divine Liturgy, procession and Festal Meal

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, May 28, 2018 - 05/15/2018

The annual pilgrimage to Fort Ross, CA, will take place on the Day of the Holy Spirit, Monday May 28th, 2018. 

9:30 am Liturgy in the chapel
Procession to the cemetery and Litya for the Dead
Lunch at the Kazan Church on the Russian River
Address: 17370 Neeley Road; Guerneville, CA 95446

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, May 28, 2018 - 05/15/2018

Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America Gives a Church Award to Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich - 05/14/2018

Saint John of San Francisco Day, June 30th, 2018 - 05/14/2018

Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America gives a church award to Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich - 05/14/2018

On Sunday, May 6, 2018, The 5th Sunday of Pascha and the feast day of St George the Victory-Bearer and Great Martyr, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York City, along with the Senior Priest of the cathedral, Protopriest Andrei Sommer.

The Head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and her son, Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich, who was celebrating his namesday, prayed at the service.

Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill presides in Sacramento - 05/13/2018

The 8th Annual Children’s Cossack Games were Held - 05/07/2018

The 8th Annual Children’s Cossack Games were Held - 05/07/2018

On Saturday the 5th of May, 2018, the 8th Annual Children’s Cossack Games were held at Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church of Sacramento under the direction of Stanislav Holokov a Semirechniy Cossack, Ataman of the Cossacks’ National Union and Dean of the Western American Cossack Cadet School in honor of the “Don” Icon of the Mother of God.

Statement from the Synod of Bishops - 04/29/2018

Statement from the Synod of Bishops - 04/29/2018

On Pascha night, April 8th, 2018, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America resumed his duties as Ruling Bishop after a brief leave of absence for health reasons, which had been blessed by Metropolitan Hilarion First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Mother's Day Champagne Brunch - 04/28/2018

Photo-report on Paschal night services at the Cathedral of San Francisco's Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" - 04/28/2018

Decree No. 11E/2018 To the Clergy and Laity of the Western American Diocese - 04/27/2018

This year on April 29th marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Alexander II of Russia. Emperor Alexander II is remembered mainly for his progressive reform in the abolishment of serfdom in 1861 that served as a prototype to President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

Decree No. 11E/2018 To the Clergy and Laity of the Western American Diocese - 04/27/2018

Photo-report on Paschal night services at the Cathedral of San Francisco's Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" - 04/08/2018

On Pascha night, divine services were celebrated at the Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in San Francisco, CA, the home of the uncorrupt relics of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-worker. Leading the services was His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, who returned from a brief leave of absence. His Eminence was joined by the cathedral's clergymen, as the Cathedral Choir and SS Cyrill and Methodius High School Choir sang antiphonally.



I express my heartfelt greetings to you my brother archpastors, dear in the Lord fathers, brothers and sisters, on this holy, brightest and all-joyous day of the Resurrection of Christ, and in the name of the Three-day Risen God, the Lover of Mankind, extend to you the embrace of Paschal rejoicing and fraternal love! Bowing down to Christ, the Giver of Life, together with the entire Church, I fervently pray for His mercy, that He grant us the unearthly, desired peace that He gave His disciples, and blesses our prayerful and fraternal communion in His name.

Tenth Annual Diocesan Lenten Retreat: “Bringing the Church to the World” - 03/30/2018

Tenth Annual Diocesan Lenten Retreat: “Bringing the Church to the World” - 03/30/2018

On Sunday March 25, Holy Virgin Cathedral, which is dedicated to the honor of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” hosted the Western American Diocese’s Tenth Annual Great-Lenten Retreat: “Bringing the Church to the World.”  This year’s speakers were Bishop Irenei of Sacramento and Hieromonk Alexii (Altschul).  From the beginning connections were found between this retreat and those held previously. Fr. Alexii had been baptized into the Orthodox Faith by last year’s speaker Fr. Moses Berry, while Bishop Irenei had been the speaker of the first ever Great-Lenten retreat back in 2007 (before his monastic tonsure and episcopal consecration) as Oxford University Fellow Dr. Matthew Steenburg.

Appeal to the Parishes of the Western American Diocese on behalf of Those Who have Suffered in Kemerovo, Russia - 03/29/2018

Appeal to the Parishes of the Western American Diocese on behalf of Those Who have Suffered in Kemerovo, Russia - 03/29/2018

Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters,

With incredible pain we have received the news about the tragic events in the Kemerov Diocese which swept away the lives of a multitude of children. Now, moved by the Christian sense of sympathy and brotherly love, we are praying for the repose of those who have been lost and for the health of those lying in hospitals. And, we call for all possible assistance to all affected families through the Benevolent Memorial Fund of St. Archbishop John (Maximovich).

This great archpastor of the Russian Diaspora always hastened to the aid of the suffering, those in tribulation and those weighed down by the cross of life. He hastened with concrete help, with kind words of love, consolation, hope and prayer.

Let us follow, even if in small measure,...

Annual Lenten Choral Recital held in Burlingame, CA - 03/28/2018

On Sunday, March 18, 2018, the Parish Choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, California, presented its annual “Lenten” choral recital, featuring works heard at Great Lent and Passion Week services. The concert was dedicated to the memory of Metropolitan Laurus, who reposed ten years ago on March 16, 2008.  Before the first selection, all who were present chanted “Eternal Memory” for +Metropolitan Laurus, Prince Vladimir Galitzine (+ 22-FEB-2018) and Dmitri Hvorostovsky (+ 22-NOV-2017).  Several concert selections are familiar sacred works performed by Hvorostovsky.

Photo-report of the Pastoral Retreat of Great Lent, 2018 - 03/22/2018

An Appeal to Raise Funds for Saint Tikhon's House in San Francisco, CA - 03/17/2018

An Appeal to Raise Funds for Saint Tikhon's House in San Francisco, CA - 03/17/2018

On behalf of the Diocesan Council of the Western American Diocese an Appeal for the collection of funds for the renovation of Saint Tikhon's House in San Francico, CA, was read to the diocesan clergy at their Great-Lenten Retreat held from March 12 to 14, 2018. 

Iveron-Hawaiian Icon to Visit San Francisco & the Monterey Peninsula on March 24th & 25th, 2018 - 03/16/2018


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Cathedral
"Joy of All Who Sorrow"
6210 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA  94121
7:50 am Arrival of the Holy Icon 
8:00 am Divine Liturgy
* Holy Icon will remain at the Cathedral until 3:00 pm

Saint Seraphim Russian Orthodox Church 
Canyon Del Rey Blvd
Seaside, CA  93955
6:00 pm Arrival of the Holy Icon and All night Vigil 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Saint Seraphim Russian Orthodox Church 
Canyon Del Rey Blvd
Seaside, CA  93955
9:40 am Arrival of the Holy Icon 
10:00 am Divine Liturgy 
* Holy Icon will remain at the church until 4:00 pm

Saint John's Greek Orthodox Church 
Lincoln and 9th Street
Carmel by the Sea, CA 
6:00 pm Arrival of the Holy Icon and Paraklesis Service
7:00 pm Lenten Sunday Vespers
8:30 pm Great Compline
* Holy Icon will remain in the church until 7:30 am

Hierarchical Service Schedule, 4th Week of Great Lent through Pascha - 03/16/2018

Published below is the schedule of hierarchical services performed in our Diocese from the 4th Sunday of Great Lent through Pascha. Please, note the good news that His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill is scheduled to preside over the Divine Services at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco on Pascha night and Great Vespers that day.

Hierarchical Service Schedule, 4th Week of Great Lent through Pascha - 03/16/2018

Panykhida Commemorating Metropolitan Laurus on the 10th Anniversary of His Repose - 03/16/2018

As part of the program of the Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese which had been held from March 12 to 14, 2018, our bishops, priests and deacons gathered in Old Holy Virgin Cathedral to perform a panykhida for ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus who reposed on the Sunday of Orthodoxy 10 years ago (+ 3/16, 2008).

Archpriest Alex Kotar, Dean of the Northern Deanery of the Western American Diocese and Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff) performed the panykhida. His Grace Bishop Theodosy, His Grace Bishop Irenei and the participanting clergy of the conference chanted and prayed.

Memory Eternal to our beloved and ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus, a true Teacher of the Faith and father to so many!

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill has been Granted a Temporary Leave of Absence - 03/12/2018

A Report on the Saint Herman's West Youth Conference, 2017 - 03/12/2018

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill has been Granted a Temporary Leave of Absence - 03/12/2018

With the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, our Ruling Bishop, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America has been granted a leave of absence for the purpose of addressing his health.

Bringing the Church to the World - 03/01/2018


The Icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos "Softener of Stony Hearts" Visited Los Angeles - 02/28/2018

The Orthodox holy object, myrrh-streaming icon of the Theotokos “Appeasing of Malicious Hearts”, otherwise named “Shot with Seven Arrows” has visited Los Angeles. The icon has arrived from Moscow and stayed in California for two weeks. On February 1, the icon was delivered to the St. John of Kronstadt Retirement Home. Russian Orthodox residents of the Home met the icon with joy and love. It was the first relic of such caliber that had visited their Home chapel.


1st / 14th January 2018: Significant progress is being made on a long-term frescoing project at the Monastery of St. Paisius in Safford, Arizona, a women’s monastery in the Western American Diocese that is operated with the blessing of both our Diocesan Bishop, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, as well as the Head of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America, His Grace Bishop Maxim.

Construction of the central temple of the Monastery, known in monastic terminology as the catholicon, was completed some years ago, and the enormous basilica-style edifice dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos (feastday 15th / 28th August) rises high above the desert landscape and is visible for miles in all directions. 

Panykhida for Ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus (+ March 16th, 2008) - 02/27/2018

Сhoral Recital of Sacred Music: Church of All Russian Saints Parish Choir - 02/27/2018


Panykhida for Ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus (+ March 16th, 2008) - 02/27/2018


"The Rite of Orthodoxy" Performed at the Diocesan Cathedral - 02/25/2018

Сhoral Recital of Sacred Music: Church of All Russian Saints Parish Choir - 02/25/2018

"The Rite of Orthodoxy" Performed at the Diocesan Cathedral - 02/25/2018

As the parishes of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia celebrate the feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, in the Diocesan Cathedral in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle and His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento along with the clergy and faithful gathered around our Ruling Bishop His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America to perform the “Rite of Orthodoxy” with the solemn pronouncement of the Anathemas.

102-yr-old Schema-Archimandrite Averky, who served for decades in America, reposes in the Lord in Belyov, Russia - 02/24/2018

102-yr-old Schema-Archimandrite Averky, who served for decades in America, reposes in the Lord in Belyov, Russia - 02/24/2018

The Great Schema Archimandrite Averky (the former Archimandrite AnastassyZagarsky) passed away today, in Russia, at the age of 102. Father Anastassy served many parishes in San Francisco, including the Kazan church, Old Cathedral, St. Tikhon's and St. Sergius. Upon retirement, he was attached to the new Holy Virgin Cathedral for a few years and later moved to a monastery in Tula.

Bringing the Church to the World, Tenth Annual Lenten Retreat at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 02/23/2018

Schedule of the Great Lenten Clergy Retreat of the Western American Diocese - 02/20/2018

Schedule of the Great Lenten Clergy Retreat of the Western American Diocese - 02/19/2018

St. John's Academy Gala - 01/24/2018

A Report on the Saint Herman's West Youth Conference, 2017 - 01/09/2018

I was invited to attend as a young adult volunteer the Eleventh Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference, held in Seattle, Washington, December 26-28, 2017.  It was hosted by the St. Nicholas Cathedral Parish.  I was joined by seventeen other volunteers whose backgrounds ranged from being cradle Orthodox to recent converts.  Our ages spanned from the early twenties to the mid-thirties.  The common denominator for all of us was not only to grow our own spiritual lives, but to help grow the spiritual lives of the Orthodox youth. 

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 01/05/2018

Beloved in the Lord Brethren Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, 
Brothers and Sisters, God-Beloved Flock of the Russian Church Abroad:

It is with a feeling of the greatest joy that I express my heartfelt greetings on the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ and the approaching feast day of the Baptism of the Lord!

As expressed in one of our church prayers celebrating this holy event, when God deemed it good to appear on Earth, the entire world hastened to bring him gifts: “The Angels offer a hymn; the heavens, a star; the Wise Men, gifts; the shepherds, their wonder; the earth, its cave; the wilderness, a manger.”

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Wester America - 01/04/2018

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Wester America - 01/04/2018

The Latest Videos from the XXVI Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference - 01/04/2018

The Media Department of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia has published two lectures from the XXVI Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians Conference held at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, from the 4 to the 8 of October, 2017. 

Donate To Holy Trinity Seminary - 12/06/2017

Moscow: Archpastors of the Russian Church Abroad participate in 100th-anniversary celebrations of the restoration of the Patriarchate - 12/05/2017

Epistle of the Holy Council of Bishops to the Clergy, Monks and Nuns and All Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church - 12/03/2017

Beloved in the Lord All-Venerable Fathers, God-Loving Monks and Nuns, 
Dear Brothers and Sisters:

The Holy Council of Bishops, which took place in Moscow from the 29th of November to the 2nd of December 2017 in the city of Moscow in the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior, greets all of you with the words of the apostolic salutation: “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5-6).

Schema-Archdeacon Ambrose (Taratuchin) Reposes in the Lord - 11/27/2017

Schema-Archdeacon Ambrose (Taratuchin) Reposes in the Lord - 11/27/2017

In the early hours of the morning of Sunday November 13/26, on the day of commemoration of our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople, after an enduring and trying illness the long-standing cleric of the Diocesan Cathedral in honor of Her Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” Schema-Archdeacon Ambrose (Taratuchin) reposed in the Lord.

 Father Ambrose, of aristocratic lineage, was born Alexei Michailovich Taratuchin in England on March 22, 1961...

Concert of Sacred Hymns, Burlingame, CA - 11/21/2017

On Sunday October 29, 2017, the choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, performed a concert of sacred music which was dedicated to the memory of the reposed choir member Konstantin Senchukov.

The program included such hymns as Ave Maria (Optina Hermitage chant), Polyeleos at matins (Kastalsky), It is truly meet (Tchaikovsky), and more.

Proceeds from the concert went towards support of the parish stewardship program.

A Video Report about the Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan's Monastery - 11/16/2017

A Video Report about the Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan's Monastery - 11/16/2017

The Media Department of the Western American Diocese produced a video about the youth workweek organized at Saint Silouan's Monastery in Sonora, California, from July 2nd to 8th, 2017.

This was a pilot program, with the intention of making the workweek an annual event.

Annual Panykhida at Mare Island - 11/09/2017

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill the annual Mare Island Memorial service for Russian sailors is scheduled for SATURDAY, November 11th at 11:00 am.
His Grace Bishop Theodosy will officiate.

Resolution of the Autumn Pastoral Conference of the Western American Diocese - 11/09/2017

On the 8th of November, 2017, the Autumn Pastoral Conference of the clergy of the Western American Diocese came to its conclusion.

The Eminent Bishops, priests and deacons of the Diocese have issued a Resolution in which are addressed the centennial of the Bolshevik Revolution with its tragic effects, and the joyous celebrations of the 10th Anniversary of the signing of the “Act of Canonical Communion” between the two parts of the Russian Church and the 25th Anniversary of Archbishop Kyrill’s consecration to the episcopacy.

Altar Feast of Holy Virgin Cathedral with Diocesan-wide Celebrations - 11/06/2017

On Monday November 6, 2017, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Diocesan Cathedral on honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in San Francisco as the clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese gathered to mark the diocesan-wide celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the restoration of Canonical Communion between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate, and the 25th Anniversary of Archbishop Kyrill’s consecration to the episcopacy.

Archbishop Kyrill presides at the Vigil on Holy Virgin Cathedral’s Feast Day - 11/05/2017

On Sunday November 5, 2017, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the All-night Vigil for the Feast of the Diocesan Cathedral on honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”...

Video Report of the 26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 11/01/2017

His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle Visited Victims of the Recent Fires - 11/01/2017

His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle Visited Victims of the Recent Fires - 11/01/2017

On Sunday the October 29th, 2017, His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle served Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA, which has recently suffered from many wildfires in that region.

14 families (45 people) from the parish of Saints Peter and Paul and the parish of Saint Seraphim of Sarov (OCA) have lost their homes and possessions in the wild fires of Sonoma and Napa Counties.

Video Report of the 26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 11/01/2017

The Media Department of the Western American Diocese has published a video report on the 26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musician’s Conference held in Los Angeles, CA, from the 4th to the 8th of October, 2017.

Schedule of the Fall Pastoral Retreat for the Clergy of the Western American Diocese - 10/30/2017

100 Years of the Bolshevik Revolution - 10/28/2017

Holy Virgin Cathedral Feastday - 10/28/2017

REGISTER NOW! Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be Held in Seattle, WA, from December 26 to 30, 2017 - 10/23/2017

Great Consecration of St. Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, Oregon - 10/21/2017

Great Consecration of St. Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, Oregon, 21 October 2017 - 10/21/2017

On Saturday, October 8/21, the occasion of its 15th anniversary, St. Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, Oregon received its Great Consecration. Presiding at this event was His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western American, assisted by Bishop Theodosius of Seattle and Bishop Irenei of Sacramento, eight priests, and four deacons. A great number of parish faithful, and visitors from as far away as Greece, attended this joyful occasion.

Recent Natural Disasters Require Redoubling of Prayer - 10/19/2017

Recent Natural Disasters Require Redoubling of Prayer - 10/19/2017

 His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America issued new petitions requesting God’s mercy for those who have suffered from recent natural disasters and at the hands of those who have committed violence.

