His Grace JAMES Bishop of Sonora is slated to preside over the Patronal Feast Day of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA
Schedule of Divine Services:
Monday, July 31 at 6:00 pm –– All-night Vigil
Tuesday, August 1 at 9:00 am –– Greeting of the Bishop, Divine Liturgy, Cross Precession, and festal meal
Driving Directions:
Canyon Del Rey Blvd & Francis Avenue:
The temple is by Laguna Grande Park on Canyon del Rey Blvd., across from its intersection with Francis Ave. and from the DMV. From Highway 1, take the 218 / Del Rey Oaks / Seaside exit and head East (away from the beach). After the 4th stoplight (at Hilby Ave.), turn right into the park. The temple is immediately on the right-hand side.