Western American Diocese
Western American Diocese
Patronal Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA

On Wednesday, July 12, 2023, the clergy and parishioners of Saint Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA, celebrated their Patronal Feast Day.

His Grace THEODOSY Bishop of Seattle presided. Concelebrating with him were Father Rector, Archpriest Alexander Krassovsky, Archpriest Lawrence Margitich (Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church, Santa Rosa, CA, OCA), Protodeacon Anton Koval (Holy Virgin Cathedral, San Francisco) and Deacon Athanasius Ferguson.

The following photo album displays moments during the Divine Liturgy, the cross procession, and the festa meal that followed.

Photogallery of Saints Peter & Paul Day in Santa Rosa, CA

Saints Peter & Paul in Santa Rosa, CA, Bishop Theodosy of Seattle Presiding - 07/12/2023

(37 images)

Video Clip of the Feast Day Liturgy
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