Three Diocesan-wide Commemorations are Observed on November 6 and 7, 2017 - 10/16/2017

On Monday November 6 and Tuesday November 7, 2017, there will be a diocesan-wide observance of the Centennial of the Bolshevik Revolution (October 25/November 7, 1917) also known as the Day of Irreconciliation, the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the signing of the “Act of Canonical Communion” between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate (4/17 May, 2007) and the 25th Anniversary of the consecration to the episcopacy of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America (May 25/June 7, 1992).

Choral Recital of Sacred Music, All Russian Saints, Burlingame, CA, October 29, 2017 - 10/16/2017

Three Diocesan-wide Commemorations are Observed on November 6 and 7, 2017 - 10/16/2017

The Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon Travels on Its 10th Anniversary - 10/14/2017

The Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon Travels on Its 10th Anniversary - 10/14/2017

This year marks the 10th Anniversary from the appearance of the Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (2007-2017), which though was first manifest within the bounds of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, is venerated and treasured by the Orthodox throughout entire United States of America and beyond, as she has even been abroad traveling to the land of Georgia. The Most Holy Theotokos through Her fragrant and miraculous myrrh brings peace and healing to all.

26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 10/11/2017

The Liturgical Musical Commission of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia conducted its 26th Annual Musicians’ Conference in Los Angeles, CA, from the 4th to the 8th of October, 2017.

This year’s conference, entitled “Prayerful Sound in the Orthodox Church: Vocal Artistry of the Deacon, Reader and Singer at Divine Services,” was attended by 70 participants including the clergy.

St. John Orthodox Academy Annual Gala - Sunday, October 22, 2017 - 10/10/2017



Please donate - URGENT
We at Russian American Community Services (RACS) are supporting the humanitarian efforts of Sts. Peter and Paul Church, our sister parish, which is welcoming refugees this very moment.
Five parish families have lost their homes and all belongings.

Letter from Archpriest Alexander Krassovsky, Rector of Sts. Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Santa Rosa, CA:


26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 10/08/2017

The “Invisible Angel” of the Holy Virgin Cathedral has Reposed in the Lord - 10/06/2017

On Wenesday the 4th of October Nicholai (Kolia) Soin (1930-2017) peacefully reposed in the Lord after brief, unexpected illness. Known by his nickname “The Invisible Angel,” he was a tireless laborer, generous with his time, a unseen laborer of the diocesan cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in San Francisco, CA. He was always working at the cathedral when no one was around, sometimes late at night.

Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be Held in Seattle, WA, from December 26 to 30, 2017 - 10/05/2017


The Youth Committee of the Western American Diocese announces the XI Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Seattle, WA, from December 26th to 30th, 2017. Details coming soon!

Statement From the Chancery of the Western American Diocese on the Tragic Events in Las Vegas - 10/04/2017

Statement From the Chancery of the Western American Diocese on the Tragic Events in Las Vegas - 10/04/2017

With horror and pain in my heart I have followed reports of the recent atrocity in Las Vegas, as a result of which so many are dead and many more are injured. Our prayers, deepest feelings and sympathies are with all those affected by this unimaginable cruelty. We offer our prayers at the holy shrine of St John (Maximovich) the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, which contain his incorrupt, healing and life-bearing relics; and we fervently plead for his Godly intercessions, to warm and comfort the relatives of the reposed and those undergoing treatment in hospitals and elsewhere, and to appeal to the Lord of All that He would send His heavenly peace into the hearts of all men.

Feastday of the Lower Church in Honor of the Finding of the Relics of St. John, San Francisco, CA - 10/03/2017

Finding of the Relics of St. John

The feastday of the lower church (ex-sepulcher) in honor of the Finding of the Relics of St. John, Wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco will be marked on Thursday, October 12. The Vigil to St. John will be served in the cathedral proper on Wednesday, October 11, at 6:00 pm, and the feastday Liturgy on Thursday – in the lower church at 8:00 am. This is also the patronal feast of St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy.

Saint John's relics were uncovered and found incorrupt 24 years ago, in 1993.

Feastday of the Lower Church in Honor of the Finding of the Relics of St. John, San Francisco, CA - 10/02/2017

Annual Feast Day at Saint Silouan’s Monastery - 09/24/2017

Annual Feast Day at Saint Silouan’s Monastery - 09/24/2017

On Sunday the 24th of September 2017 His Eminence presided over the patronal feast day of Saint Silouan Monastery in Sonora, CA.

Official Petitions for Those Suffering in Mexico - 09/21/2017

Official Petitions for Those Suffering in Mexico - 09/21/2017

On September 21, 2017, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America instructed his clergy and through them all the faithful of the Diocese to pray for those who have suffered from the recent earthquakes in Mexico City.

A New Russian-Language Book on St John (Maximovich) is Published on the 10th Anniversary of the Reestablishment of Church Unity - 09/19/2017

A New Russian-Language Book on St John (Maximovich) is Published on the 10th Anniversary of the Reestablishment of Church Unity - 09/19/2017

On September 19, 2017, the main building of the St Tikhon Humanitarian University in Moscow hosted an evening marking the 10th anniversary of the reestablishment of unity between two parts of the Russian Church—in Russia and in the diaspora—the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion. The event included the presentation of a new Russian-language book compiled by Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: Pastyr. Uchitel’. Drug. Svjatitel’ Ioann Shanghaiskij i San-Fransisskij v vospominanijakh sovremennikov [Pastor. Teacher. Friend. St John of Shanghai and San Francisco as Remembered by Contemporaries]. Attending the event were clergymen and students of the university as well as a multitude of venerators of St John.

Great Consecration of St. Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, OR, in Fall of 2017 -- UPDATED SCHEDULE - 09/13/2017



Schema Archimandrite Nektariy and brethren of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City are alive and well after the 8.4 earthquake in Mexico. 

Fr Nektariy wrote to FFA: "You could only hear the cracking of walls and furniture and things falling down; our bells were ringing... it seemed that our time had come... we just kneel down in the confusion and darkness in deep prayer... after an eternity we realized that God was very merciful...  Slava Bogu !!!  We all are fine, scared but no tragedies, nor pain in our communities, so far.


“I Would not Want the Russian Church Abroad to Lose Its Identity” – Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: - 09/10/2017

“I Would not Want the Russian Church Abroad to Lose Its Identity” – Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: - 09/10/2017

You were born and reared in the Russian diaspora. Tell us about the people who influenced you in your younger years and nurtured in you a love for the Church and your historic homeland.

– I was born in Montreal, Canada. My father’s father was an officer in the White Army born in Yugoslavia (he was killed by the Reds in 1945), and my mother was evacuated by the Germans from the Soviet Union when she was 13 years old—her father was a regular soldier in the Red Army and disappeared without a trace. The Russian language was the only one used in our home, and when I started school, I didn’t speak a word of English. We often had Russian visitors, including, when possible, people from Soviet Russia, which was a rarity in those days. I remember 1967, when Montreal hosted the International Expo, and the Soviet Union had a huge pavilion and accompanying delegation. Over the summer we visited the expo every week, attended concerts, and we always had Russian guests come visit.

Join the 26th Church Music Conference in Los Angeles, California - 09/06/2017

The 26th Annual Music Conference will be held in Los Angeles from October 4th to 8th, 2017. 

Along with many interesting lectures, this year's conference will feature special lessons and workshops for deacons. 

Archbishop Kyrill's Decree (scroll to second page for English).

Registration here


Join the 26th Church Music Conference in Los Angeles, California - 09/06/2017

Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff is Elevated of the Office of Protopresbyter - 08/19/2017

Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff is Elevated of the Office of Protopresbyter - 08/19/2017

The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia held at the in the Convent of Grand Duchess Elisabeth the New-Martyr in Buchendorf, Germany, from the 27 May/6 June through the 3/16 of June, 2017, resolved that Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff, Rector of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, be elevated to the dignity of protopresbyter for his many years of zealous, pastoral service to the Holy Church.

Diocesan Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan Monastery - 07/11/2017

Diocesan Youth Workweek at Saint Silouan Monastery - 07/11/2017

From the 2nd to the 8th of July, 2017, over 20 youth of the Western American Diocese participated in a youth workweek at Saint Silouan Monastery in Sonora, CA.

The guest community, which included adult staff and skilled workers, entered into the rhythm of monastery life rising at dawn daily for Divine Liturgy, working throughout the day and finishing with Small Compline. The youth had time for recreation as well cooling off at midday in Lake Turlock, about ½ hour drive from the monastery.

Celebrating Saint John’s Day, 2017 - 07/01/2017

Celebrating Saint John’s Day, 2017 - 07/01/2017

On the 30 of June and the 1 of July, 2017, the Western American Diocese held the annual commemoration of our great local Saint, Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker.

Archpriest Mark Gomez Reposes in the Lord - 06/30/2017

On the 24th of June, 2017, Archpriest Mark Gomez, a beloved cleric and spiritual father of the Western American Diocese, peacefully reposed in the Lord.

Matushka Maria Potapova recalls her childhood experiences with St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco - 06/26/2017

Below is a video of the presentation given by Matushka Maria Potapova at a symposium on Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, which was sponsored by the Saints Cyril and Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies held in San Francisco, CA, on June 30 & July 1, 2016.

Funeral Schedule for Newly-departed Archpriest Mark Gomez - 06/25/2017

On Saturday June 24, 2017, a dedicated pastor and beloved father confessor of the Western American Diocese, newly-departed Archpriest Mark Gomez, reposed in the Lord.
Funeral Service Schedule for newly-departed Archpriest Mark Gomez:
Tuesday, June 27th
Pannikhida at  7:30 PM
St. Sergius Church
1346 12th Ave, 
San Francisco, CA 94122
Wednesday, June 28th
Fr. Mark's body arrives @4:00 PM at Sobor.
Holy Virgin Cathedral
6210 Geary Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94121
Vespers and Matins 5:00 pm
Funeral (Отпевание) 6:30pm
Archbishop Kyrill officiating. 
Thursday, June 29th
Divine Liturgy for the Departed.  7:40 AM
Holy Virgin Cathedral
6210 Geary Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94121
After Liturgy we will drive in funeral procession 
to the grave site at the Serbian cemetery, where the body will be interred. 
Serbian Cemetary
1801 Hillside Blvd.
Colma, CA 94014

Archpriest Vladimir Derugin is Awarded the Dignity of Wearing the Mitre - 06/25/2017

Funeral Schedule for Newly-departed Archpriest Mark Gomez - 06/25/2017

Archpriest Vladimir Derugin is Awarded the Dignity of Wearing the Mitre - 06/25/2017

By Resolution of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia held at the in the Convent of Grand Duchess Elisabeth the New-Martyr in Buchendorf, Germany, from the 27 May/6 June through the 3/16 of June, 2017, Archpriest Vladimir Derugin, Rector of Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Palo Alto, CA, has been awarded the dignity of wearing the mitre for 40 years of zealous, pastoral service to the Holy Church.

Archpriest Mark Gomez Reposes in the Lord - 06/24/2017

Matushka Maria Potapova recalls her childhood experiences with St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco - 06/24/2017

Bishop Irenei of Sacramento, Appointed by the Council of Bishops as Administrator of the Diocese of Great Britain, Visits England - 06/24/2017

Bishop Irenei of Sacramento, Appointed by the Council of Bishops as Administrator of the Diocese of Great Britain, Visits England - 06/24/2017

From May 11-22, 2017, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and Ruling Bishop of the UK Diocese, His Grace Bishop Irenei of Sacramento, Vicar of the Western American Diocese, made an archpastoral visit to the United Kingdom, heading a pilgrimage with the myrrh-streaming “Hawaii-Iveron” icon on its first visit to the UK, as well as convey the archpastoral blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion to his flock...

Report on the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Munich, Germany, 2017 - 06/20/2017


After serving the Divine Liturgy at Christ the Savior Cathedral on Sunday, June 18, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia consecrated the new monument “Reunification,” dedicated to the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, reports Patriarchia.ru. The historic event took place on May 17, 2007 at Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral, with the new monument being timed to its tenth anniversary.

Report on the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Munich, Germany, 2017 - 06/20/2017

From 27th May / 9th June to 3rd / 16th June, the plenitude of the Hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia gathered in the Convent of Grand Duchess Elisabeth the New-Martyr in Buchendorf, Germany, for the meeting of the Sobor of Bishops as well as the consecration of the Munich Cathedral dedicated to the New-Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

The three Hierarchs of the Western American Diocese...

Epistle of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 06/16/2017

We, the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, gathered for a Council of Bishops in the God-preserved city of Munich during the celebration of the Pentecost, in the blessed presence of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign.” This year we remember with sorrow the hundredth anniversary of the terrible, bloody events of 1917; we are at the same time filled with joy over the anniversary of the restoration of the patriarchate and the tenth anniversary of the reestablishment of unity within the Russian Church.

Greeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad. PHOTO: Patriarchal panagia gifted on the occasion of Archbishop Kyrill's 60th Birthday, 2014 - 06/09/2017

Greeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad - 06/09/2017

To His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia,

To the Eminent Archpastors, Members of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

A Session of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad Opens in Munich - 06/09/2017

On Friday, June 9, 2017, the feast day of St John the Russian, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany celebrated Divine Liturgy at St Elizabeth Convent in Buchendorf, Germany. Praying at the service were archpastors of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, who had arrived a day earlier.

Patriarchal Congratulations to Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco on the 25th Anniversary of His Episcopacy - 06/09/2017

On June 7, 2017, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent congratulations to His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on the 25th anniversary of his episcopal consecration:

Cossack Children’s Camp 2017 - 06/08/2017

25 Years: The Clergy and Faithful of the Western American Diocese Congratulate His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill with the Anniversary of His Consecration to the Episcopacy - 06/07/2017

25 Years: The Clergy and Faithful of the Western American Diocese Congratulate His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill with the Anniversary of His Consecration to the Episcopacy - 06/07/2017

On 7th June 2017, the Ruling Bishop of the Western American Diocese, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, celebrates the 25th anniversary of his episcopal consecration — first as Bishop of Seattle (1992), and later as Bishop (2000) and then Archbishop (2003) of San Francisco and Western America. Not only is such an anniversary a moment of significance for the Archbishop himself, inviting his own private reflections on a quarter-century of Archpastoral service and labours before God; it is also a moment of significance for the Diocese, and indeed for the Church as a whole, which gives glory to God for the whole Hierarchy of her devout clergy of all ranks and offices, who in the long service of her Archpastor have been called to lead Godly lives and approach the Heavenly Kingdom in the ancient and essential context of our hierarchical life.

The biography of His Eminence is found below, together with a gallery of photographs from the past twenty-five years, in anticipation of more substantial materials to be collected...

Cossack Children’s Camp 2017 - 06/06/2017

From the 5 to the 10 of June, 2017, the Cossack Cadet School of the “Don” Icon of the Mother of God sponsored a children’s camp for its cadets and other youngsters at “Elim” in Marysville, CA.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2017 - 05/29/2017

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2017 - 05/29/2017

On Monday May 29, 2107, the National Holiday Memorial Day, members of the Western American Diocese made an annual pilgrimage to Fort Ross State Historic Park on the shores of Central California about an hour’s drive north of San Francisco. The 100 or so pilgrims were a welcome sight this year!

His Grace Bishop Irenei, the Second Auxiliary of the Western American Diocese, Speaks at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 05/28/2017

With God's grace, another school year has been successfully completed. This Sunday, May 28, 2017, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary celebrated its 69th Annual Commencement with a Service of Thanksgiving, commencement exercises, and a reception. We graduated six students, four receiving honors ranging from cum laude to summa cum laude.

A Delegation of the Russian Church Abroad Meets with President Putin - 05/26/2017

A Delegation of the Russian Church Abroad Meets with President Putin - 05/26/2017

On May 25, 2017, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia performed the rite of the great consecration of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Sretensky Stavropighial Monastery in Moscow, and officiated at the celebration of Divine Liturgy that followed.

Attending the services was Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After Liturgy, His Holiness met with bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York.


Photo-report: The Great Consecration of a New Church Dedicated to the New Martyrs of Russia, 10th Anniversary of Reconciliation within the Russian Orthodox Church - 05/25/2017


May 25, 2017, on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrated the rite of the Great Consecration of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church in Sretensky Monastery and led the Divine Liturgy in the newly-consecrated church. Russian president Vladimir V. Putin was present at the Divine service.

Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Reconciliation inside the Russian Orthodox Church within the Bounds of the Western American Diocese - 05/18/2017

Video of the Act of Reconciliation within the Two Parts of the Russian Orthodox Church - 05/18/2017

Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Reconciliation inside the Russian Orthodox Church within the Bounds of the Western American Diocese - 05/18/2017

“Be Thou exalted above the heavens, O God, and Thy glory is above all the earth.”

On May 4/17, 2017, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop San Francisco and Western America issued Decree No. 7E/2017 in which he bids the clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Reconciliation within the Russian Orthodox Church, which took place 10 years ago on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.

Video of the Act of Reconciliation within the Two Parts of the Russian Orthodox Church - 05/18/2017

On 4/17 of May, 2017, the Russian Orthodox Church marked the 10th Anniversary of the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion between its two parts that had been separted by historical circumstances for almost 90 years. 

New Talks from the "Men in Black" Series: Father Pat Reardon - 05/18/2017

It is easier for Western Christians to articulate how people are saved because their purpose for salvation is narrower and their audience is broader. From the eleventh century on Western salvation became preoccupied with justice and the wrongs our sins did against God. Salvation was suddenly a transaction Christ took care of on the cross when he purchased our debt owed to God and covered our filthiness with His righteousness. Beneficiaries of this transaction became individuals who pray the “sinner’s prayers”.

The Opening of the Relics of Our Father Among the Saints Mardarije - 05/16/2017

With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern America, the relics of St. Mardarije, which have laid in the Church of St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, Illinois, since his internment in December 1935, were uncovered. The opening revealed St. Mardarije’s holy relics to be incorrupt.

The Holy Fire from Tomb of the Lord in Jerusalem arrives in Seattle - 05/13/2017

The Holy Fire from Tomb of the Lord in Jerusalem arrives in Seattle - 05/13/2017

On May 13, 2017, Archpriest Alex Kotar, clergy and laity of Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA, received the Holy Fire that descends on the Tomb of the Lord in Jerusalem on Holy and Great Saturday.

Pascha at St. John Orthodox Church of Kennewick, WA - 05/05/2017

Pascha at the Church of All Russian Saints, Burlingame, CA - 05/04/2017

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, May 29, 2017 - 05/02/2017

The annual pilgrimage to Fort Ross will take place on Memorial Day, Monday May 29, 2017. 

Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am
Procession to cemetery
Announcement from Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko, the Chancellor of the Western American Diocese:


As in previous years this Memorial Day, Monday , May 29th,  there will be a Liturgy at 10:00 AM at Fort Ross.
All are invited to attend.
Singers are invited to join the Volunteer Choir for Liturgy.
BRING YOUR OWN PICNIC LUNCH. (No gathering at Holy Kazan Church, Guerneville, CA this year)  
Parking only at the official Fort Ross Parking Lot 

The Celebration of the Feast of Saint John, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, 2017 - 05/02/2017

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco & Western America the 2017 St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco's feastday will be marked on Saturday, July 1 (Saturday closest to July 2). The schedule of the solemn celebration at the Holy Virgin Joy of All Who Sorrow Cathedral in San Francisco, where St. John's relics are, is as follows:
Thursday, June 29
At 7:30 pm, following the daily Vespers and Matins (6:00 pm), St. John's relics will be transferred to the middle of the cathedral and an Akathist to St. John will be chanted before them.
Friday, June 30
Confessions will begin at 5:00 pm.
All-Night Vigil at 6:00 pm.
Saturday, July 1
Greeting of the presiding Bishop and the Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am.
After the Liturgy a Service of Intercession to St. John (Molieben) and procession.
Festal luncheon for clergy and faithful in the cathedral fellowship hall.

26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, 4 to 8 October, 2017, to be held in Los Angeles, CA - 05/02/2017

The 26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, will be hosted by the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, California, October 4-8, 2017, with the sessions taking place at the Four Points Sheraton Los Angeles, Westside. The theme of the Conference is “Prayerful Sound in the Orthodox Church: Vocal Artistry of the Deacon, Reader and Singer at Divine Services.” Watch for the official announcement and registration information.

The Liturgical Music Commission

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, May 29, 2017 - 05/02/2017

Summer Youth Volunteer Workweek at St. Silouan’s Monastery, Sonora, CA - 04/28/2017

With the blessing of the Abbot of St. Silouan’s Monastery in Sonora, CA, His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento and under the auspices of the Youth Committee of the Western American Diocese, chaired by Archpriest Boris Henderson, a volunteer youth workweek is being organized at the monastery from July 2 to July 8, 2017.

Great Consecration of St. Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, OR, in Fall of 2017 -- UPDATED SCHEDULE - 04/28/2017

Archpriest James Baglien and the community of Saint Martin the Merciful Church of Corvallis, OR, will be marking their 15th Anniversary this fall. In conjunction with this celebration, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will be performing the Great Consecration of the church on Saturday the 21 of October, 2017.

Summer Youth Volunteer Workweek at St. Silouan’s Monastery, Sonora, CA - 04/28/2017

The Lenten Prayer — ‘of St Ephrem’? - 04/28/2017

The Lenten Prayer — ‘of St Ephrem’? A Few Observations on a Varied Textual Tradition, a lecture by Right Reverend Professor Irenei, Bishop of Sacramento.

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/16/2017

The Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America may be read here.

Pascha Night at Saint Nicholas Cathedra in Seattle, WA - 04/16/2017


Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 04/16/2017

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/16/2017


“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all”
(Titus 2:11)

Beloved in the Lord Your Graces the archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters!

            Оn the night imbued with the Divine light, replete with great solemnity and spiritual joy in the Lord of the world who has vanquished death, I address you all with the ancient exclamation that testifies steadfastly to our immutable hope:



Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 04/16/2017

Beloved Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, Dear in the Lord Brothers and Sisters:

With a heart filled with the endearing sensation of Paschal joy, I congratulate the hierarchs, clergymen, monastics, parishioners and worshipers of our churches, scattered throughout the whole world, on the joyful celebration of the glorious Resurrection of Christ, and I greet you with the angelic good news: CHRIST IS RISEN!

Photo-Report on Festive Services in Bethany on Lazarus Saturday - 04/13/2017

The Choir of All Russian Saints of Burlingame, CA, Presents a Great Lenten Concert - 04/13/2017

Photo-Report on Festive Services in Bethany on Lazarus Saturday - 04/13/2017

On Lazarus Saturday, April 8, 2017, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and his monks celebrated Divine Liturgy and performed a moleben, during which they congratulated Sister Martha, the teachers and students of Orthodox Bethany School in Jerusalem.

On the school premises is a chapel built upon a square stone resembling a door beam discovered by archaeologists which bears the inscription in Greek: “Here Martha and Maria heard the words of the Lord about the resurrection of the dead… the Lord…” (the remainder is missing).

After services, the clergymen and worshipers were offered a trapeza luncheon.


The Choir of the Church All Russian Saints of Burlingame, CA, Presents a Great Lenten Concert - 04/13/2017

On the Sunday of the Cross, March 19, 2017, the parish choir of the Church of all Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, performed selections heard at Divine Services during Great Lent and Passion Week.

Tenth Annual Lenten Retreat a Success - 04/02/2017

Tenth Annual Lenten Retreat a Success - 04/02/2017

On April 2, 2017, Holy Virgin Cathedral hosted the annual Western American Diocese Lenten Retreat.  This year’s retreat marked the tenth anniversary of the diocese putting on these retreats at the cathedral (but the 9th actual retreat, there was no retreat in 2014).  As has been the case every year, retreat attendees spanned a range of ages and came from a large number of parishes across northern California.   For the third straight year, attendees have also included people from out-of-state parishes who amended their travel plans so that they could attend.

The speakers this year were...

All Saints Russian Orthodox Church of Las Vegas, NV, has Blessed a New Chapel - 04/01/2017

All Saints Russian Orthodox Church of Las Vegas, NV, has Blessed a New Chapel - 04/01/2017

His Grace Bishop Nikolai (Soraich) and the community of All Saints Russian Orthodox Church moved into a new facility which was blessed on February 19, 2017. 

A photo gallery of that event and others in the life of parish may be seen here.

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 01/17/2017

Pastoral Retreat for Great Lent, 2017 - 01/13/2017

The Old Holy Virgin Cathedral will host the pastoral retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese during Great Lent from March 13 to 15, 2017. 

Priest Athanasios Kone has begun assisting Archpriest David Moser with the cooridantion of theological topics and keynote speakers.

X Annual Lenten Retreat at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 01/12/2017

The X Annual Lenten Retreat sponsored by Holy Virgin Cathedral will be held on April 2, 2017 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The retreat's theme is "Love Your Nieghbor."

Keynote Speakers:

Session I:
Archpriest David Moser
St. Seraphim of Sarov
Orthodox Church,
“Love Your Enemies”
Session II:
Archpriest Moses Berry
Theotokos “Unexpected Joy”
Orthodox Church,
“And Who Is My Neighbor?”

X Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference, December 2016 - 01/09/2017

X Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference, December 2016 - 01/09/2017

The X Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference was held at Holy Ascension Church of Sacramento and Saint Silouan's Monastery of Sonora from the 26th to the 30th of December 2016.

Over 60 youth from around the Western American Diocese came to Sacramento...

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 01/08/2017

The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill for 2016/2017 can be read here.

Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan HILARION, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 01/07/2017

Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan HILARION, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 01/07/2017

Nativity Epistle of
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Moved by the most profound feelings of fraternal love and joy for the Savior of the World born in Bethlehem, I congratulate the archpastors, clergymen, monastics and all the faithful flock of the Russian Church Abroad on this great and holy feast of the Nativity of Christ!

O, blessed Nativity night!



Your Eminences the archpastors, esteemed Fathers and deacons,

all-honourable monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters!

On this holy night I extend my heartfelt greetings to you all and from the depths of my soul I congratulate you on the great feast of the Nativity of Christ: the feast of the fulfillment of the promises of old for the salvation of the human race, the feast of the ineffable love of the Maker towards his creation, the feast of the coming into the world of the Son of God who is the Messiah...

The Enthronement of His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento - 12/07/2016

The Enthronement of His Grace Irenei As Bishop of Sacramento - 12/07/2016

On Sunday the 4th of December, 2016, on the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America visited Holy Ascension Church of Sacramento, CA, and enthroned a new Vicar, His Grace IRENEI Bishop of Sacramento, in his city and vicariate.

The Holy Land, 2017 - 12/01/2016

Holy Land 2017 - 12/01/2016

Choral Recital of Sacred Music - 12/01/2016

Choral Recital of Sacred Music - 12/01/2016

On Sunday, November 13, the parish choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, presented a choral recital of sacred music. The program featured prayers from the Vigil service and other selections that parishioners will hear in upcoming services.  The concert was dedicated to the memory of Anna “Annushka” Markevich, a long-time parishioner, choir member and friend, who reposed in the Lord on October 4 of this year.

Support Holy Trinity Seminary Funds Drive: every donation is tripled. Please, help by November 29, 2016 - 11/23/2016

Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City, Mexico, Celebrates its 10 Anniversary - 11/23/2016

The All-Merciful Saviour Monastery on Vashon Island Marks 30 Years - 11/23/2016

Photo-Report of the Annual Commemoration at Mare Island - 11/19/2016

Report on the Diocesan Assembly of the Western American Diocese, November 15, 2016 - 11/19/2016

Report on the Diocesan Assembly of the Western American Diocese, November 15, 2016 - 11/19/2016

The most recent Diocesan Assembly of the Western American Diocese was convened on November 15, 2016.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill presided over the meeting in the presence of His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle, His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento, His Grace Bishop Nikolai (Soraich) along with over 60 clergy and lay delegates from throughout the Western American Diocese who represented the majority of its monasteries and parishes.

On Sunday December 4, 2016, His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento will be Introduced to Holy Ascension Church - 11/18/2016

On Sunday December 4th, 2016, the Feast of the Entry of the Most-Holy Theotkos into the Temple, His Grace Bishop Irenei will officially be introduced to the community of Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, CA, by His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America. 

The greeting of His Grace is scheduled for 9:30 am. The Divine Liturgy, and a festal dinner shall follow in the church hall. 

Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church of Sacramento
714 -- 13th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-1903
Located on the corner of 13th & "G" Streets.

Video Clip with Archbishop Kyrill's Exhortation as He Passes the Crosier - 11/18/2016

Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City, Mexico, Celebrates its 10 Anniversary - 11/13/2016

On Sunday November 13, 2016, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America served the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City, Mexico, celebrating its 10 Anniversary.

Announcing the Tenth Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference, December 26 to 30, 2016 - 11/11/2016

Annual Mare Island Panikhida - November 19th, 11:00 am - 11/11/2016

Excerpt from an article "And make their memory to be eternal" by Zoya Gradov

It is noon on a warm November day. The autumn air is saturated with the smell of eucalyptus, blending with the aroma of the censer’s smoke, the intricate coils of which turn into transparent streams that float out over the gravestones and crosses. People listen to the words of the prayers in absorbed silence, holding red carnations in their hands. Russian scouts stand all in a row, motionless.

Whose loved ones are being commemorated at the old Naval Cemetery on this day? For whom have these Russian diplomats, American servicemen, parents and children, members of the old emigration, and newcomers gathered? They have not come to pray for their own loved ones but to commemorate the Russian sailors who, long ago, had found eternal rest on California soil at the U.S. Naval Cemetery peculiarly named “Mare Island.”

Their story begins in a distant past, when Russia and the United States of America—two great powers—were on friendly terms and nothing forebode that this accord would ever change. It was autumn of 1863. In early October, the Russian Pacific squadron, comprising five ships under the command of Rear Admiral A. A. Popov, entered San Francisco Bay. Nearly a month prior, a six-vessel squadron of the Baltic fleet had entered the port of New York. In this way, a section of the Russian Imperial fleet consisting of eleven warships, 3,000 sailors, and 260 guns were anchored just off the coast of the United States.

What was the reason for such an unprecedented visit? In 1863, the United States was in the midst of a Civil War between the North and South. England and France supported the South and were preparing for a blockade of the northern states. The political and military situation in Russia was not simple either. 1863 saw the beginning of the Polish uprising, also supported by the English and French governments. Russian ships were under orders to intercept the trade vessels of these countries should war erupt.

Although neither squadron was involved in military action undertaken by the northern states, the appearance of Russian ships in northern ports alone was enough to have an effect. Many American historians have expressed the belief that the Russians deployed their vessels at a critical moment—when the fall of the United States was nearly certain, as was the likelihood that French and British forces would take advantage of such a calamity. However, the sudden appearance of the Russian sailors assisted in American victory and prevented hostile intervention along with any subsequent dissolution of the federal government. Gideon Welles, the U.S. Secretary of the Navy, alluded to this fact in his diary with an entry that read, “God bless the Russians.”
Read more in the Diocesan Spiritual Spring Journal, Vol. 2 (#4), p. 55-59.

The Consecration of His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento - 11/11/2016

The Nomination of Bishop-elect Irenei of Sacramento - 11/11/2016

The Consecration of His Grace Irenei Bishop of Sacramento - 11/11/2016

On Sunday November 6, 2016, the day of the Patronal Feast of Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” His Grace Irenei (Steenberg) was consecrated Bishop of Sacramento.

His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the celebration. Concelebrating with him were Archbishop Peter of Chicago, Bishop Theodosy of Seattle, Bishop Nicholai of Manhattan and Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk (Moscow Patriarchate), as well as approximately 20 priests and 7 deacons from throughout the Western American Diocese, and other dioceses and jurisdictions.

The Nomination of Bishop-elect Irenei of Sacramento - 11/11/2016

On Saturday November 5th, 2016, in Holy Virgin Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” on the eve of the cathedral’s Patronal Feast, Bishop-elect of Sacramento Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) participated the “Rite of Nomination.”

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill presided over the rite together with...

UPDATED: Schedule of the Consecration of Bishop-elect of Sacramento Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) - 10/27/2016

Below is the full schedule of the consecration of Bishop-elect of Sacramento Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg). 

The "Rite of Nomination" takes place before the eminent and right-reverend bishops who will participate in the consecration, and in the presence of the assembled congragation. A significant portion of the rite includes a homiliy composed and read by the bishop-elect, the contents of which should demonstrate nominee's preparedness and qualifications for the high calling of archpastoralship both in terms of doctrinal understanding and pastoral care.

The "Rite of Confession of Faith" and "Bishop's Oath" both audibly review the doctrinal content of the Orthodox Faith and require the nominee's faithfulness to Orthodox Church and Her Episcopal Council, in particular the Council of Bishop's of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which in turn is part of the Council of Bishops of the Local Orthodox Church of Russia.


Saturday November 5th, 2016:
4:30 pm Greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill
4:45 pm "Rite of Nomination" of Bishop-elect Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg)
5:30 pm All-night Vigil

Sunday November 6th, 2016:
9:00 am Greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill
9:10 am "Rite of Confession of Faith" & "Bishop's Oath"
9:30 am Divine Liturgy, cross procession and festal banquet in the cathedral hall

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill Presides over the Feast of the Protection in Los Angeles - 10/27/2016

The Saints Cyril and Methodius Gymnasium Invites Children to Enroll - 10/27/2016

UPDATED: Schedule of the Consecration of Bishop-elect of Sacramento Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) - 10/27/2016

The Saints Cyril and Methodius Gymnasium Invites Children to Enroll - 10/27/2016

The oldest Russian school in San Francisco is soon to be ninety years old. Take a video excursion (in Russian).

The Diocesan Assembly of the Western American Diocese, November 14, 15 and 16, 2016 - 10/25/2016

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill has called for a triennial General Assembly of the Western American Diocese to be convened on November 15, 2016.

Clergy and lay-delegates will gather from throughout the Western American Diocese to discuss important topics and issues of diocesan life. The assembly’s agenda includes a review of spiritual and material status of the diocese for the years 2012 to 2015, as well as a look at the budget as we close 2016 and look ahead into the near future. All of this will be manifest through the official report read by His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, accounts from our four deans representing the four deaneries of the diocese, reports from the chairmen of the diocesan departments, such as communication, youth, education, etc.

These triennial gatherings are edifying and inspiring. Our diocese is vast with over 45 monasteries, parishes and missions, both Russian and English. The Assembly offers an opportunity for the delegates, both clergy and laity, to hear about and exchange experiences and ideas that may be taken back to their respective parishes.

Participants of this assembly are official delegates consisting of our bishops, diocesan council members, diocesan department chairmen, deans, father rectors, salaried clerics and laymen that have been elected at parish meetings, or sometimes appointed by parish councils.

The fall retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese will follow the next day.

Schedule of the Diocesan Assembly and Pastoral Retreat

Monday November 14
Travel Day

Clergy/Laity lodging, see the following options:

Geary Parkway Motel                    Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
4750 Geary Blvd.                           1500 Van Ness Ave
SF CA94118.                                    SF  CA  94109
415 752-9406. $100-270.            415 441-4000. Call for rates

Hotel Driscoll                                  Laurel Inn
2901 Pacific Ave.                            444 Presidio Ave
SF  94115.                                        SF CA   94115
415 346-2880 $325-425+.          415 567-8467

Inn on Broadway.                           Great Highway Inn
2201 Van Ness.                              1234 Great Hwy  (at Lincoln Blvd)
SF  94109.                                       SF   94122
415 776-7900  Call for rates.        415 731-6644 $125-225 (very basic 

Tuesday, November 15
Assembly Work Day

7:30 am Divine Liturgy
9:00 am Breakfast (first meal)
9:45 am Opening of Diocesan Assembly
1:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Assembly continues & concludes (lay delegates are relieved when Assembly adjourns)
5:00 pm Vespers & matins (confession)
7:00 pm Supper

Wednesday, November 16
Pastoral Retreat

8:30 am Greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, & Divine Liturgy (all clergy participate)
11:00 am Brunch
12:30– 4:00 pm Pastoral retreat

The End and Glory to Our God!

Exhibit Marking the 65th Anniversary of Life on Tubabao - 10/25/2016

Exhibit Marking the 65th Anniversary of Life on Tubabao - 10/25/2016

San Francsico, October 18, 2016:

To mark the 65th anniversary of the departure of the last Russian refugees from Tubabao, an exhibition opening in honour of the milestone was held at the Philippine Consulate in San Francisco.  The opening of the exhibition "Tiempo Russo Tubabao Island" was hosted by the Hon. and Mme. Henry S. Bensurto, Jr. - Consul General of the Philippine Republic together with Hon. and Mme. Sergei V. Petrov - Consul General of the Russian Federation and their respective staffs. 

A Film Covering the 50th Anniversary of the Repose of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco - 10/12/2016

A Film Covering the 50th Anniversary of the Repose of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco - 10/12/2016

On the “Lesser Feast of St. John,” that is on the day of commemoration of the revealing of his honorable relics (29th of September/12th of October, 1993) the Media Department of the Western American Diocese debuts a brief film covering the 50th Anniversary of the Repose of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker (19th of June/2nd of July, 2016)...

Report on the 25th Anniversary Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference (for North America), October 5-9, 2016 - 10/10/2016

Report on the 25th Anniversary Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference (for North America), October 5-9, 2016 - 10/10/2016

News from the Liturgical Music Commission (LMC) of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia: Report on the 25th Anniversary Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference (for North America), October 5-9, 2016, Montreal, Canada; and announcement of upcoming events in 2017

 The 25th Anniversary Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference of church choir directors, singers and readers – attended by over 70 people – took place in the seat of the Canadian Diocese, Montreal, with great results and success.

Charles, Prince of Wales, Visits the Russian Convent in Gethsemane - 10/04/2016

Charles, Prince of Wales, Visits the Russian Convent in Gethsemane - 10/04/2016

On Friday, September 30, 2016, concluding his visit to Israel for the funeral of Shimon Peres, Prince Charles of Wales visited Gethsemane Russian Orthodox Convent. Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, greeted the royal guest at the gates of the convent and told him about the history and daily life of the monastery.

Fr Roman, standing on the courtyard of St Mary Magdalene Church, which overlooks the Old City of Jerusalem, showed Prince Charles the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the other holy sites of the holy city. Abbess Elizabeth of Gethsemane Convent, standing in the doorway of the grand, royal church, welcomed the prince and offered him the traditional Russian bread and salt.

The All-Merciful Saviour Monastery on Vashon Island Marks 30 Years - 10/03/2016

On Sunday the 2nd of October, 2016, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western American and His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle made a pastoral visit to the All-Merciful Savior Monastery on Vashon Island, WA, to celebrate the 30th Anniversary its founding.

Originating in the Fall of 1986, the All-Merciful Saviour Monastery is situated on 16 acres in the heart of a forest on the island, which is located a 30 minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle in the Puget Sound of the Salish Sea...

The Feast of Saint Silouan’s Monastery, Sonora, CA - 09/24/2016

The Feast of Saint Silouan’s Monastery, Sonora, CA - 09/24/2016

On Saturday September 24, 2016, the fathers and pilgrims marked the first anniversary of the founding Saint Silouan’s Monastery in Sonora, CA.

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the patronal feast of the monastery.

Panykhida in Memory of Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev) - 09/20/2016

On Friday the 23 of September, 2016, a panykhida will be performed in memory of Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev) at 4:30 pm at the holy monastery of Saint Silouan the Athonite in Sonora, CA.

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will be presiding.

This year marks the 16th Anniversary since the repose of Archbishop Anthony who was the Ruling Bishop of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia for over 30 years arriving in San Francisco from Melbourne, Australia, in the late 1960s, and inheriting the diocese after the repose of Holy Hierarch John the Wonderworker. Archbishop Anthony was instrumental in the Synodal Resolution to canonize St. John. Under his direction St. John's honorable, incorrupt relics were revealed. And, Archbishop Anthony is the author of much of the Divine Service to Saint John. Memory Eternal to ever-memorable Archbishop Anthony for these deeds and for many more great works he performed for our Western American Diocese!

After the panykhida, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill will commence the vigil service for the monastery's Feast Day of St. Silouan the Athonite at 5:00 pm.

The monastery's address: 21285 Old Sonora Columbia Road, Sonora, CA 95370-8807.

Second Patronal Feast Day of Saint Silouan's Monastery in Sonora, CA - 09/14/2016

The II Annual Patronal Feast Day of Saint Silouan's Monastery will be celebrated on Saturday September 24, 2016. His Eminence KIRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will preside. The schedule is as follows:

Schedule of Saint Silouan's Day
Friday September 23
4:30 pm Panykhida for Archbishop Anthony (16th Anniversary)
5:00 pm All-night Vigil with litya & blessing of the breads

Saturday Septmeber 24
9:00 am Greeting of Archbishop Kyrill, Divine Liturgy, festal meal

Those wishing to attend the Feast Day are requested to contact the monastery guest master, monk Ignatius. This will assist the brothers in their prepartion of hospitality. Call (831) 345-8719.

Second Patronal Feast Day of Saint Silouan's Monastery in Sonora, CA - 09/14/2016

Annual Fundraising Luncheon: Benevolent Memorial Fund of Saint Archbishop John - 09/13/2016

When: Sun, September 18, 10am – 3pm
Where: the main hall at Holy Virgin Cathedral 6210 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94121

Saint John's Orthodox Academy Annual Gala - 09/13/2016

Consecration of Bishop-elect Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) as Bishop of Sacramento - 09/12/2016

The Consecration of Bishop-elect Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) as Bishop of Sacramento is scheduled to take place at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, California, on Sunday November 6, 2016, the Cathedral's Feast Day -- the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill will preside over the Divine Liturgy which will begin at 9:30 am. Bishops participating in the concecration will be His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle, His Grace Nicholas Bishop of Manhattan, His Grace John Bishop of Naro-Fominsk (Moscow Patriarchate), and others.

The community of the Holy Virgin Cathedral will host a festal meal on the occasion of its patronal feast day.

An update with a detailed schedule of the consecration is expected soon.

Choral Recital of Sacred Music - 09/12/2016

Choir of All Russian Saints
744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, CA 94010
1:00 pm
Free Admission. Donations to the Stewardship Program gladly accepeted.

744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, CA 94010, USA

A Pilgrimage to Holy Sites of Greece, 2016 - 09/01/2016

A Pilgrimage to Holy Sites of Greece, 2016 - 09/01/2016

In June, 2016, a group of pilgrims, led by His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, traveled to the holy sites of Greece. The male pilgrims began with a 6 day pilgrimage to Mount Athos. We were based at the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopedi. During those days, we visited many of the monasteries along the peninsula, including Iveron, the Great Lavra, Stavronikita, Docheiariou, Pantokratoros, and a few sketes. We were fortunate to venerate the Holy Belt of the Mother of God, countless miracle-working icons and relics of saints, and we drank water from miraculous springs. We spent the Feast of Pentecost in Vatopedi, being blessed by Geronda Efrem, the abbot of the monastery, to serve Divine Liturgy in Church-Slavonic in one of the many chapels within the monastery walls. Our last night on the Holy Mountain was spent at the Russian Monastery of St. Panteleimon.


Feast of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 08/19/2016

Feast of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 08/19/2016

On August 19, 2016, the Western American Diocese celebrated the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America celebrated both the All Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy with the parish...

Holy Protection Church, Los Angeles: His Grace Bishop Nicholai of Manhattan serves - 08/16/2016

Archpastoral Visit to Rogue River, OR - 08/14/2016

Archpastoral Visit to Rogue River, OR - 08/14/2016

On August 14, 2016, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, made an archpastoral visit to Saint Innocent Russian Orthodox Church in Rogue River, OR.

His Eminence performed Divine Liturgy with the Father Rector Archpriest Seraphim Cordoza and guest clergy...

Patronal Feast Day at the Old Cathedral, San Francisco, California - 08/14/2016

Patronal Feast Day at the Old Cathedral, San Francisco, California - 08/14/2016

On Sunday, August 7, the Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin in San Francisco celebrated its annual Patronal Feast Day in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with coins).  His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with the Deputy Rector of the Old Cathedral, Abbot James (Corazza), and visiting priests Rev. Ioann Comanescu of the Holy Protection Russian Orthodox Church in Palo Alto and Rev. Florin Lapustea of the Holy Cross Romanian Orthodox Church in San Jose, along with Rev. Deacon Nikolae Lapustea and Rev. Hierodeacon Peter (Karakozoff)...

Archbishop Kyrill to Preside over the Patronal Feast Day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 08/09/2016

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill will preside over the Patronal Feast Day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, on August 19, 2016.

The Schedule is as follows:
Thursday August 18 at 6:30 pm: Vigil
Friday August 19 starting at 9:30 am: Greeting of the Bishop, Festal Liturgy, procession with the Blessing of the First Fruits.

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
5432 Fernwood Avenue; Los Angeles, CA 90027 

St Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal Will Host the 25th Annual Church Musicians' Conference - 08/09/2016

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, and St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Montreal, Quebec, present the 25th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 5-9, 2016:

The Music of Today's Russian Orthodox Church: Perspectives in Creative Artistry and Technique

Featured faculty: Choir director and composer Mother Juliana (Denisova) of St Elizabeth Convent, Minsk, Belarus.

The purpose of this conference is to bring together choir members and conductors to explore the wealth and beauty of Russian Orthodox church music. Participants will gain practical and theoretical knowledge and experience through lectures, workshops and rehearsals which culminate in festive pontifical services. Further, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, get to know like-minded people and expand their liturgical repertoire.

The All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy will be held at the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral, located at 422 St Joseph Blvd. W., Montreal.

For more information see the conference website rocmconference.org or write to info@rocmconference.org.

Appeal by Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, to the Pilgrims and Benefactors of its Monasteries in the Holy Land - 08/09/2016

Archbishop Kyrill to Preside over the Patronal Feast Day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 08/09/2016

St Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal Will Host the 25th Annual Church Musicians' Conference - 08/09/2016

Bishop Thedosius of Seattle Participates in Feast-Day Celebrations at SS Kosma and Damian Monastery in Crimea - 08/09/2016

His Eminence Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea celebrated festive Divine Liturgy on Thursday, July 14, 2016, at SS Kosma and Damian Monastery in Crimea. He was joined by His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, Vicar Bishop of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, along with clergymen from the Alushtinsk, Simferopol and Saky Deaneries of the Crimean Diocese, as well as monks in the priestly rank.

Appeal by Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, to the Pilgrims and Benefactors of its Monasteries in the Holy Land - 08/09/2016

By God’s grace, not long ago we lived to see another Holiday of Holidays, the Bright Resurrection of Christ, Pascha. How I wish that all of you, parishioners of our churches and pilgrims who visit us who live in the Holy Land could also experience the divine services of Passion Week, participate in the burial service of Christ the Savior at the Live-Bearing Sepulcher of the Lord, be honored to receive the Holy Fire on Great Saturday, 

Patronal Feast Day in Diamond Springs, CA - 08/06/2016

Patronal Feast Day in Diamond Springs, CA - 08/06/2016

On Tuesday August 2, 2016, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America presided over the Divine Liturgy at Saint Elias Church of Diamond Springs, CA, marking the patronal feast day with the clerics, parishioners and guests of the community.

Concelebrating with His Eminence were Bishop-elect of Sacramento Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg), ...

Lecture by Priest Andrew Cuneo at the IX Annual Lenten Retreat, San Francisco, CA - 08/06/2016

Lecture by Priest Andrew Cuneo at the IX Annual Lenten Retreat, San Francisco, CA - 08/06/2016

Priest Andrew Cuneo, Rector of Saint Katherine Orthodox Church (OCA) of Carlsbad, CA, gave a lecture at the 9th Annual Lenten Retreat sponsored by Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco entitled "Remembering Paradise." The video of his lecture can be seen below.

Parish Feast Day and Concert at the Old Cathedral in San Francisco - 08/04/2016

This Sunday, August 7, the Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin at 864 Fulton Street in San Francisco will celebrate its parish feast day.  His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill will serve the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.  A 25-member Romanian Orthodox Choir from France will sing the Liturgy and, after the festal lunch, perform a concert of Romanian Liturgical and Folk Music. All proceeds from the concert will be sent to the St. Paraskeva Foundation which supports orphanages in Romania. 

Parish Feast Day and Concert at the Old Cathedral in San Francisco - 08/04/2016

The Procurator of Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya, Unveils a Portrait of the Holy Royal Martyrs at the Livadia Palace - 07/27/2016

On the day of commemoration of the Holy Foremost Apostles Peter and Paul (29 of June/ 12  of July) at the Livadia Place in Crimea the solemn ceremony of the unveiling of a portrait of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia took place.  This portrait augments a current collection, which has been gathered through the efforts of the Chief Procurator of Crimea ­­– Natalia Poklonskaya.

The Procurator of Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya, Unveils a Portrait of the Holy Royal Martyrs at the Livadia Palace - 07/27/2016

Moscow: The Holy Synod confirmed the election of Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) as Bishop of Sacramento, July 15, 2016. - 07/17/2016

Excerpt from the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Synod of Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia:

"At the meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which was held on June 18/ July 1, 2016 in the San Francisco on the eve of the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Repose of Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker John (Maximovich), the petition by Archbishop Kyrill..."

Moscow: The Holy Synod confirmed the election of Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) as Bishop of Sacramento, July 15, 2016. - 07/17/2016

A General Meeting of the Synod of Bishops Opens San Francisco - 06/30/2016

Opening today, June 30, 2016, is a General Meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in the presence of the Directress of the Russian Diaspora, the “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God. Sessions are being held in the Archbishop Anthony Memorial Library, a part of the Chancellery of the Western American Diocese at Saint Tikhon’s House in San Francisco, CA.

A General Meeting of the Synod of Bishops Opens San Francisco - 06/30/2016

An Annual Russian River Retreat - 06/29/2016

            This year, the parish school of Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church of Sacramento held its annual Russian River camp from June 21, 2016 until June 25, 2016. On Tuesday, June 21, a group of participants gathered near the Holy Ascension Church. Once all belongings were safely stored in the vehicles, Father Paul blessed each car and we headed out to the Russian River. After a 2 hour drive, we arrived at the campground and set up two tents. Working together, we quickly assembled them and went to the molebin at the nearby Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in Guerneville, California.

An Annual Russian River Retreat - 06/29/2016

The Wonderworking Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God to visit Burlingame, CA - 06/18/2016

The Wonderworking Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God will visit the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, on Saturday, June 25, 2016.

Greeting of the Icon is 6:00 pm.


Please arrive early enough to park and be in place before the icon's arrival. The Icon will remain with us for the Vigil, which will begin immediately following the icon's arrival.

2016 Symposium on St John of San Francisco - 06/14/2016

Feast Day of the Ascension of the Lord in Sacramento, CA - 06/14/2016

On the 9 of June, 2016, Holy Ascension Church of Sacramento, California marked its Patronal Feast Day of the Ascension of the Lord.

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating with him were...

Feast Day of the Ascension of the Lord in Sacramento, CA - 06/14/2016

Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church - 06/14/2016

For many decades the Russian Orthodox Church took and continues to take an active part in the preparation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. Since the 1st Pan-Orthodox Conference in 1961 on Rhodes, the outstanding hierarchs and the best theologians of our Church have made their contribution to the work on a great number of the Council’s topics, including those which were not to be included later in the agenda of the Holy and Great Council. For the sake of the earliest convocation of the Council, the Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly re-affirmed her readiness to achieve decisions mutually acceptable for all the participants in the pre-Council process, even if such decisions diverted from the already agreed rules of the Council’s preparation.

2016 Symposium on St John of San Francisco - 06/14/2016

Photo-report from Pascha at Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Hollywood - 06/14/2016

Pascha night at Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Hollywood, CA.

Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church - 06/14/2016

Photo-report from Pascha at Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Hollywood - 06/14/2016

St. John 50th Anniversary Luncheon - 06/01/2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016.

1:30 pm at the Russian Center
2450 Sutter Street, San Francisco 

RSVP: StJohn50Gala@gmail.com
To Susan Motoviloff and Veronica Belonogoff

Or call Susan: 650-888-6307
Reservations must be made in advance.

Cost $75.00
Pay Pal accepted
Checks payable and mailed to:
HVC St. John’s Banquet
6210 Geary Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94121

Reservations confirmed once monies are received.
No tickets sold at the door.

Festal weekend at St. George Church in Salt Lake City - 06/01/2016

On Friday, May 6, St. George Russian Orthodox Church celebrated their patronal feast with a liturgy.  It was the tenth such festal liturgy since the parish’s founding in the fall of 2005. Archpriest Michael van Opstall celebrated the liturgy together with five of his brother priests.

Festal weekend at St. George Church in Salt Lake City - 06/01/2016

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2016 - 05/31/2016

On Monday May 30, 2016, Memorial Day, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presided over the Divine Liturgy at Fort Ross during the annual diocesan pilgrimage. His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle concelebrated along with priests and deacons of the San Francisco and Northern Deaneries.

The faithful gathered at Fort Ross California State Park from various parts of the Bay Area and Sacramento...

Media Materials from the IX Annual Lenten Retreat at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 05/31/2016

Below is a photo gallery and a video from the IX Annual Lenten Retreat sponsored by Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco on Sunday April 17, 2016.

The retreat “Redeeming Modern Life” was centered on the theme of aesthetics in life and in the Orthodox Church. Attendees came from various Orthodox Jurisdictions.

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2016 - 05/31/2016

Media Material from the IX Annual Lenten Retreat at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 05/31/2016

Photos from Pilgrimage to Fort Ross 2015 - 05/29/2016

Announcing the Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross - 05/28/2016

On the 30 of May, 2016, members of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia will perform an annual pilgrimage to Fort Ross, CA. The greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill and Divine Liturgy are slated for 9:30 am.

Fort Ross, a park in the California State Parks system, was founded by Russians in 1812.  Four Saints of the Russian church have prayed in that place. Many of the founders and laborers of the fort are buried on its cemetery. Holy Hierarch Innocent of Moscow (at the time priest-missionary John Veniaminov), Holy Hierarch Patriarch Tikhon, Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco and Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut sanctified the fort’s chapel and environs by there prayerful presence and holy labors.

The choir conductor, Alexandra Volmensky of Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, CA, has been requested to conduct the choir. She invites choir members from other parishes of the diocese to join in singing the Divine Liturgy that day.

After the Liturgy there will be a procession to the cemetery where a “Litya for the Departed” will be performed.

At the end, all are invited to the Kazan Church on the Russian River for a picnic.

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/30/2016

The Paschal Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America may be read here

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/30/2016

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/30/2016

Paschal Epistle of Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First-Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 04/30/2016

Christ is risen!

Selections from Great Lent and Passion Week - 04/23/2016

On Sunday, March 27, the “Choral Presentation Series” at the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, resumed with a choral recital of prayers from Great Lent and Passion Week Services. The program featured hymns from the Lenten Triodion that parishioners would hear in upcoming services.

Film Announcing St. John’s 50th Anniversary of Repose Debuted at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 04/17/2016

On Sunday April 17, 2016, Holy Virgin Cathedral sponsored the 9th Annual Lenten Retreat. 

The title of the conference was “Redeeming Modern Life” and the themes of the lectures centered on beauty. There were approximately 100 attendees.

Film Announcing St. John’s 50th Anniversary of Repose Debuted at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 04/17/2016

Petition for Persecuted Orthodox Christians to be Added to the Augmented Litany at Divine Liturgy - 04/14/2016

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill a special petition for the well-being of persecuted Orthodox Christians is to be raised up throughout the Western American Diocese. 

Communication of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to the Clerics and Faithful - 04/14/2016

The Western American Diocese Will Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Repose of Saint John the Wonderworker - 04/13/2016

“Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants” (Leviticus 25:10).

 The Western American Diocese is announces the 50th Anniversary from the repose of our Father among the Saints JOHN Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker from June 30 to July 2, 2016.

Communication of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to the Clerics and Faithful - 04/13/2016


In light of the welcome publication of the documents to be considered by the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council, scheduled to take place on Crete from 16-27 June 2016, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia has undertaken to examine these texts, together with a multitude of other Hierarchs, clergy and laity who are doing the same as preparations for the Council continue, and to communicate with our God-preserved flock and others the manner of suggestions we are proposing,...


A Compendium of the Writings of Bishop Alexander (Mileant) is Published - 04/13/2016

A large number of English-language articles by Bishop Alexander (Mileant, 1938-2005) of blessed memory has been published in a book titled “Orthodox Christianity.”

The large paper-bound book contains 492 pages and includes articles on a broad scope of topics on Orthodox Christianity: teachings, history, dogmatics and morality. The reader is offered an all-encompassing overview of the Orthodox faith, its essence and meaning, and most importantly, advice on its practical application in daily life. One might say that this compendium is a “mini-course” on Orthodox seminary training.

An Ordination to the Deaconate on the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 04/01/2016

PHOTO GALLERY: Archbishop Kyrill Presides over the Anathema Service - 04/01/2016

Photographs by Helen Nowak

An Ordination to the Deaconate on the Sunday of Orthodoxy - 04/01/2016

On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 20, 2016, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America elevated Sub-deacon Edward Anderson to the deaconate in Christ in Holy Virgin Cathedral.

UPDATED: Schedule of General Unction Services Throughout the Diocese - 03/31/2016

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America announces the following schedule of General Unction Services throughout the Diocese:

  • Monday April 4 at St. Herman of Alaska Church in Sunnyvale, CA, at 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday April 5 at Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church in Sacramento, CA, at 6:00 pm
  • Monday April 11 at Sts. Peter & Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA at 5:00 pm
  • Monday April 18 at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, at 6:30 pm 
  • Thursday April 21 at Holy New Martyrs of Russia Church in Mulino, OR at 5:30 pm
  • Great Wednesday April 27 at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA: Confessions from 3:30 pm, Matins at 4:00 pm, Unction to follow immediately (around 5:30 pm)

General Unction Service at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 03/31/2016

Schedule of General Unction Services Throughout the Diocese - 03/31/2016

General Unction Service at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 03/31/2016

Russkaya zhizn’ Interviews Vladimir Krassovsky, Director of the Cathedral Choir in San Francisco - 03/19/2016

Russkaya zhizn’: We heard that the Cathedral Choir will sing the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts for the first time ever. Tell us how this idea came to be?

Vladimir Krassovsky: Yes, that’s true. Such Great-Lenten Liturgies are always celebrated at the Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in the morning,

Russkaya zhizn’ Interviews Vladimir Krassovsky, Director of the Cathedral Choir in San Francisco - 03/19/2016

The Great-Lenten Pastoral Retreat is Dedicated to Missionary Work - 03/17/2016

During Great Lent this year the pastoral retreat of the Western American Diocese is scheduled for March 29 and 30, 2016. The theme of the conference is Orthodox Mission.

The Great-Lenten Pastoral Retreat is Dedicated to Missionary Work - 03/17/2016

A Wintertime Pascha - 03/15/2016

This year, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia marks the 50 th anniversary of the repose of the great hierarch, the “Russian Nicholas the Miracle-worker,” our holy father St John of Shanghai and San Francisco. The celebrations began with a visit of a large reliquary containing his relics to Holy Trinity Cathedral in Toronto, Canada. The region has many faithful who venerate his memory .

An Evening Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts will be Performed in the Diocesan Cathedral on March 30 at 6:00 pm - 03/11/2016

The Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts is performed exclusively during Great Lent and in most cases in the morning according today’s practice in the Russian Orthodox Church. However, for the first time in the history of the New Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” this Liturgy is scheduled for 6:00 pm.

The author of the Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts is our Father among the Saints Holy Hierarch Gregory the Dialogist (+ 604). Nonetheless preceeding that age, “it was established in even earlier times by the successors of the Apostles. This is proven by the prayers and ancient tradition. For that reason we believe, that its origins are Apostolic and was established because of Great Lent…” (Novaya Skrizhal, 'New Tablets', in Russian, St. Petersburg, 1908 page 265).

The event in the history of the diocesan cathedral is timed with the Lenten pastoral retreat of the clergy of the Western American Diocese. His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill is scheduled to preside amidst the multitude of diocesan clergy. The Archbishop’s choir under the direction of the choir conductor, Reader Vladimir Krassovsky, will perform the hymns.

Schedule for March 30, 2016:

4:30 pm: Rule before Holy Communion
5:45 pm: “Entrance Prayers” and the vesting of the bishop
6:00 pm: Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts

An Evening Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts will be Performed in the Diocesan Cathedral on March 30 at 6:00 pm - 03/11/2016

The Diocese is Seeking a Leader for a Special Fundraising Project to Preserve the Legacy of St. John (Maximovich) - 03/09/2016

The Diocesan Council of the Western American Diocese seeks an individual with experience and enthusiasm in gathering financial resources, to assist in leading a special fundraising appeal which will shortly be launched in order to preserve an important legacy of St. John the Wonderworker of San Francisco: the urgent and essential work to restore the deteriorating orphanage and house containing his cell, library and other relics of our great Saint’s life and work.

The Diocese is Seeking a Leader for a Special Fundraising Project to Preserve the Legacy of St. John (Maximovich) - 03/09/2016

Concert/Fundraiser at the Protection church in Hollywood was a Success - 02/29/2016

“What a fabulous event!” was the oft-heard remark following the conclusion of the first-ever concert and silent-auction fundraiser held at Protection of the Holy Virgin church on Argyle Ave in Hollywood on Sunday, February 21. The concert featured the performance of classical guitarist Taso Comanescu, a decade-long parishioner of the Argyle church, playing compositions that ranged from...

Concert/Fundraiser at the Protection church in Hollywood was a Success - 02/29/2016

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land From May 26 to June 3, 2016 - 02/26/2016

A pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Israel, under the slogan "Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperors Constantine and Elena" is being organized from May 26 through June 3, 2016. 

The schedule includes visits the Holy City of Jerusalem and environs together with the Holy Sepulchre and the two Russian Orthodox monasteries on the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane; Bethlehem, Jericho, the Jordan River, Galilee and more.

Price from Los Angeles: $2,300.00 (departure from other cities is possible), which includes the cost of the program.

Accommodations are in a 4 star hotel, with two meals/day. Certain entry fees, etc., are not included.

Details (in Russian) can be found here.

For English, please, direct inquiries to Father Nicholai Gulin — telephone (646) 491-2926. Or email: n_gulin@yahoo.com.

For Russian— Father Alexander Revyuk: telephone (949) 899 0381. Or email: alexanderorthodox@yahoo.com 



Announcing: A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land From May 26 to June 3, 2016 - 02/26/2016

The "Men in Black" Series Continues Its Mission: Priest Christoforos Schuff on the Refugee Crisis in Greece - 02/25/2016

On a cold night, in a cold room in late December people gathered; some Orthodox, some Protestant, some Catholic, some Buddhist and some who ascribed to no faith at all. We met to listen to an Orthodox priest. Why, because we all are cared about the plight of our world. The particular plight that evening was the Greek refugee crisis and the thousands who were coming to his island, a Greek island, Lesbos, Turkey’s closest neighbor. The story he told was of what it means to be a neighbor, a human,... a god.

The "Men in Black" Series Continues It Mission: Priest Christoforos Schuff on the Refugee Crisis in Greece - 02/25/2016

Youth of Saint George Church in Jordan, Utah, Lead the Faithful in Prayer - 02/24/2016

The church choir of Saint George Church in Jordan, Utah, has always consisted of women and girls. Over the course of several years the Father Rector, Archpriest Michael van Opstall, has written three-part arrangements and original compositions for women’s and girls’ voices. For the most part Father Michael writes arrangements based on musical anthologies like those found in the “Chanter's Companion” (Sputnik psalomchika), which comprises single-voiced melodies of the Znamenii Chant printed in square notation.

Youth of Saint George Church in Jordan, Utah, Lead the Faithful in Prayer - 02/24/2016

The Commemoration of Holy Equal-of-the-Apostles Kyrill, Teacher of the Slavs - 02/23/2016

BLINI Dinner at Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Seattle, WA - 02/23/2016

Annual Blini Dinner at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles - 02/23/2016

Traditional Blini Ball Dinner, San Francisco - 02/23/2016

Western American Diocese Represented at II Annual Alumni Gathering of Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 02/23/2016

Representatives of the Diocese of San Francisco and Western America traveled to Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY, for the II Annual Gathering of Alumni which was organized from the 10th to the 12th of February, 2016. 

"Becoming Human in a Secular World," Lecture by Archpriest Stephen Freeman (Men in Black Series) - 02/23/2016

Whether you know the term Modernity or it, it shapes the world we live, it defines what we think is important, what we strive to obtain, what we snub or praise...

Western American Diocese Represented at II Annual Alumni Gathering at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 02/23/2016

Commemoration of Holy Equal-of-the-Apostles Kyrill, Teacher of the Slavs - 02/23/2016

Traditional Blini Ball Dinner - 02/23/2016

"Becoming Human in a Secular World" (Men in Black Series, Geoff Brim - Director) - 02/23/2016

The 9th Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference - 02/21/2016

The 9th Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was hosted by Saint Martin the Merciful Church in Corvallis, OR, from the 27th to the 31st of December, 2015.

The 9th Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference - 02/21/2016

Marking the Feast of the New Martyrs of Russia - 02/16/2016

On Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of February His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will mark the parish Feast Day of the Holy New Martyrs of Russia in Mulino, Oregon. 

See the parish website for further details here.

9th Annual Lenten Retreat at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 02/16/2016

The Diocese of San Francisco and Western America announces the 9th Annual Lenten Retreat "Redeeming Modern Life,"

When: Sunday, April 17, 2016

Where: 6210 Geary Boulevard; San Francisco, CA 94121

Featuring: Priest Andrew Cuneo, Ph.D & Khouria Krista West.

Register for the retreat here

Marking the Feast of the New Martyrs of Russia - 02/16/2016

9th Annual Lenten Retreat at Holy Virgin Cathedral - 02/16/2016

Classical Guitar Concert/Fundraiser - 02/02/2016

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/07/2016

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 01/07/2016

Classical Guitar Concert/Fundraiser - 01/03/2016

Photo Report on Priest Martin Person's First Day at Saint Herman's Mission - 11/20/2015

Photo Report on Priest Martin Person's First Day at Saint Herman's Mission - 11/19/2015

On Sunday November 8, 2015, Reverend Father Martin Person assumed the rectorship at Saint Herman of Alaska Mission in Sunnyvale, CA. Below is a photo report of that event.

Reverend Father Christopher Horsley Moves to Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Hollywood - 11/19/2015

Priest Christopher Horsley has been serving in the Western American Diocese for 19 years. In August 1996, he was ordained to the diaconate and appointed to serve at the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church in Santa Barbara, CA.

He only served there for a few months and was soon transferred to...

Reverend Father Christopher Horsley Moves to Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Hollywood - 11/19/2015

The Life and Repose of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis - 11/16/2015

On October 2, 2015, Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis, a beloved member of the clergy of the Western American Diocese, reposed in the Lord shortly after partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Father Nicholai lived in this temporal life 3 weeks short of his 45th Birthday. Chosen of God, he labored tirelessly from his youth up to his blessed end in the service of the Orthodox Church. 

The future Protodeacon Nicholai was born to...

The Life and Repose of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis - 11/16/2015

Photo Report of the Funeral of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis - 11/14/2015

The First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad Sends Condolences to Archbishop Kyrill, Bishop Theodosius, the Relatives, Friends and Participants in the Funeral of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis - 11/14/2015

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill read the following words of condolence Metropolitan Hilarion to the clergy and faithful of the New Cathedral during the funeral of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis on Tuesday October 6, 2015. 

Grievous News: Father Nicholai Triantafillidis has reposed - 11/14/2015

A providential meeting in the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos in July of 2014 by Archpriest Alexei Yastrebov. First published on the author's Facebook page on October 3, 2015. 

I had heard of Father Nicholai previously from my friend, Father Alexander Ageikin. They were friends, both served the Church as deacons of cathedrals: a work that appears to some as attractive and not very complicated, but in fact is a difficult labor demanding knowledge not only in the realm of liturgical practice, but often including administrative and household skills, huge physical endurance and the “usual” Christian humility.

We had the opportunity to become acquainted in 2010 in Moscow, and I immediately found him to be...

"From a young age, Papa instilled in us love for our Faith and the Church. " - 11/14/2015

Reminicences of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis by his daughter Anastasia read on the day of his funeral October 6th, 2015:

First of all, I would like to thank every single person who came today to help us bury our beloved Papa. It is so very comforting to know how much everyone loved him, so thank you! Being the oldest of his children, I decided it would be appropriate to say a few words about our Papa.

The First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad Sends Condolences to Archbishop Kyrill, Bishop Theodosius, the Relatives, Friends and Participants in the Funeral of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis - 11/14/2015

Grievous News: Father Nicholai Triantafillidis has reposed - 11/14/2015

"From a young age, Papa instilled in us love for our Faith and the Church. " - 11/14/2015

24th North American Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 11/07/2015

The 24th North American Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference (ROCM) was a great success that made a lasting impression on the church choir directors, choristers, and readers who participated. The conference was organized jointly by members of the Liturgical Music Commission (LMC) of the Synod of Bishops (ROCOR) and the parish of St. Andrew Stratelites, St. Petersburg, Florida, whose rector is Archpriest Igor Shitikov. The main theme of this year’s conference was “From Generation to Generation: Developing and Strengthening the Musical Tradition of Your Church Choir.” Intensive classes, lectures, and rehearsals were held at the lovely Clarion Clearwater hotel, in the vicinity of the host parish.

The program of the conference was intense...

24th North American Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference - 11/07/2015

Annual Panykhida at Mare Island - 10/31/2015

With the blessing of Archbishop Kyrill the annual Mare Island Memorial service is scheduled for SATURDAY, November 14 @ 11:00 am.

50th Anniversary Banquet for the New Cathedral - 10/28/2015

Priest Martin and Matushka Sarah Person Bid Farewell to Holy Protection Church in Hollywood, CA - 10/26/2015

Priest Martin and Matushka Sarah Person came to Holy Protection Church in Hollywood, CA, a little over 13 years ago (2002). Father Martin was ordained as Deacon there in 2003, and became the priest for the early English Liturgies in 2006.

During his years of service in that community his duties included...

Priest Martin and Matushka Sarah Person Bid Farewell to Holy Protection Church in Hollywood, CA - 10/26/2015

Saint John Academy’s Annual Gala - 10/25/2015

When: Sunday November 15, 2015, from 6:00 to 10:30 pm.

Where: Saint John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church on Baker Street in San Francisco (parking available on the grounds).

Evening’s Events: Cocktails followed by a three course meal and performances by pupils of St. John’s Academy, door prize and silent auction.

Cost: $120.00

Sign up here.

Video about the Opening of Saint Silouan's Monastery, Sonora, CA - 10/25/2015

Saint John Academy’s Annual Gala - 10/25/2015

Updated!!! Announcing Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference from December 27 to 31, 2015, in Corvallis, Oregon. - 10/21/2015

I) Up-dated Schedule here.
II) $210.00/person
III) Register here.
IV) Registration closes December 15, 2015!

Announcing Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference from December 27 to 31, 2015, in Corvallis, Oregon.

The youth conference is hosted by Saint Martin the Merciful Church and the Western American Diocese Youth Committee. 

Anniversary Concert at the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, California - 10/21/2015

On Sunday October 25th, 2015, the choir of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, under the direction of its choir master, Andrei Roudenko, will perform an "Anniversary Concert." Selected pieces are related to the anniversary of the composer, the work's debut and other significant dates. The choir will be performing music composed by Bortniansky, Rochmaninoff, Ledkovsky, Trubachev, Ippolitov-Ivanov and others.

The concert is free.

See information on the location and concert goals here.

Announcing Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference from December 27 to 31, 2015, in Corvallis, Oregon. - 10/21/2015

Anniversary Concert at the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, California - 10/21/2015

90th Anniversary of the Repose of Holy Hierarch Jonah of Hankou - 10/20/2015

Apostle of Love
“Children, love one another…”
(from the last will and testament of St.Jonah)
Zoya Gradov, Alamo

The brief earthly life of St. Jonah of Hankou came to an end in 1925, at the age of 37 years, at the Manchurian station in China. During his time on earth, the saint had occasion to live the equivalent of several lives: that of an accomplished theologian, a confessor, a soldier in the White Army, and a philanthropist, through which he sought the ultimate fulfillment of Christ’s commandment to love one’s neighbor. Since this issue of our magazine is dedicated to the worthy cause of charity, we begin with the life of this remarkable saint.

Witness of a Century

St. Jonah, who entered this world as Vladimir Pokrovsky, was orphaned at an early age and adopted by a village sexton, who gave the child his own surname and an upbringing...

Schedule of the Annual Fall Retreat for the Clergy of the Western American Diocese - 10/19/2015

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America the annual fall retreat organized for His clergy will be convened at the Diocesan Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, from the 4th to the 6th of November, 2015.

Two lectures are scheduled during the conference, which will then be concluded by the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Consecration of the Holy Virgin Cathedral “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The 1000th repose anniversary of St. Vladimir, Enlightner of Rus will also be marked on this day. Guest bishops are expected to participate in the Divine Liturgy on November 6th, and a banquet at the Russian Center will follow.

On Wednesday November 4th Priest Jesse Philo ˗ Rector of St. John Orthodox Church in Kennewick, WA ˗ will speak on “The Rise of Recreational Drug Use Among Parishioners,” which will become a spring-board for a round-table discussion.

On Thursday November 5th Deacon Matthew Garrett ˗ cleric of St. Seraphim Orthodox Church in Boise, ID, and professional iconographer ˗ will speak of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

San Francisco's Holy Virgin Cathedral 50th Anniversary Celebration Schedule - 10/19/2015

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America the celebration of Holy Virgin Cathedral's 50th anniversary will take place on the cathedral's feastday "Joy of All Who Sorrow," Friday, November 6, 2015. The 1000th repose anniversary of St. Vladimir, Enlightner of Rus will also be marked on this day. The celebration schedule is as follows:

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 6:00 PM: Vigil with participation of guest bishops, diocesan clergy and guests.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy and Molieben

Celebration luncheon (3-course meal with wine) at 1:30 pm, (Russian Center of San Francisco, 2460 Sutter Street). Luncheon donation: $60.00.

To order tickets (space is limited) call Elena Olkhovsky: (415) 690-0518 or e-mail.

Why Steve Chose Christ: An Orthodox Testimony - 10/19/2015

On Thursday the 24th of September, 2015, the famous “Men in Black” Series, sponsored by Saint Elias Church of Diamond Springs, CA, held its latest missionary event in the golden hills of El Dorado County. 

Though not a “man in black”, we hosted Steve Christoforou to hear him share why he chose Christ. His answers were straight forward and compelling: he chose Christ for the same reason Gandhi rejected Him. He chose Christ because of pain, the very rationale from which so many deny the existence of God. Lastly, he didn’t choose Christ because He’s the best religious idea out there, but because of something far more personal. Steve talks to a largely adult crowd about why the hard choice to draw near to God was the best decision he’s ever made.

Geoff Brim of the "Men in Black" Series

Schedule of the Annual Fall Retreat for the Clergy of the Western American Diocese - 10/19/2015

San Francisco's Holy Virgin Cathedral 50th Anniversary Celebration Schedule - 10/19/2015

Why Steve Chose Christ: An Orthodox Testimony - 10/19/2015

Funeral Schedule for newly-departed Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis - 10/03/2015

Funeral Schedule for newly-departed Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis at the New Cathedral in San Francisco, CA:

Sunday October 4: Panykhida at 7:30 pm.

Monday October 5: Arrival of casket at 4:00 pm. Panykhida at 7:30 pm.

Tuesday October 6: Liturgy at 8:00 am. Funeral presided by Archbishop Kyrill at 10:00 am.

The Repose in the Lord of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis - 10/02/2015

With sorrow for the tremendous loss for his family and for our Western American Diocese His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill announces the repose in the Lord of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis which took place this morning, the 2nd October, 2015.

Newly-departed Protodeacon Nicholai was born on October 24, 1970. He grew up in San Francisco, California, and was raised in the parish of our Diocesan Cathedral in honour of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” He was a spiritual son of Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev, +2000), who ordained him to the diaconate on the Feast of the Elevation of the Honourable and Life-Creating Cross (September 14/27) in 1992. Father Nicholai served the Holy Church with great love and zeal in the spirit of the famed protodeacons of the Russian Orthodox Church tradition.

Funeral Schedule for newly-departed Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis at the New Cathedral in San Francisco, CA:

Sunday October 4: Panykhida at 7:30 pm.

Monday October 5: Arrival of casket at 4:00 pm Panykhida at 7:30 pm

Tuesday October 6: Liturgy at 8:00 am. Funeral presided by Archbishop Kyrill at 10:00 am.

The Repose in the Lord of Protodeacon Nicholai Triantafillidis - 10/02/2015

The Dedication of a New Monastery in the Western American Diocese - 09/30/2015

On 11/24 September, 2015, the day of memory of Venerable Father Silouan the Athonite, His Eminence KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, consecrated a new men’s monastery for the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, in honor of this modern-day Saint.

The Dedication of a New Monastery in the Western American Diocese - 09/30/2015

The Dedication of a New Monastery in the Western American Diocese - 09/30/2015

18 September 2015: Statement from the Diocesan Chancellery of the Western American Dicoese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 09/18/2015


Statement from the Diocesan Chancellery of the Western American Dicoese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia - 09/18/2015

His Holiness Irenei Patriarch of Serbia Visits the Diocesan Cathedral - 09/10/2015

On September 8, 2015, the Feast of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother  of God, a very special event took place in the life of our diocese. His Holiness IRENEI Patriarch of Serbia visited our Diocesan Cathedral of the Mother of God dedicated to Her Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in the company of many Serbian Orthodox bishops, clergy, seminarians from the theological seminary in Prezren and others.

His Holiness Irenei Patriarch of Serbia Visits the Diocesan Cathedral - 09/10/2015

Archbishop Kyrill participates in the Canonization of Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson - 09/09/2015

His Holiness Irenei Patriarch of Serbia to Venerate the Honorable Relics of Saint John the Wonderworker - 09/07/2015

On Tuesday the 8th of September, 2015, on the Feast of the "Vladimir" Icon of the Mother of God, His Holiness Irenei Patriarch of Serbia will visit our Diocesan Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" as part of the program of his travels in the United States. His Holiness will be greeted by His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, clergy and the faithful.

The main purpose of Patriarch Irenei's visit ot our Cathedral is to venerate and pray before the honourable and miraculous relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker.

His Holiness is scheduled to arrive between 10:00 am and 12:00 noon. 

His Holiness Irenei Patriarch of Serbia to Venerate the Honorable Relics of Saint John the Wonderworker - 09/07/2015

Archbishop Kyrill participates in the Canonization of Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson - 09/05/2015

On Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of September, 2015, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America participated in the canonization of a newly glorified Saint of North America, Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson.

His Holiness Patriarch Irenei of Serbia visited the United States to participate in the canonization and presided over the ceremonies which took place at Saint Stephan’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, CA.

New Lecture in the "Men in Black" Series - 09/04/2015

Steve Christoforou will be participating in the "Men in Black" Series sponsored by the Saint Elias Orthodox Church in Diamond Springs, CA, on Thursday September 24th, 2015, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. 

The topic of discussion will be "Why I Say Yes to Christ When it is Easier to Say No." What does it mean to chose Christ? Why should Steve's answer matter to you?

Venue: the Courtyard at Foundation Plaza, 312 Main Street, Placerville, CA. 

Entrance: free!

The Founding of a New Monastery for the Western American Diocese - 09/04/2015

By the grace of God, a new men’s monastery of the Western American Diocese will be formally blessed following a service of the Divine Liturgy on the new monastery’s patronal feast day of St. Silouan the Athonite (11th / 24th September 2015). The festal Divine Liturgy will be concelebrated by the Diocesan Hierarch, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, and His Eminence’s Auxiliary, His Grace Bishop Theodosy of Seattle. Following the Liturgy a moleben will be served, with a procession and blessing of the whole of the 47.5-acre monastery property.

Archbishop Kyrill Visits Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, CA - 09/04/2015

On September 4th, 2015, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill arrived in Alhambra, CA, to participate in the Canonization of two Serbian Orthodox Saints taking place at Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral.

Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America Will Participate in the Glorification of Bishop Mardarije (Uskokovic) and Archimandrite Sevastian (Dabovic) By the Serbian Orthodox Church - 09/03/2015

The glorification of Hierarch Mardarije (Uskokovic) and Archimandrite Sevastian (Dabovic) will take place on Saturday, September 5, 2015, in the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as reported by its official website. Leading the celebrations with will be His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia. Also participating with be His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America Will Participate in the Glorification of Bishop Mardarije (Uskokovic) and Archimandrite Sevastian (Dabovic) By the Serbian Orthodox Church - 09/03/2015

New Bells and Belfry Blessed at Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, California - 09/03/2015

The Official Founding of a New Monastery for the Western American Diocese - 09/01/2015

New Bells and Belfry blessed at Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, California - 08/30/2015

On Sunday August 17/30, 2015, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill arrived for an archpastoral visit to Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, California, with the purpose of consecrating the new bells received from the LITEX Foundry in Moscow Russia and the newly-constructed belfry erected by the parish for the purpose of housing them. This celebration was dedicated to the 1000th Anniversary of the Repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir the Enlightener of Russia (+1015), and became the culmination of a three-year project as the parishioners worked on design, fundraising and construction.

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles Marks Its 85th Anniversary - 08/19/2015

On the 18th and 19th of August, 2015, Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, California, marked its 85th Anniversary while celebrating the Patronal Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles Marks Its 85th Anniversary - 08/19/2015

24th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference - 08/17/2015

Patronal Feast of the Old Cathedral, August 5, 2015 - 08/17/2015

On August 5 (July 23, o.c.), 2015, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America performed a pastoral visit to the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco for the parish Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

During the Divine Liturgy His Eminence elevated the Deputy Rector of the Old Cathedral, Hieromonk James (Corazza), to the dignity of Abbot in recognition of his dedicated service to the Holy Church. Abbot James labors over a multi-ethnic flock in the Bay Area comprised of Americans, Russians, Palestinians, Romanians… Furthermore, Father receives multitudinous pilgrims who come to venerate Saint John of Shanghai the Wonderworker from all over the United States and the world at large to whom he ministers tirelessly. In addition, many capital improvements have been made to the cathedral church and facilities under the deputy rectorship of Fr. James, including, but limited to, new iconography and sacred furnishings.

Congratulations to Abbot James, his parishioners and benefactors with this dignity!

Patronal Feast of the Old Cathedral, August 5, 2015 - 08/17/2015

All-Diocesan Celebration of St. Vladimir and 50th Anniversary of the New Cathedral - 08/15/2015

On Friday November 6th, 2015, Holy Virigin Cathedral will celebrate its Annual Feast Day of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

This year the annual Feast Day will be augmented by the All-Diocesan Celebration of the 1000th Anniversary of the Repose of Saint Vladimir the Enlightner of Russian and the 50th Anniversary of the consruction of the New Cathedral.

In conjuction with these historical events 1) a two day pastoral conference for the clergy of the Western American Diocese will proceed the Feast, 2) a banquet will be held after Divine Liturgy in the Russian Center on Friday November 6th and 3) a special issue of the diocesan journal "Spiritual Spring" is being prepared dedicated to the history of the New Cathedral. 

More details to come.

Consecration of New Bells and Belfry at Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento - 08/15/2015

On the 30th of August, 2015, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is scheduled to consecrate new bells and a belfry at Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, CA. 

Greeting of the Bishop is scheduled for 9:30 am. Divine Liturgy, procession to the church yard for the concecraiton ceremony, festal meal and concert to follow.

Address: Holy Ascension Church, 714 -- 13 Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Feast Day of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral - 08/15/2015

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will perform a pastoral visit to the Southern Deanery of the Western American Diocese to celebrate the Patronal Feast of the the Holy Transfiguation Cathedral in Los Angeles on August 6/19, 2015.

Greeting of the Bishop is slated for 9:30 am.

Address: 5432 Fernwood Avenue; Los Angeles, CA 90027 

The Celebration of the Feast of Saint John, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco 2015 - 06/12/2015

Fundraiser for the Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God - 06/10/2015

On Saturday May 2, 2015, a prayer service and fundraiser banquet was held to raise funds for the construction of a church to house the Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God on the Hawaiian Islands.

Fundraiser Banquet in Benefit of "Miloserdie" in Moscow, Russia - 06/10/2015

On April 26, 2015, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women, a fundraiser banquet was held at the Holy Virgin Cathedral at 6700 Geary Blvd. in San Francisco, CA. 

The fundraiser banquet was entitled “Joy & Mercy” and organized to benefit benevolent institution in Russia called Miloserdie (Compassion). Over the course of many years Miloserdie has tirelessly labored to bring aid and consolation both material and moral to the infirm,..

Fundraiser for the Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God - 06/10/2015

Fundraiser Banquet in Benefit of "Miloserdie" in Moscow, Russia - 06/10/2015

The Feast of All the Saints of Russia, the Patronal Feast of the Parish in Burlingame, CA - 06/09/2015

THE FEAST OF ALL THE SAINTS OF RUSSIA, His Grace Bishop Theodosy of Seattle presiding.

The weekend of Sunday, June 14th is the patronal feast of our church in Burlingame, CA.

  • Vigil Service will be on Saturday evening, June 13th at 6 PM
  • The Divine Liturgy will be Sunday, June 14th:
    Greeting of His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle at 9:30 AM.
    The Liturgy will conclude with a prayer service "Moleben" an procession of the Cross around our edifice.
    A Feastive Lenten Meal prepared by the Sisterhood to follow.


His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill Congratulates Archpriest Alex Kotar - 06/09/2015

On the 25 and 26 of April, 2015, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill visited the Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Seattle to mark the 25th Anniversary of the ordination of Archpriest Alex Kotar Dean of the Northern Deanery of the Western American Diocese, who was ordained to the Deaconate on the Feast of the Annunciation by Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev) in 1990.

His Grace Bishop Theodosy of Seattle will Lead a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - 06/09/2015

Archpastoral Visit to the Old Cathedral - 06/09/2015

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Aegina, Greece - 06/08/2015

Cossack Cadet School Summer Camp - 06/08/2015

Choral Presentations Series - 06/06/2015

The Church of All Russian Saints, in Burlingame, CA, is holding the Choral Presentations Series from June through October of 2015. 

Iveron Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon Will Visit Both Cathedrals in San Francisco - 04/29/2015

The Iveron Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is coming to the San Francisco Bay Area on the weekend of May 2 and 3, 2015, which will include visits to both Cathedrals of the Western American Diocese located in San Francisco.

Fundraiser Banquet for the Benefit of the Iveron-Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon - 04/25/2015

On Saturday May 2, 2015, a Fundraiser Banquet is being organized for the the building of a church in Honolulu, Hawaii, that will become a worthy facility for housing the Sacred and Miraculous Iveron Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God of Hawaii.

The event will begin at 11:30 am with a Service of Supplication and anointing with the holy myrrh. During the banquet there will be a slide show about the Holy Icon.

Banquet tickets are $50.00/person.

Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross
900 Alameda De Las Pulgas
Belmont, CA 94002

Registration and more information here

Sister Vassa's Lecture during the "Men in Black Series" in Diamond Springs, CA - 04/24/2015

The Second Annual "Men in Black" Series was held on the 13 and 14 of February, 2015. This year's key-note speaker was Sister Vassa (Larin) of the popular weekly program "Coffee with Sister Vassa." Below is a video of her lecture and the questions and answers that followed held on Saturday February 14, 2015, in Diamond Springs, CA. 

Myasanitsa: Fundraiser Organized by the Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Society of San Francisco - 04/20/2015

Myasanitsa Food Feast on Sunday May 3, 2015. More information here.

Joy & Mercy Fundraising Dinner - 04/16/2015

The time of Easter is one of joy. One of the expressions of joy is giving to and supporting worthwhile causes. The Joy & Mercy Paschal (Easter) Dinner is a...

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 04/16/2015

Paschal Message by Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia, 2015 - 04/16/2015

Archpastoral Visit to the Old Cathedral - 04/15/2015

On Bright Tuesday, the 14th of April, 2015, His Emnence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America performed the Divine Liturgy at the Old Cathedral...

Paschal Message by Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia, 2015 - 04/12/2015

Paschal Message by Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monks and Nuns and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop, 2015 - 04/12/2015

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, 2015 - 04/10/2015

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill may be read here.

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, 2015 - 04/10/2015

2015 Diocesan Lenten Retreat: "Life in Christ Fount of Joy with Faith There is Hope" - 04/10/2015

The VIII Annual Lenten Retreat of the Western American Diocese was held at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, on March 29, 2015.

2015 Diocesan Lenten Retreat: "Life in Christ Fount of Joy with Faith There is Hope" - 04/10/2015

A Reflection on the Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Day 3, March 11, 2015 - 04/02/2015

A Reflection on the Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Day 3, March 11, 2015 - 04/01/2015

There was great inspiration and a deepening of faith that accompanied the conclusion of our pastoral retreat, which took place from Monday March 9 to Wednesday March 11. We clergy took some of both home with us to our respective families and flocks.

Los Angeles: Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt, Great Lent, 2015 - 04/01/2015

On the 5th Sunday of Great Lent (March 29, 2015), when the Holy Church commemorates the memory of Saint Mary of Egypt, His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western American visited the Los Angeles Area.

Concert of Church Hymns from the Lenten Triodion, Burlingame, CA - 04/01/2015

On Sunday, March 15th, the choir of the Church of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, CA, presented a choral recital of prayers from Great Lent and Passion Week Services.  The program consisting of hymns from the Lenten Triodion spanned chronologically from the weeks leading up to Great Lent through Great Saturday and featured works by pre-revolutionary and contemporary composers.  

Concert of Church Hymns from the Lenten Triodion, Burliname, CA - 04/01/2015

ARRIVED!!! The 6th Issue of the diocesan journal "Spiritual Spring" - 03/26/2015

Schedule of Unction Services in the Western American Diocese for Great Lent, 2015 - 03/18/2015

The Second Day of the Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Great Lent, Tuesday March 10, 2015 - 03/17/2015

The 2nd day of the retreat of the Western American Diocese began with the Lenten Hours, typica and vespers starting at 8:00 am.

The Second Day of the Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Great Lent, Tuesday March 10, 2015 - 03/17/2015

Concert of Sacred Choral Music - 03/13/2015

Preserving the tradition of pre-revolutionary Russia, on Sunday, March 8th, the Holy Virgin Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Vladimir Krassovsky, gave a Lenten Concert of Sacred Choral Music at Star of the Sea Catholic Church in San Francisco.

Concert of Sacred Choral Music - 03/13/2015

Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Great Lent, 2015, Day 1 - 03/10/2015

On March 9, 2015, the clergy of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia gathered under the omophorion of their archpastor and father, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, for the first of a three-day clergy retreat.

Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Great Lent, 2015, Day 1 - 03/10/2015

Sister Vassa Speaks in Diamond Springs, California - 03/07/2015

Can a small parish that no one’s heard of influence the notions of a community that assumes monks wear orange? We decided to try by bringing in the “men in black”.

Sister Vassa Speaks in Diamond Springs, California - 03/06/2015

Can a small parish that no one’s heard of influence the notions of a community that assumes monks wear orange? We decided to try by bringing in the “men in black”.

The First Week of Great Lent has passed - 03/04/2015

In the Cathedrals, monasteries and parishes of the Western American Diocese the First Week of Great Lent has passed with the chanting of the Canon of Repentance by Saint Andrew of Crete, a doubled reading of the Psalms of David, with fasting, prostrations and confession; and for many, the partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Annual Great Lenten Retreat for the Clergy of the Western American Diocese, Old Holy Virgin Cathedral, San Francisco - 03/03/2015

The annual Lenten retreat for the clergy of the Western American Diocese is being held at the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco from March 9 through 11, 2015.

Annual Great Lenten Retreat for the Clergy of the Western American Diocese, Old Holy Virgin Cathedral, San Francisco - 03/03/2015

The Western American Diocese Congratulates Archbishop Kyrill with His Names Day - 02/26/2015

The clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese congratulate their Ruling Bishop, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, with his Names Day with his Names Day on the day of commemoration of the Holy Equal-of-the-Apostles Kyrill Teacher of the Slavs (14/27 of February). 

With great affection and respect we wish His Eminence health of soul and body, strength and wisdom to govern the Western American Diocese, and Many Years!

The Western American Diocese Congratulates Archbishop Kyrill with His Names Day - 02/26/2015

ARRIVED!!! The 6th Issue of the diocesan journal "Spiritual Spring" - 02/20/2015

Report on the VIII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference - 02/20/2015

The VIII Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference was held at Saint George Russian Orthodox Church in West Jordan, UT, near Salt Lake City, from December 22 to 26, 2014. Around 25 participants of the Western American Diocese gathered from California, Colorado, Oregon, Utah and Washington along with many clergy under the direction of the Youth Department Chairman of the Western American Diocese Archpriest Boris Henderson.

Report on the VIII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference - 02/20/2015

The Celebration of the Feast of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Mulino, OR - 02/18/2015

On February 8, 2015, this very special day for our parish, we were visited by His Eminence KYILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America who also presided over the Divine Services.

Matushka Vera Dombrovsky reposed in the Lord on February 16, 2015 - 02/18/2015

The 16 of February, 2015, Matushka Vera Dombrovsky reposed in the Lord in Novo-Diveevo, NY.  Born in 1918, newly-departed Matushka Vera was married to Archpriest Nikolai Dombovsky. Father Nikolai, who reposed in the Lord in 1979, served as a priest in Poland, Chili, Cuba and San Francisco, CA.  Both Father Nikolai and Matushka Vera were very energetic in the building of the New Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” on Geary Blvd. in San Francisco.  Simultaneously, Father Nicholas labored in the formation of youth, being an active member of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Gymnasia at the New Cathedral. He also compiled an in-depth, historical jubilee album for the Cathedral community when it celebrated its 50th Anniversary.


The 2015 Symposia of the Saints Cyril and Athanasius Institute Successfully Come to a Close - 02/18/2015

The afternoon of February 15, 2015, saw the close of the second spring 2015 weekend symposium put on by Saints Cyril and Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies. The theme for the spring 2015 symposia was “The City a Desert.”

Matushka Vera Dombrovsky reposed in the Lord on February 16, 2015 - 02/18/2015

The 2015 Symposia of the Saints Cyril and Athanasius Institute Successfully Come to a Close - 02/18/2015

A Concert-Choral Recital in Burlingame on March 15, 2015 - 02/17/2015

А concert-choral recital of sacred music from Great Lent and Passion Week services by the parish choir of the Church of All Russian Saints will take place at 744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, on Sunday, March 15, 2015, at 1 PM.

Admission is free. Space is limited. 

Dedication of the New Hall at Saint Martin the Merciful Church - 02/17/2015

St. Martin the Merciful Orthodox Church in Corvallis, Oregon, formally dedicated its new parish hall on February 6th and 7th, 2015. It was a festive occasion, with clergy and laity from a number of jurisdictions joining with parish faithful to celebrate the realization of a long-held goal.

Dedication of the New Hall at Saint Martin the Merciful Church - 02/17/2015

Concert of Sacred Russian Orthodox Music To Take Place in San Francisco During Great Lent - 02/16/2015

Photos From Archbishop Kyrill's Recent Trip to Russia - 02/14/2015

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill visited Russia from January 27 to February 3, 2015, in order to participate in 6th Anniversary of the Enthronement of His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All of Russia and for a Archpastoral Conference. 


Photos From Archbishop Kyrill's Recent Trip to Russia - 02/14/2015

Resolutions of the Russian Orthodox Church Bishops' Conference - 02/05/2015

The Bishops’ Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church took place on February 2-3, 2015, at the Church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. It was chaired by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

Bishops' Conference Completes Its Work - 02/05/2015

On 3 February 2015, the Bishops’ Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church completed its work in the Hall of Church Councils at the Church of Christ the Saviour under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

Concert of Sacred Russian Orthodox Music To Take Place in San Francisco During Great Lent - 02/05/2015

On Sunday March 8th, 2015, under the direction of Choir Master Vladimir V. Krassovsky the Pontifical Choir of Holy Virgin Cathedral will perform the concert "Sacred Choral Music of Russia."

The concert is scheduled to begin at 2:30 pm at Star of the Sea Catholic Church located at 4420 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA. 

Resolutions of the Russian Orthodox Church Bishops' Conference (February 2-3, 2015) - 02/05/2015

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill was Awarded a “Patriarchal” Panagia - 02/02/2015

On the 1st of February, 2015, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee during the Divine Liturgy in the midst of a multitude of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church as well as bishops from many Local Churches who were gathered to celebrate in the 6th Anniversary of the Enthronement of His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All of Russia and for a Archpastoral Conference, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill was awarded a “Patriarchal” Panagia for His ardent archpastoral labors and in connection with His 60th Birthday.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill was Awarded a “Patriarchal” Panagia - 02/02/2015

Sister Vassa will be at the Cozmic Cafe in Placerville, CA - 01/31/2015

Orthodox Lenten Retreat to be held in San Francisco on March 29, 2015 - 01/31/2015

On the Feast of Nativity of Christ Archbishop Kyrill Performed an Ordination - 01/16/2015

On the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill ordained monk Peter (Karakozoff) to the rank of Hierodeacon. 

On the Feast of Nativity of Christ Archbishop Kyrill Performed an Ordination - 01/16/2015

On the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill ordained monk Peter (Karakozoff) to the rank of Hierodeacon. 

Annual "Men In Black" Speaker Series to be held in Diamond Springs, CA - 01/15/2015

Saint Elias Orthodox Church of Diamond Springs, California, will be holding its second "Men in Black" missionary conference.

This year's keynote speaker is Sister Vassa.

The Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute Announces Its Fourth Symposium - 01/15/2015

The Saints Cyril and Athanasius of Alexandria Institute of Orthodox Studies will hold its fourth Symposium in our diocese on February 14 and 15, 2015. 

The theme is The City a Desert: Living the Life of the Desert in the Midst of the World. 

More information and registration here

Archbishop Kyrill Addresses the Diocese - 01/01/2015

His Eminence Arcbhishop Kyrill extends his profound gratitude to the faithful of the Western American Diocese for their support and love for the Church.

His Epistle may be read here.

Archbishop Kyrill Addresses the Diocese - 01/01/2015

His Eminence Arcbhishop Kyrill extends his profound gratitude to the faithful of the Western American Diocese for their support and love for the Church.

Archbishop Kyrill Addresses the Diocese - 01/01/2015

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 12/27/2014

The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill can be found here.

The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 12/27/2014

The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill may be read here. 

A Monastic Tonsure at the Residence of the Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 12/27/2014

On Thursday, December 25, 2014, His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, Vicar of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, tonsured Peter Karakozov, for many years the personal assistant to His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, Ruling Bishop of the diocese. He was given the name Peter after Holy New Martyr Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsa. Monk Peter joins the Brotherhood of St Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) in San Francisco.

Monk Peter will be elevated to the rank of Hierdeacon on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, December 25, 2014 / January 7, 2105.


A Monastic Tonsure at the Residence of the Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 12/27/2014

Saint Herman's West Youth Conference Publishes Its Schedule - 12/05/2014

Saint Herman's West Youth Conference publishes the schedule for its VIII confernce held in at Saint George Russian Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City, Utah, from December 22nd to 26th, 2014. 

Participants are requested to register by Monday December 8th. 

Saint Herman's West Youth Conference Publishes Its Schedule - 12/05/2014

30th Anniversary Celebration weekend at the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Parish - 11/27/2014

Honolulu, Hawaii - November 22 & 23, 2014

The Holy Theotokos of Iveron Church in Honolulu, Hawaii, celebrated its 30th Anniversary November 22nd and 23rd, 2014. It was a festive Pan-Orthodox weekend with clergy and faithful from many jurisdictions traveling from afar to participate and attend...

30th Anniversary Celebration weekend at the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Parish in Honolulu, Hawaii - November 22 and 23, 2014 - 11/27/2014

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill Receives Congratulations on His 60th Birthday - 11/24/2014

On November 11/24, 2014, our Ruling Bishop His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill marked his 60th Birthday.

Heartfelt congratulations are offered from the Diocesan Council, clergy and all the faithful of the Western American Diocese with this Jubilee with wishes of health and length of days in service to our Diocese.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill Receives Congratulations on His 60th Birthday - 11/24/2014

Panykhida on Mare Island at 12:00 pm on November 15, 2014 - 11/13/2014

Panykhida on Mare Island at 12:00 pm on November 15, 2014 - 11/05/2014

On Saturday November 15, 2014, His Grace Bishop PETER of Cleaveland will preside over the annual panykhida commemmorating Russian saliors buried at the cemetery on Mare Island at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The panykhida is scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm.

For questions please call the diocesan chancellery at 415-387-8757.


Myrrh-streaming Icon of St. Anna to Visit Diocesan Cathedral - 10/17/2014

The miraculous Icon will come to San Francisco on Nov. 7, 2014.

VIII Annual St. Herman's West Youth Conference - 10/17/2014

Myrrh-streaming Icon of St. Anna to Visit Diocesan Cathedral - 10/17/2014

Coming soon: Spiritual Spring No 5 - 10/16/2014

Western American Diocese Marks 80th Anniversary with a Clergy Banquet - 10/16/2014

On Thursday October 2, 2014, in Monterey, CA, a banquet was held for the clergy and their spouses marking the 80th Anniversary of the Western American Diocese. The event was held in conjunction with the annual fall pastoral retreat and the celebration of the 700th Anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the 50th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John of Kronstadt by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia held at Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA.

Western American Diocese Marks 80th Anniversary with a Clergy Banquet - 10/16/2014

On Thursday October 2, 2014, in Monterey, CA, a banquet was held for the clergy and their spouses marking the 80th Anniversary of the Western American Diocese. The event was held in conjunction with the annual fall pastoral retreat and the celebration of the 700th Anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the 50th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John of Kronstadt by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia held at Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA.

Calistoga Wines is Hosting It's Third Wine Tasting & Auction - 10/06/2014

Calistoga Orthodox Wines was founded by Priest Akim Provotakis, Rector of Saint Simeon of Verhostursk Church of the Western American Diocese in Calistoga, CA.

Calistoga Orthodox Wines has produced a high quality Kagor for use as a chalice wine during the Divine Liturgy. The first vintage was so successful that it is completely sold out. Now, a new one is in production for release in the near future.

Please, support the "Calistoga Wine Tasting Fundraiser and Silent Auction" on Sunday October 12, 2014, from 3-6 pm at the Church of Saint Simeon (1421 Cedar St., Calistoga, CA). The revenue from this event will go towards the continuation of this important endeavor for the Church.

More information or to purchase this high-quality wine see Calistoga Orthodox Wines website.

Official Schedule of the Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese, Fall, 2014 - 09/30/2014


THURSDAY, October 2

  • 4:00 pm: Arrival and Registration at the Embassy Suites (Embassy Suites Monterey Bay, 1441 Canyon Del Rey Blvd, Seaside, CA 93955 )

First Diocesan Youth Project - 09/29/2014

Orthodox Youth Project at St. Martin Church in Corvallis, Oregon

Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 09/29/2014

Love a righteous man, and he will love thee.
-St. Philaret of Moscow

Dear in the Lord fathers and concelebrants, brothers, sisters, and children – good and faithful servants of the Western American Diocese!

“The People Opened up Their Souls” - 09/29/2014

In this interview His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America speaks about his November 2013 trip to Russia and Japan 

Zoya Gradov: Vladyka, please tell us about your trip to Russia and Japan. Was the purpose of the trip related to the disaster in Eastern Russia?

Archbishop Kyrill: As far as the natural disaster, the timing was purely coincidental. The places to which we had been invited - Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Arsenyev - were a great distance from the areas that were afflicted by the flood.

Saints Cyril & Athanasius Institute's First Pilgrimage, United Kingdom, 2014 - 09/28/2014

Report with link to photo galleries

Saints Cyril & Athanasius Institute's First Pilgrimage, United Kingdom, 2014 - 09/28/2014

Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill - 09/26/2014

Love a righteous man, and he will love thee.
-St. Philaret of Moscow


Dear in the Lord fathers and concelebrants, brothers, sisters, and children – good and faithful servants of the Western American Diocese!

This year, 2014, our Russian Orthodox Church is celebrating two anniversaries: 700 years since the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and 50 years since the glorification of the holy and righteous John of Kronstadt by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Epistle: Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill (Sts. Sergius & John) - 09/23/2014

Love a righteous man, and he will love thee.
-St. Philaret of Moscow

Annual Celebration of the Memory of Holy Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia of Murom - 09/10/2014

On September 15, 2013, His Holiness Patriarch Kyril announced the establishment of a feast day dedicated the sacred memory of Holy Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia of Murom to be held annually on the Sunday before September 19 (therefore, this year on Sunday September 14), since this holy couple has been manifest as a pious example of and intercessors for married life.

23rd Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference in Santa Rosa, CA, Announces Schedule - 09/06/2014

The 23rd Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference to be held from October 8 – 12, 2014, is announcing special rates and scheduled activities. Thanks to a grant from the Russian American Women’s League, special rates for hotel registration, including $525.00 for double occupancy, extended through September 7!

Calistoga Orthodox Wines is Hosting its Third "Calistoga Wine Tasting Fundraiser" - 09/06/2014

Calistoga Orthodox Wines was founded by Priest Akim Provotakis, Rector of Saint Simeon of Verhostursk Church of the Western American Diocese in Calistoga, CA. Calistoga Orthodox Wines has produced a high quality Kagor for use as a chalice wine during the Divine Liturgy. The first vintage was so successful that it is completely sold out. Now, a new one is in production for release in the near future.

Announcing an All-Diocesan Celebration-Pilgrimage - 09/05/2014

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill has announced an All-Diocesan Celebration-Pilgrimage to Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Monterey, California, on Saturday the 4th of October, 2014.


Announcing an All-Diocesan Celebration-Pilgrimage - 09/05/2014

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill has announced an All-Diocesan Celebration-Pilgrimage to Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Monterey, California, on Saturday the 4th of October, 2014.

The “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Visited the Western American Diocese this Summer - 08/21/2014

The “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Directress of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, visited the Western American Diocese. She arrived at the end of June, 2014, in time for the opening of the Council of Bishops and the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker celebrated on June 29 of this year.

The “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Visited the Western American Diocese this Summer - 08/21/2014

Decree No 7E/2014 (Sts. Sergius & John) - 08/06/2014

Jubilee Celebration in Monterey, CA, 2014 (Please, scroll down 2 pages upon opening file.)

700 Years from the Birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 50 Years from the Canonization of St. John of Kronstadt & 80 years of the Western American Diocese


All who visit the church remark on the quiet and calm that envelops one as you enter the gates of "Our Lady of Kazan." However, with the passing of time upkeep, maintenance and new provisions are needed so that "Our Lady of Kazan" Church can adequately continue to service our Western American Diocesan flock. We hope that, as the Church interior is restored to a more usable form, we will be able to begin to hold services there more regularly, to build upon the festal services already kept in the temple.

The Bay Area’s first International Russian Choral Music Festival - 07/22/2014

With the blessing of Archbishop Kirill, the Bay Area’s first International Russian Choral Music Festival comes to San Francisco and Berkeley August 3-10, 2014. Four concerts offer a panorama of the exquisite Russian choral music tradition, including rare and new music that has almost never been performed outside Russia. The music ranges from ancient monastic chants to new works, including little-known music from folk and religious traditions, operatic arias and choral arrangements for a Festival Chorus of nearly 100 voices.

The “Kursk-Root” Icon Visits Parishes of the Western American Diocese - 07/11/2014

The "Kursk-Root" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos arrived in the Western American Diocese for the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which convened from the 23 to the 30 of June this year.

Editorial: In the World, but not of the World - 06/29/2014

"In the World, but not of the World"

An Introduction to the Life of Saint John of Shanghai & San Francisco

Biographical Sketch of Archimandrite Nicholas (Olhovsky), Bishop-elect of Mahanttan - 06/26/2014

On June 16/29, during the celebrations surrounding the 20th anniversary of the glorification of St. John of San Francisco, a new bishop for the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia will be consecrated. We offer our readers some information on the episcopal candidate, Archimandrite Nicholas, Bishop-elect of Manhattan and the rite of episcopal consecration as well.

The Opening of the Council of Bishops and News about Saint John’s Day - 06/24/2014

Today, the 24 of June, 2014, the opening of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia took place and sessions will continue through the 1 of July. The meetings are to be convened in the Archbishop Anthony Memorial Library of the Chancellery of Western American Diocese at the Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Church in San Francisco. More information and photographs are available here.

The Official Commemorative Medallion in Honor of Saint John - 06/21/2014

In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker a commemorative medallion has been cast with an image of the Saint.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Addresses the Fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church - 06/17/2014

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia addresses the Fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church.


"There can be nothing more important for us today than the continuing fratricide which is blazing on the territory of Ukraine, taking away more and more lives."

"May special prayers for peace and the overcoming of internecine war tirelessly be made in all our churches, the text of which I gave my blessing today."

First Diocesan Youth Project - 06/16/2014

The Youth Committee of the Western American Diocese has long desired to organize a work project for our youth, to givet them a 'hand's on' opportunity to contribute to the building up of the Church in our Diocese. The paving of a courtyard and pathway was accomplished by our youth at St. Martin Church in Corvallis, OR, from June 16 to 20, with time for recreation on the last day.

Saint Martin Orthodox Church in Corvallis, Oregon, is Inviting Youth for Work and Recreation - 05/30/2014

A Youth Project sponsored by the Youth Department of the Western American Diocese at Saint Martin Orthodox Church in Corvallis, Oregon, is being held from Tuesday June 17 to Thursday June 19, 2014. The event includes paver installation, painting and landscaping, together with social time and an all-day outing to the Oregon Coast. There is no charge for participation in this event. All expenses (excepting travel to and from Corvallis) will be covered by the parish and/or the WAD Youth Department.

The Second Presentation of the Diocesan Journal “Spiritual Spring” - 05/24/2014

On the 24th of May, 2014, at a meeting of the Russian American Women’s League the second Presentation of Spiritual Spring, the official journal of the Western American Diocese took place. The Editor-in-Chief His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, and members of the Editorial Board were met by representatives of the League.

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross 2014 - 05/23/2014

The annual diocesan pilgrimage to Fort Ross, located 11 miles north of Jenner, CA, will take place on Memorial Day, May 26, 2014. The Greeting of the Bishop is scheduled for 9:30 am. After Divine Liturgy there will be a procession to the cemetery and a Litya for the Dead.

Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute First Pilgrimage - 05/14/2014

The Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies is delighted to announce that registration is OPEN NOW for a Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Sites of the United Kingdom, from 2nd-11th September 2014. An extraordinary journey encompassing the ancient as well as modern-day Orthodox life of Britain: there are only 15 places available on the Institute's first ever-pilgrimage.

Banquet Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John of Shanghai and San Franciso - 05/13/2014

Reservations for the solemn banquet held on Sunday June 29th at 3:00 pm commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker are now available online through the website of the Holy Virgin Cathedral "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

Russian Orthodox Church Musician’s Conference to be hosted in Santa Rosa, CA - 05/13/2014

The 23rd Russian Orthodox Church Musician’s Conference will be hosted by Saints Peter and Paul Church in beautiful Santa Rosa, CA, from October 8th to 12th, 2014.

The title of the conference is Fundamentals of Musicianship for the Church Choir and its Conductor, and will focus “on increasing the skill, knowledge, artistic sensitivity, and prayerful execution of church singing, as well as the role of the conductor in building fluidity of harmony, nuances, and choral blend.”

Schedule of the Solemn Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker - 05/12/2014

This year the clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia will solemnly celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of our Father among the Saints John Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of June.

Members of the diocese are undertaking several actions in preparation for this great event.

Consecration of a New Church in the Western American Diocese - 05/04/2014

On Sunday, May 4th, the Great Consecration took place of the new temple of the parish of St. George in Salt Lake City, Utah. The consecration was presided by His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco. 

Epistle: Archbishop Kyrill's Paschal Greeting, 2014 - 04/20/2014

Christ is Risen! 

Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America - 04/18/2014

Christ is Risen!

Paschal Epistle of Archbishop Kyrill

 (For the English version, please scroll to page two)

Concert of Great Lenten Hymns in Burlingame - 04/07/2014

On Sunday March 16, 2014, in Burlingame, CA, at the Church of All Saints of Russia a concert of liturgical music took place, comprised of hymns from the Divine Services of Great Lent and Passion Week.

Schedule of the Rite of Unction for Great Lent, 2014 - 03/19/2014

Schedule of the Rite of Unction performed throughout
the Western American Diocese during Great Lent of 2014:

A Novel “Raven Son” is Released - 03/18/2014

A 5th year seminarian of Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY, Nicholas Kotar of San Francisco (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia), has written a new epic fantasy based on Russian fairy tales and myths entitled "Raven Son". For more information please see the novel's website.

Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin in San Francisco, California - 03/17/2014

During the Second Week of Great Lent the clergy of the Western American Diocese gathered together for a retreat of prayer, lectures and spiritual fellowship from Monday the 10th to Wednesday the 12th of this year. 

The clergy observed the full cycle of Lenten Divine Services, including the prayers of St. Ephraim the Syrian, as the fathers took turns both reading and chanting on kliros, and conducting the the Divine Services from the Ambo. 

Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese - 03/16/2014

The Lenten pastoral retreat of the Western American Diocese is scheduled from Monday the 17 to Wednesday the 19 of March, 2014, at the Old Holy Virgin Cathedral located at 864 Fulton Street in San Francisco.

Wednesday Lenten Gatherings at St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Church - 03/16/2014

The annual Lenten Retreat that has been held at Holy Virgin Cathedral over the past several years cannot be organized this year due to the pressures of planning for the large-scale forthcoming events of the 20th Anniversary celebrations of St John, the Sobor of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the XIII All-Diaspora Youth Conference.

A Choral Recital of Sacred Music - 03/12/2014

A concert-choral recital of sacred music by the parish choir of the Church of All Russian Saints will take place at 744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, on Sunday, March 16, at 1 PM.

The program will feature works that will be sung at our services during Great Lent and Passion Week.

Admission is free; seating will be limited, on a first -come basis.

Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference: The Role of Women in the Church - 03/11/2014

At the latest Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference held on the 22 to the 26 of December, 2013, at the Russian New Martyrs Church in Mulino, OR, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) and Matushka Natalie Henderson gave a presentation on "The Role of Women in the Church."

The XIII All-Diaspora Youth Conference in San Francisco from June 27 to July 4 - 03/10/2014

The XIII All-Diaspora Youth Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is being organized under the theme: "In the Footsteps of St. John." This conference will be dedicated to missionary work on the basis of social services and volunteer charity work and will be taking place during the All-Bishops Council and the Feast Day of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker as this year marks the 20th anniversary of his Canonization.

Sunday of Orthodoxy, Archbishop Kyrill Presides - 03/09/2014

On March 9, 2014, the First Sunday of Great Lent, the "Triumph of Orthodoxy with the Anathema Service" was performed in the New Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

Metropolitan Hilarion Issues a Statement in Connection With the Continuing Turmoil in Ukraine - 02/27/2014

In light of the continued turmoil and unrest that have beset the Ukrainian land, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, released the following statement on February 26, 2014:

Having observed with grief and great concern the political upheavals in Ukraine, we ask that the faithful of the Russian Church Abroad strengthen their prayers for peace and the restoration of lawfulness among our brothers and sisters in that country. In this crucial time, when the Ukrainian people are searching for and trying to formulate a national identity, it is our fervent hope that they put at the head of the corner of this identity their Orthodox Faith, which has guided their fathers for over a thousand years. We, the faithful of the Russian Church Abroad living in America, regardless of our ethnic identity are all deeply connected to Kiev through our Enlightener, the Great Prince Vladimir. His decision to baptize the Kievan people led to the establishment of Holy Rus', which cultivated a great multitude of ascetics and saints, including St Herman of Alaska, who followed in St Vladimir's footsteps when he brought the Light of Christ to North America.

Statement from the Head of the House of Romanoff on the Recent Events in Ukraine - 02/27/2014

A Statement
From the Head of the Russian Imperial House
H.I.H. Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
On the Recent Events in Ukraine


The recent tragic events in Ukraine have filled my heart with enormous grief and sorrow.

It was not long ago, while visiting the ancient city of Kiev - the cradle of Slavic statehood - and the glorious and heroic Crimea, that I was filled with joy at seeing how Ukrainians of such different ethnic backgrounds, religious convictions, and social and political views all nonetheless maintain peaceful... 

Prayers for the Health of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis - 02/26/2014

Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters of the Western American Diocese and all readers of our website,

We request your heartfelt prayers for the health and recovery of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis, a pious and long-standing cleric of our diocesan cathedral. He has been visited by a dire illness. Please, support Father Nicholas by your prayerful petitions during this hour of trial for him and his family.

The Sacrament of Unction is scheduled to be performed...

Prayer Service “For The Increase of Love” - 02/22/2014

In relation to the political events that are now transpiring in the Ukraine, and with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, on Sunday the 23 of February at 5 pm a moleben "For the Increase of Love" will be served at Holy Virgin Cathedral.

Following the molebien a "Litya for the Departed" will be served.

+Bishop Theodosy of Seattle

Announcement in Russian

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Appeals for Pacification in the Ukraine - 02/21/2014

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America requests that the following Patriarchal Address be read in all of the monasteries and parishes of our diocese on Sunday February 23 of this year.

The “Iveron Hawaiian” Myrrh-streaming Icon Visits Los Angeles - 02/09/2014

During the weekend of February 8-9, the Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Iveron Icon visited Southern California, brought by her guardian, Reader Nektary Yangston.

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of Los Angeles regularly holds Divine Liturgies on Saturdays, and on Saturday February 8th, a special blessing was imparted with the presence of the icon. The Rector, Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff presided, co-served by Cathedral clerics Priest Roman Katyshev, and Protodeacon Andre Karobkoff. 

The Diocesan Journal "Spiritual Spring" - 02/09/2014

Just over a year ago a new journal appeared – "Spiritual Spring" – an official medium of the Western American Diocese.

“Spiritual Spring” is a periodical addressed not only to members of the Orthodox faith but anyone interested in learning more about Russia’s spiritual heritage. The magazine provides a variety of perspectives and experiences, appealing to a broad range of interests and demographics. Thematically, the journal covers all...

Saints Cyril & Athanasius Institute is Offering a Symposium - 02/05/2014

The Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute is offering its third set of Symposia this month, in two different California locations: in San Francisco on the 15th and 16th, and in the Los Angeles area (Riverside) on the 22nd and the 23rd. The theme of each is the same - "Martyrdom in the Christian Life: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow".

Decree No 4E/2014 (prayers for rain) - 01/31/2014

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America has issued Decree No 4/2014, in which it has been mandated that "An Office in Time of Drought" be performed at the end of the Divine Liturgy on February 2 of this year. The text of the Decree may be found here.

A Letter from the Secretary of the Synod of Bishops to the Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops in North and Central America - 01/29/2014

On January 15 of this year the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia published a Letter from the Secretary of her Synod of Bishops, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill. This Letter is addressed to the Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops in North and Central America, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios.

Archbishop Kyrill Visits Mexico - 01/20/2014

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill visited the Deanery of Mexico from January 17 to 20 of this year.

On Friday January 17th His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill arrived in Mexico City where he was greeted by clergy of the Deanery of Mexico, as well as by the church warden of the local parish His Excellency Prince Alexander Saitcevsky, who hosted a dinner in honor of His Eminence.

VII Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference Video Material - 01/09/2014

Please, find below video material from the VII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference held at New Russian Martyrs Church in Mulino, OR, from December 22 to 26, 2013.

The first video offers an overview of the conferenceand the second has the lecture read by Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) "Prayer in Our Daily Life."

Epistle: Nativity Greeting of Archbishop Kyrill, 2014 - 01/07/2014

The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, 25 December 2013 / 7 January 2014.

VII Annual Saint Herman’s West Youth Conference - 01/04/2014

The VII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference was organized by the Western American Diocese Youth Department from December 22 to 26, 2013, under the direction of Archpriest Boris Henderson, Rector of All Saints of Russia Orthodox Church in Denver, CO. Father Boris has many years of experience working with youth and in organizing this event. He himself was a participant in the Saint Herman Youth Conferences as a young man and then as a priest for many years assisted in such conferences on the East Coast.

Western American Diocese Website is Re-opened - 01/01/2014

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America we announce the re-opening of the diocesan website.

With deep gratitude we acknowledge the service and dedication provided by...

Interview: Archbishop Kyrill's Visit to the Far East with the Kursk-Root Icon - 11/23/2013

"The People Opened Up Their Souls"

Decree No 14E/2013 (Sts. Peter & Febronia) - 08/08/2013

Annual Commemoration of Sts. Peter & Febronia of Murom

Editorial: 400 Years of the Romanov Dynasty - 07/17/2013

400 Years of the Romanov Dynasty

Epistle: Archbishop Kyrill's Paschal Greeting, 2013 - 05/05/2013

Paschal Epistle, 2013

Great Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Clergy of the Western American Diocese - 03/05/2025
2025 Registration Open for All Students - 02/11/2025
Support St. John's Academy: Preserve Faith & Education - 12/17/2024
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